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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 06-Mar-2020
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2020年冬季大会和第143届代表大会 - 捷克共和国
Beltango Quinteto 奥地利之游
乔治·华盛顿,生日快乐! - 美国
NOVAM手风琴管弦乐队音乐节,22个乐团 - 荷兰


法兰克福音乐节2020推迟 - 德国
艺术奖金支持手风琴博物馆 Castelfidardo - 意大利
成功的NAO泰晤士河地区音乐节和特别奖 - 英国


Tutto a Dio 二重奏组和 Neringa Radėnaitė 的29场巡回演唱会
Stas Venglevski Presents 5 Concerts/Workshops in 5 days, Washington, DC - USA
Duo Fisarco Launch Concerts - UK
Accordionist Ivan Tecla at Quiosque Do Alemao - Brazil
Linlithgow 艺术协会音乐会上的 Kosmos 合奏团 - 苏格兰
手风琴家 Pietro Roffi 在“皮诺曹”演出 - 意大利
Mixed Instruments Workshop in Ettrickbridge - UK
莫斯科国际音乐厅音乐会 - 俄罗斯
Victor Prieto Jazz Accordion Master Classes – Spain


NZAA网站已更新:NZ Coupe Mondiale 参赛者的世界手风琴日募捐活动 - 新西兰
Accordion-YellowPages.com 网站可免费登录并会发布手风琴活动 -- Cyberspace
Kateryna Pylypenko 的新音乐 - 乌克兰

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2020年冬季大会和第143届代表大会 - 捷克共和国

2020 Winter Congress header
Mirco Patarini, Kimmo MattilaJirí Lukeš, Kevin Friedrich2月28日至3月1日,国际手风琴联合会 Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) ,主席 Mirco Patarini ,秘书长 Kimmo Mattila 在捷克共和国布拉格举办了第143届代表大会和冬季大会。冬季大会由 CIA 投票成员布拉格音乐学院主办,由 Jirí Lukeš 负责担任指导。活动计划:2020Winter.pdf

除了 CIA 大会,行政和音乐委员会会议以外,为期三天的活动还包括音乐会,教育活动和社交活动等项目。其中最重要的是一场纪念 Milan Bláha 和 Václav Trojan 的音乐会,会上的贵宾也会包括 Bláha 夫人和小 Václav Trojan 。此外,捷克音乐公司 Harmonikas 、Delicia 和 Techgal 还举办了一场捷克手风琴音乐会,一次对捷克音乐对参观。捷克手风琴协会还举办了河上夜游和晚宴。

在大会会议期间,还有许多其他活动,包括组织即将举行的 Coupe Mondiale 节和冬季大会会议以及其他业务活动。 CIA 迎来了五个新的投票成员:
*波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 - 艺术家协会(Bijeljina);
*保加利亚 - 音乐,舞蹈和美术学院(Plovdiv);
法国 - 法国国家手风琴国际中心( CNIMA J.Mornet );
*韩国 - 韩国手风琴协会
*斯洛文尼亚 - 斯洛文尼亚手风琴家协会(Starše)。

CIA 大使的职位(自2009年起担任执行顾问)已转变为执行委员会的正式投票成员。最初任命的 Kevin Friedrich 由国际手风琴家与教师协会 Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG) 提名,并被一致选举产生,以继续担任这一新改组的大使职位。

为期三天的活动吸引了来自世界各地的35多位代表,并取得了巨大的成功,捷克 CIA 投票成员布拉格音乐学院因其出色的组织能力和热情的接待而获得了许多赞誉。

有关 CIACoupe Mondiale 的更多信息可在网上找到,并会在宣布信息和活动后定期进行更新。
Congress attendees and concert performers


Beltango Quinteto 奥地利之游

Beltango Quinteto
Beltango Quinteto 本月将前往奥地利进行巡回演出,并会举办各种流行音乐会。

Beltango 由教授,手风琴家和作曲家 Aleksandar Nikolic 于1998年在塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德成立。 Quinteto Beltango 会演奏各式探戈作品,包括传统探戈作品, Astor Piazzolla 探戈新舞趋势和现代探戈的组成。他们还展示了自己的 “Balkango” 作品中的 Beltango曲。

They have been equally successful in performing on large concert podiums, symphonic halls, theatre stages, classical chamber halls, tango balls, gran milongas, festivals as well as in other places where the spirit of tango revives. Argentina, Germany, France, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Canada, Switzerland, Italy, Greece, Malta, Austria, Poland, Turkey, Slovenia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Macedonia and Montenegro are just some of the countries in which Beltango Quinteto has performed with great success. In fact, in their 20 years of artistic activities they have played more than 900 concerts in around 30 countries.

