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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 13-Mar-2020
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2020 Coupe Mondiale 演讲,马林堡 - 葡萄牙
手风琴家晋级到“Prodigios”比赛的最后两个比赛中 - 西班牙
“国际手风琴音乐会40周年庆典在Neunkirchen举办” – 奥地利
第58届新英格兰音乐节,向 Rita Barnea 致敬,马萨诸塞州 - 美国


活动取消通知 - 第57届 Klingenthal 国际手风琴比赛 - 德国
Zoe Tiganouria 向歌手 Stelios Kazantzidis 致敬 - 希腊
Postponed - 2020 Val Tidone Music Competitions – Italy
Augustinas Rakauskas, Lithuanian Independence Celebration - USA
第13届年度午后音乐与Kevin Friedrich和朋友们一起的门票正在火速销售中 – 新西兰
早期音乐教育的重要性 - 意大利
古典手风琴家 George Secor 与世长辞 - 美国


Marko Kassl Performs in “Russ” Cinderella Ballet - Germany
Stanislav Angelov Entertains at Harvest Festival – South Africa
Cancelled - Geoff Berner Concert Tour Going Ahead - Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands
“Good Habits” March Tour to New Zealand
Mario Tacca at Feast of Saint Joseph, Paterson, NJ – USA
AKKO四重奏组在“音乐无极限”音乐节上演出 - 乌克兰
全俄罗斯的巴扬、手风琴和口琴日,莫斯科 – 俄罗斯
Mabon 2020 “Last Huzzah” Tour – UK
2020 Prato Accordion Festival – Italy
澳大利亚手风琴锦标赛场地和日期更新 - 澳大利亚


Tutto a Dio 二重奏组和 Neringa Radėnaitė 的29场巡回演唱会
你打算为世界手风琴日做些什么呢? - 全球

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Christine Johnstone尊敬的各位手风琴家和手风琴爱好者们,

很不幸,由于新型冠状病毒的传播,导致许多国际手风琴活动推迟或取消,特别是在中国和欧洲的活动。 我们需要活动组织者将这些信息告知我们,以便让所有读者知道。

其他许多活动,特别是地区性的活动仍在进行中,环球手风琴( Accordions Worldwide )的每周新闻会继续向您通报这些情况。

请通过电子邮箱发送电子邮件至:cjmusic@outlook.co.nz ,来告诉我们您即将举行的音乐会,CD发行,比赛,节日,表演等活动的详细信息。


来自环球手风琴( Accordions Worldwide )。


2020 Coupe Mondiale 演讲,马林堡 - 葡萄牙

2020 Coupe Mondiale header
Tourism Video:
Mirco PatariniJoão PereiraCIA 驻葡萄牙委员、葡萄牙 Mito Algarvio - Associação de Acordeonistas do Algarve 主席 João Pereira 在最近的 CIA 冬季大会上发表了精彩的演讲。感谢 CIA 主席 Mirco Patarini 提供的演讲报告。

2020 Coupe Mondiale 将于2020年10月5日至11日在葡萄牙的马林堡举行,并将提供20000欧元的奖金。 该报告的一大亮点是绝佳的的比赛场地,优美的风景和气候,以及绝对能够吸引比赛选手的超值客房,每人每晚的费用低至25欧元。

点击以下链接查看令人激动的 2020 Coupe Mondiale 演讲报告的全部内容:


手风琴家晋级到“Prodigios”比赛的最后两个比赛中 - 西班牙


2月28日,环球手风琴( Accordions Worldwide )报道说,手风琴家 Marta Cubas Hondal ( Gorka Hermosa 的学生)从200名报名选手中脱颖而出,被选中参加下一轮“Prodigios”(西班牙国家电视台的“Got Talent”版本)的节目演出。

Marta 是被选中与交响乐团一起表演的九名学生之一。 Gorka Hermosa 为她准备了适用于管弦乐队的曲目。

随后 Marta 成功地进入了最后三场比赛。

现在,我们很高兴地报道, Marta 参加了这场比赛的最后两场!

