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在多特蒙德举行的 Akkordeonale 2021年手风琴节将举行 - 德国

Servais Haanen由于德国在疫情封锁中,2020年 Akkordeonale 国际手风琴节已被取消。

2021年Akkordeonale 活动将于2021年4月29日在德国多特蒙德的Domicil爵士与布鲁斯俱乐部举行。组织者已做出更改,以确保2021年活动继续进行并采取病毒应对措施!

Almost all musicians for the original 2021 lineup were from abroad and it is by no means certain that they will be allowed to enter next April, so organisers have put together a new programme with musicians who all live in Germany.

Cathrin Pfeifer who performs pieces from various regions around the world, incorporating complex rhythms and jazzy arrangements and improvisations. She fascinates her audience with her very own unusual way of getting sounds out of the accordion.

Alex de Almeida, accordionist, composer and producer from Southern Brazil has found his new home in Karlsruhe. His compositions are an explosive cocktail of different musical genres, such as the Brazilian folk music forró, rock and jazz. He is passionate about the fusion of different rhythms.

Serbian Jordan Djevic combines Balkan traditions with classical influences, jazz and evergreens. His music is his religion, his way of playing resembles a ritual that makes him stand out.

Servais Haanen (Germany/Netherlands and organizer of the Akkordeonale, picture right), composes and arranges the festival’s ensemble pieces and guides the audience through the programme. For a long time now, he has been working on pushing the boundaries of what his accordion can do, integrating elements of New Music, minimalistic structures and other unusual and exceptional sounds.

The programme from 2020 has been moved to 2022, and the musicians from 2021 are now coming in 2023. Tickets that have already been purchased will of course remain valid or will be refunded at the respective ticket office.

For details email: info@domicil-dortmund.de
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