Quinteto Beltango 是唯一受布宜诺斯艾利斯文化部邀请在“世界探戈节-布宜诺斯艾利斯,2007”上表演的欧洲探戈乐团。他们还与贝尔格莱德探戈协会(Belgrade Tango Association)合作,举办了10年的贝尔格莱德国际探戈节(2004 - 2013)。


3月19日: Viennese Accordion Festival, Ehrbar-Saal, 8pm
3月20日: Vaz der Arbeiterkammer NÖ, 7.30pm - 40 Years of International Accordion Concerts in Neunkirchen
3月21日: Bad Leonfelden, Haus am Ring, 7.30pm
3月28日: Steyr, Pfarrsaal, 9pm
3月29日: St. Andrä, Rathausfestsaal, 5pm

更多演唱会详情请发邮件至: info@beltango.com


乔治·华盛顿,生日快乐! - 美国

US Air Force Band
Below: Recent US Air Force Band videos with Senior Master Sergeant Busso:

Senior Master Sergeant Frank Busso上图:弗农山上的美国空军乐队,美国空军漫步弦乐队全体成员。


精选演奏曲目包括 Jay Ungar 的“Ashokan Farewell”,Aaron Copland 的“Rodeo”芭蕾舞剧中的“ Hoe Down”,Michael Jackson 的“Billie Jean”和James Brown的“I Feel Good”。

空军漫步弦乐队的手风琴家是来自美国纽约史泰登岛的高级中士 Frank Busso

他的下一个公开演出将与美国空军乐队的凯尔特 Aire 合奏,于3月6日至8日在达拉斯北德克萨斯爱尔兰节举行,得克萨斯州,美国。
Senior Master Sergeant Frank Busso


NOVAM手风琴管弦乐队音乐节,22个乐团 - 荷兰

Muziekcentrum van de Omroep
NOVAM posterNOVAM(Nederloadse Organisatie Voor Accordeon en Mondharmonica)节将于2020年4月26日在希尔弗瑟姆山巷的 Muziekcentrum van de Omroep(上图)举行。






法兰克福音乐节2020推迟 - 德国

musikmesse logoMusikmesse 音乐博物馆每年约会吸引有56000名参观者,近1000家参展商前来参观。

法兰克福展览有限公司执行董事会成员 Detlef Braun 表示:“2020年,法兰克福公共卫生部门要求进行健康检查,以防止 Covid-19 病毒的进一步传播,而法兰克福展览无法对如此多的人实施这样的措施。”

因此,Musikmesse 2020已无限期推迟。 新日期将在不久的将来宣布。 访客门票仍然有效。

欲了解更多详情,请致电:+49 69 7575-6335


艺术奖金支持手风琴博物馆 Castelfidardo - 意大利

Museum Castelfidardo
手风琴博物馆 Museum Castelfidardo 大楼经过40年后进行了翻新,将于2020年5月9日重新开放。每年约有15,000人前来参观,使手风琴博物馆 Museum Castelfidardo 成为了马尔凯地区最受欢迎的场所之一。

Castelfidardo 市政府成立了一项艺术奖金,该活动将使捐助者能够以65%的税收抵免形式利用可观的税收优惠,以捐款支持文化。 捐赠形式如下:

Beneficiary: Municipality of Castelfidardo
IBAN: IT11N0200837281000040883886
Purpose: Art Bonus - Municipality of Castelfidardo - International Accordion Museum - Entering tax code or VAT number of the patron / subscriber

The refurbishment includes the creation of additional display cases, an updated and modern exhibition, the installation of equipment such as a projector, awning, computer and LED monitor.

The musuem writes: If you love the accordion, help us to complete the Museum with the Art Bonus project.


成功的NAO泰晤士河地区音乐节和特别奖 - 英国

NAO banner, Eddie Giffney, Alison Worthington, John Cumiskey
Trophies上图,从左到右:Eddie Giffney(评判员),Alison Worthington(组织者)和 John Cumiskey(MC)。

2月29日,英国再次下起了雨,而 NAO Thames 地区音乐节提供了一个保持干燥的机会。提供的节目包括独奏、二重奏、合奏和管弦乐比赛,从贝多芬(Beethoven)、斯卡拉蒂(Scarlatti)、加利亚诺(Galliano)到电视剧(《权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones)),再到电影配乐(《欢乐满院》(Mary Poppins)和《辛德勒的名单》(Schindler’s List))。

The adjudicator this year was Eddie Giffney, who has recently moved from New Zealand to London, UK. He is a multi-instrumentalist and received his Masters of Music with Distinction from the Royal College of Music. He has achieved considerable success on three instruments: piano, accordion and harpsichord. He has competed at the Coupe Mondiale and has twice been the South Pacific and New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA) Champion on the classical accordion.