Prodigios is a musical talent show produced by Shine Iberia for broadcast on 1 Spanish TV on Saturdays at 22:05h. Held at the Miguel Delibes Auditorium in Valladolid, it seeks the greatest Spanish talent between the ages of 7 and 17 for students of lyrical singing, classical dance and orchestral instruments.

On March 14th she will play “Oblivion” (Piazzolla) in the final round of the competition. Her teacher, Gorka Hermosa feels we are making history: never before has the accordion featured in Prime Time National TV for so many weeks in a row. Congratulations Marta!!!!

For further information email: gorka@gorkahermosa.com


“国际手风琴音乐会40周年庆典在Neunkirchen举办” – 奥地利

Herbert ScheibenreifHerbert Scheibenreif and Friedrich LipsHerbert Scheibenreif 博士(左图)所作的一篇文章有关“Neunkirchen国际手风琴音乐会40周年”以及“这一切是如何开始的,以及奥地利和手风琴的杰出成果”的英文和德文版本在线发表于: 2020-40th.pdf

右图为1990年左右的 Friedrich LipsHerbert Scheibenreif

A concert to celebrate "40 years of International Accordion Concerts in Neunkirchen" will be held in Neunkirchen, Austria on March 20th, 2020.

This concert will include a performance by the Beltango Quinteto (picture above) which includes accordionist Aleksandar Nikolic. The group will entertain with traditional tango to Piazzolla's "Nuevo Tango" and the quintet’s own form of the Balkango.

For concert details email: herbert@accordion-cd.co.at
Beltango Quinteto


第58届新英格兰音乐节,向 Rita Barnea 致敬,马萨诸塞州 - 美国

New England Fest banner
Rita Barnea2020年度新英格兰音乐节包括一项由马萨诸塞州手风琴教师协会(ATAM)赞助的音乐比赛。 该音乐节平均有来自新英格兰各地的1000多名报名选手和600名参赛者参加。

This year’s 58th festival will be held from March 27th to 29th at the Boston Newton Marriott in Newton, Massachusetts. Competition classes include accordion, guitar, bass guitar, drum, percussion, piano, violin and voice in a range of age groups for solo, duet and group categories.

Other events include student workshops for all ages, a “Battle of the Bands” held in the Grand ballroom, an awards banquet is held on Saturday evening with more than 500 in attendance,

马萨诸塞州 ATAM 手风琴教师协会很荣幸地在音乐节上授予 Rita Davidson Barnea 荣誉会员资格称号(左图)。 Rita 在过去的11年中一直担任 USA News 的国家编辑。 该在线月刊涵盖了北美大陆的手风琴活动,艺术家,音乐会,包括视频等各种内容,拥有大量的读者。

All events are free and open to the public. For further details phone:
1-413-204-10 22



活动取消通知 - 第57届 Klingenthal 国际手风琴比赛 - 德国

Klingenthal第57届 Klingenthal 国际手风琴比赛的组织者对参赛者、评委团成员和 Klingenthal 的各位来宾表示深切的抱歉的遗憾,且宣布取消了本计划于2020年5月3日至9日举行的2020年音乐节。





CIA certificate
João Pereira葡萄牙阿尔加威(Algarve)手风琴家协会主席 João Pereira (左图)已被任命为国际手风琴联合会 (CIA) 的副主席,该协会是国际音乐理事会的成员,该理事会是联合国教科文组织的一个非政府组织的官方合作伙伴。

Pereira 说,能够在2020年期间作为阿尔加维的神话 - 阿尔加维手风琴协会的“2020荣誉副主席”进入 CIA 执行委员会,给予了他一种巨大的荣誉感和责任感。

第73届 CIA Coupe Mondiale 将于2020年10月5日至11日在葡萄牙阿尔加威的马林堡举行。


Zoe Tiganouria 向歌手 Stelios Kazantzidis 致敬 - 希腊

Zoe Tiganouria视频:Zoe Tiganouria 通过弦乐四重奏向 Stelios Kazantzidis 致敬

流行手风琴家 Zoe Tiganouria (左图)于3月7日在向希腊歌手 Stelios Kazantzidis (于2001年去世)的致敬音乐会上进行了表演。 该活动是ERT1电视节目“In Songs We Say YES”的一部分,来宾 Vasso Kazantzidis 夫人和家人朋友 Andreas Daniel 先生出席了此次活动。

Zoe Tiganouria 与其他歌手共同合作,进行了弦乐四重奏,合唱团和打击乐器的表演。


Postponed - 2020 Val Tidone Music Competitions – Italy

Livio BollaniArtistic Director of the 2020 Val Tidone Music Competitions, Livio Bollani (picture left) has announced that the competition has regrettably been postponed indefinitely due to the Coronavirus emergency in Italy and the stringent limitations imposed by the Italian Government.