There was a record number of orchestras attending this year, with 5 orchestras entering 6 different classes. It provided for an exceptional afternoon of music, with a variety of genres to please everyone.

Three awards were presented:

Bridget Cumiskey Trophy:- Highest Mark for Solo/Duet - awarded to Ann-Claire Herr

The James Mullally Cup:- For outstanding performance and encouragement - awarded to Sylvester Maschi.

The London Accordion Cup:- Highest Mark for Ensemble/Orchestra - awarded to Amici.

Pictures below:
- Amici, left to right - Marion Szuman, Melanie Wright, Ben Smith, Richard Cotmore, Ruth Matthews and Cheryl Beasley.
- Kennet Accordion Orchestra
Amici, Kennet Accordion Orchestra



Tutto a Dio 二重奏组和 Neringa Radėnaitė 的29场巡回演唱会

Tutto a Dio
Video 1:

Video 2:
Tutto a DioNeringa Radenaite视频1:Tango pour Claude - “Tutto a Dio”
视频2:Augustinas 在2018 Coupe Mondiale 第一轮比赛中。

包括 Greta Staponkute-Rakau (中提琴)和 Augustinas Rakauskas (手风琴)在内的 Tutto a Dio 二重奏组写道: "今年(3月11日)是立陶宛独立30周年,我们创建了一个特别的项目。

第一部分是立陶宛的音乐编排和原创作品,第二部分主要是探戈,包括 Astor Piazzolla 的许多作品。这就是为什么我们称这一系列音乐会为“Baltic Tango”。庆祝立陶宛30周年的目标是进行30场巡回演唱会,包括在美国、加拿大、瑞士和立陶宛的演唱会。”

One club had to cancel at the last moment so this is why you see 29 concerts listed below.

"Tutto a Dio" duet has held recitals in California, Meine, Florida, the Consulate General of Lithuania in New York (USA), Switzerland, Latvia, Luxembourg, Italy, Bulgaria, Greece.

The Duo has achieved international competition sucess at the “Coupe Mondiale in 2017and 2018”.

2020 "Baltic Tango" Performances include:
Greta Staponkute-Rakau (viola), Augustinas Rakauskas (accordion), Neringa Radenaite (soprano):

1. February 25th., 6 pm., GSTAAD (Switzerland)
2. February 28th., 12 pm., Nashua Public Library, NASHUA, NEW HAMPSHIRE (USA)
3. February 28th., 6 pm., Rodgers Memorial Library, HUDSON, NEW HAMPSHIRE (USA)
4. February 29th., 12 pm., St. Mass, 13 pm, Concert KENNEBUNK, MAINE (USA)
5. February 29th., 7 pm., Maironis Park, WORCESTER, MASSACHUSSETTS (USA)
6. March 1st., 1 pm., Lithuanian Hall, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND (USA)
7. March 3rd., 8 pm., The Resurrection Monastery, TORONTO, ONTARIO (Canada)
8. March 4th., 5:30 pm., Vilnius Manor House, TORONTO, ONTARIO (Canada)
9. March 6th., 1 pm., Private event at the Lithuanian Embassy, OTTAWA, ONTARIO (Canada)
10. March 7th., 2 pm., Dawn Gate Parish Hall, MONTREAL, QUEBEC (Canada)
11. March 8th., 1 pm., Lithuanian Music Hall, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA (USA)
12. March 10th., 4 pm., 5500 Grossmont Center Dr, La Mesa SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA (USA)
13. March 10th., 6:30 pm., 5500 Grossmont Center Dr, La Mesa, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA (USA)
14. March 11th., 8 pm., First Christian Church of North HOLLYWOOD, L.A. CALIFORNIA (USA)
15. March 12th., 7:15 pm., The Runaway Restaurant, NAPA, CALIFORNIA (USA)
16. March 13th., 7:30 pm., Welcome Grange at 3275 Hagen Road, NAPA, CALIFORNIA (USA)
17. March 14th., 2 pm., 1st Congregational Church, SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA (USA)
18. March 15th., 3 pm., Chetcuti Community room, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA (USA)
19. March 17th., 5 pm., “The Hamilton” 555 Byron St., PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA (USA)
20. March 19th., 7:30 pm., NAA Convention Hayatt Regency Hotel North Dallas, Richardson, TEXAS
21. March 20th., 7 pm., 280 DonOre Rd., SALT SPRING ISLAND (CANADA)
22. March 21st., 8 pm., UVic Legacy Art Gallery, VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA (CANADA)
23. March 22nd., 3 pm., 1812 9th Ave, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON (USA)
24. March 22nd., 7 pm., Ronald United Methodist Church, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON (USA)
25. March 23rd., Accordion Workshop, Petosa Accordions, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON (USA)
26. March 27th., 7 pm., Accordion Recital, Lithuanian Hall, EDMONTON, (CANADA)
27. March 28th., 5:30 pm., Accordion Recital, Lithuanian Cultural Society, CALGARY, (CANADA)
28. April 2nd., 12.30 pm., Caecilia Hall, GENEVA (SWITZERLAND)
29. April 16th., Gariunai Hall, VILNIUS (LITHUANIA)


Stas Venglevski Presents 5 Concerts/Workshops in 5 days, Washington, DC - USA

Stas VenglevskiAcclaimed bayanist, Stas Venglevski, will begin a five day, five performance tour this month, starting on March 11th in Maryland. This first concert will be held at a prestigious independent living facility in Sykesville, Maryland. The following day he will perform in Washington, DC at a special event sponsored by the Embassy of Moldova, Stas’s birthplace.

On March 13th, Stas will perform at another prestigious independent living facility in Frederick, MD.

The weekend will include two concerts/workshops, the first, sponsored by Accordion Renaissance, will take place in Suffolk, Virginia on Saturday, and the second, sponsored by the Washington Metropolitan Accordion Society (WMAS), will take place in Falls Church, Virginia on Sunday. The WMAS concert is open to the public.


Duo Fisarco Launch Concerts - UK

Duo Fisarco
Accordionist Ben de Souza and violinist Chloë Meade are pleased to announce the launch of Duo Fisarco! The pair have been playing together for 18 months but from now on will be performing under their new name.

Future concerts are:

March 7th: A Musical Medley at 7.30pm at Horfield Methodist Church, Churchways Avenue, Bristol.

March 13th: Lunchtime recital at 1.30pm at The New Room, The Horsefair, Bristol. Free entry

March 28th: Concert with the Birmingham Festival Choral Society at 7.30pm at The Ruddock Centre, King Edward’s School, Edgbaston Park Road, Birmingham.

For details email: ba.desouza@yahoo.co.uk


Accordionist Ivan Tecla at Quiosque Do Alemao - Brazil

Henzo poster
Accordionist Ivan Tecla will entertain with vocalist Henzo Delucca at live music venue Quiosque Do Alemao in Praia dos namorados, Americana, Sao Paulo on March 8th.

Ivan plays regularly with the popular vocalist.

For details phone: +55 19 99234-5351


Linlithgow 艺术协会音乐会上的 Kosmos 合奏团 - 苏格兰

Kosmos Ensemble
视频:Astor Piazzolla 的 Libertango。 Worthing 交响乐团与 Kosmos 合奏团合奏,奇切斯特节,奇切斯特大教堂,2018年7月5日。

Kosmos 合奏团将于3月14日下午7:30在 Linlithgow 学院剧院的 Linlithgow 艺术协会音乐会上演出。

This concert is part of the Linlithgow Arts Guild 50th Anniversary Season of bringing excellence in Live Arts to Linlithgow celebrations.

The ensemble includes Milos Milivojevic (accordion), Harriet MacKenzie (violin) and Meg Hamilton (viola).

For details email: kosmos@kosmosensemble.com


手风琴家 Pietro Roffi 在“皮诺曹”演出 - 意大利

Pinocchio poster
Pietro Roffi手风琴家 Pietro Roffi (右图)将与 Dario Marianelli 以及 Roma Tre 乐团(由 Ferdinando Sulla 指挥)一起演奏 Pinocchio (皮诺曹)。 该活动将于3月17日晚上9点在意大利罗马的 Teatro Palladium 剧院举行。



Mixed Instruments Workshop in Ettrickbridge - UK

Ians music weekends
Ian LowthianIan Lowthian (picture right) will hold the first 2020 Mixed Instruments weekend workshop on March 28th and 29th. The weekend will take place in Ettrickbridge in the heart of the beautiful Scottish Borders and will include a concert on the Sunday afternoon.

Ian will send out music in advance so you can be prepared to arrange and rehearse on the Saturday and Sunday morning in preparation for the Sunday concert.

The locals love these event and all proceeds will go to charity.

For details email: ianlowthian@yahoo.co.uk


莫斯科国际音乐厅音乐会 - 俄罗斯

Moscow poster
2020年4月22日,俄罗斯著名的莫斯科国际音乐学院(下图)将举办一场以 Astor Piazzolla 的音乐和 Gabriel Garcia Marquez 的作品为特色的音乐会。

表演的音乐家包括 Sergey Osokin (手风琴),Dmitry Selipanov(钢琴),Vladimir Troitsky(小提琴),Igor Ivanushkin(低音提琴),Alexander Botvinkin(打击乐)和 Nina Shatskaya(歌手)。
Moscow International House of Music


Victor Prieto Jazz Accordion Master Classes – Spain

Prieto poster
Victor Prieto performs his original "Six Note Samba" live as part of The Checkout - Live at Berklee.

Registrations are now open for the VII International Jazz Accordion and Modern Harmony Master Classes with Victor Prieto at Centro Cultural Marcos Varcarcel in Ourense, Spain on July 11th & 12th and 18th & 19th, 2020.

There will be an open jam session at the "Cafe Cultural Auriense" jazz club on July 13th so all the participants can play with other instruments, experiment, socialize and have a great time performing in front of an audience.

The Master Class will cover Improvisation in different styles and understanding scales (pop, rock, bolero & jazz), comping: How to form chords, close position, open position, Upper structures, Poly-Chords: "Chord Approach on both hands", Styles - How to phrase and comp: Jazz, blues, Brazilian, traditional tango, new Tango and other styles of modern harmony, How to work and what to do in a recording studio when you get only chord changes.

Attendees will also watch videos and analyze them. A book with material will be given to each student for further studies and review (to take home) and they will practice and perform with a rhythm section (bass and drums).

There are 9 positions available. If interested please send a video recording of your solo or group performance to: info@victorprieto.net You will be notified if you have been selected to participate.



NZAA网站已更新:NZ Coupe Mondiale 参赛者的世界手风琴日募捐活动 - 新西兰

WAD poster
WAD logoNZAA网站已更新: 新西兰手风琴协会 New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA) 通过举办音乐会赞助世界手风琴日 (World Accordion Day) ,以支持新西兰参赛者参加 2020 Coupe Mondiale ,她们分别是 Jessie Chen,Catrina Lin和Angela Chen的音乐会。

音乐会将于5月6日(星期三),即世界手风琴日 (World Accordion Day) 那天开始,于下午7点在 Belmont School Road 4 的 Rose Theatre 举行。 点击下载海报:2020nz-wad.pdf

赞助演出的团体包括由 Lionel Reekie 指挥的奥克兰手风琴交响乐团,由 Christine Johnstone 指挥的北岸音乐制作者手风琴乐队以及由 Megan Jennings 指挥的北岸音乐剧手风琴乐队。

音乐会的压轴作品将由特别嘉宾 Grayson Masefield 为大家呈献。

音乐会将被录制并上传到世界手风琴日 (World Accordion Day) 的网站上,也将会成为世界各地庆祝 1829年5月6日(手风琴由 Cyrillius Demien 首次在奥地利维也纳申请专利)的其他活动的一部分。
WAD header


Accordion-YellowPages.com 网站可免费登录并会发布手风琴活动 -- Cyberspace

Accordion-YellowPages.com header

Accordion-YellowPages.com 网站 (The accordion yellow pages) 的未来活动(Future Events)日程表在环球手风琴网站 (accordions.com ) 每周新闻的右手边有链接展示,共7种语言版本,也收录在美国手风琴新闻 (USA News) 和 Diatonic News 中。

每年都会有大量的读者浏览手风琴黄页 (accordion yellow pages) 的未来活动,希望所有的手风琴活动组织者都能充分利用这项免费服务,让手风琴社区了解更多的信息。

任何的不便于网上浏览的组织者可把他们的信息通过电子邮件发送至: harleyaccordion@yahoo.com


Kateryna Pylypenko 的新音乐 - 乌克兰

Rainbow AnimalsKateryna Pylypenko乌克兰的手风琴家,诗人,艺术家和作曲家 Kateryna Pylypenko 发表了她的第一部著作。

目录: pylypenko101Kateryna Pylypenko 创作的手风琴曲“Rainbow Animals”。

Rainbow Animals 是专为小学生设计的现代手风琴专辑。 专辑包括7种不同样式的曲目。 29页的音乐和艺术图案。 请在线上查找试听音乐样本。

如果您订购 Rainbow Animals pdf格式电子书,您还将免费获得作曲家演奏的7首完整作品的音乐文件。

目录: pylypenko102 Le Onde 手风琴曲,由 Ludovico Einaudi 创作,
Kateryna Pylypenko 抄录。


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