Augustinas Rakauskas, Lithuanian Independence Celebration - USA

Augustinas Rakauskas, Greta Staponkute-Rakau, Neringa Radenaite
Rita Barnea, Augustinas RakauskasPicture above: Augustinas Rakauskas, Greta Staponkute-Rakau, Neringa Radenaite
Picture right: Rita Barnea & Augustinas Rakauskas

On Sunday, March 8, 2019 we attended a fascinating, informative, entertaining and excellent event sponsored by the Philadelphia Chapter of the Lithuanian American Community, Inc.

We were attending the 30th Anniversary of Lithuanian Independence celebration with a concert by Tutto a Dio with Augustinas Rakauskas (accordion), Greta Staponkute-Rakau (viola) plus Neringa Radenaite (soprano), a fabulous, virtuosic performance by all three.

Additionally, there were choral and dance presentations by the Lithuanian community. All ages performed ranging from a children’s choir with the youngest being three years old, adult choir, and dance groups of all ages.

The Lithuanian Ambassador to the United Nations opened the program. An informative film highlighting the contributions of Lithuanians to all fields of life was shown. The people who attended were mostly from the local Lithuanian community and are very proud of their heritage.

Augustinas, speaking his native Lithuanian, introduced the selections in a friendly manner. The beginning of his program was very dramatic and impressive. The three musicians entered from the back of the hall, each one performing as they walked down the aisle to the front of the stage. Included in their program were native folk songs which the audience sang to. Even though we could not understand the words, the feelings expressed were very loving and emotional.

Augustinas and Greta share, “This year (officially on March 11) is the 30th Anniversary when Lithuania has regained its independence. Our goal for this 30th Anniversary of Lithuania is to make Thirty-Concert tour. This includes additional concerts in Switzerland and Lithuania too. One club had to cancel at the last moment so this is why you can see only 29 concerts on the list: 2020Anniversary.pdf
Augustinas Rakauskas, Greta Staponkute-Rakau, Neringa Radenaite


第13届年度午后音乐与Kevin Friedrich和朋友们一起的门票正在火速销售中 – 新西兰

LFC poster 2020
Kevin FriedrichKevin Friedrich 于2020年3月29日下午1点的“美国之旅”音乐会的门票销售迅速(左图)。 由达加维尔博物馆 - Te Whare Taonga o Tunatahi 主办的第13届音乐午后音乐节与 Kevin Friedrich 和朋友们一起,以一系列美国主题音乐为特点,并会以美国主题的“Sing Along”作为结尾。

Guest artists will include Auckland Accordion Symphonietta (conducted by Lionel Reekie), Roslyn Gilmore, Jone Yelcich, Colin Horsefall and his accordion group from Keri Keri, Martin Rhodes, pianist Thomas Koloi, Lionel Reekie, the Rivertown and Take 6 Singers among others.

The Concert, which will be a wonderful Variety Show for all ages, is always a popular, sell-out event in Dargaville bringing the community and guests together for an afternoon of music and friendship. Available at the Dargaville Museum, tickets are $25 for Adults and $10 for Children and include Afternoon Tea. All proceeds will be donated to the Dargaville Museum in support of their efforts to showcase the history of the community for future generations to enjoy.

For ticket information phone: (09) 439 7555


早期音乐教育的重要性 - 意大利

Francesco Palazzo视频:Francesco Palazzo 解释众筹活动 – 意大利语字幕和英语字幕。

Francesco Palazzo 目前正在组织一项针对3至10岁儿童购买小型手风琴的众筹活动(左图)。 Francesco 认为开始音乐课程的理想年龄是3至6岁,但是目前市面上几乎没有适合该年龄段儿童的古典手风琴型号。另外,对于小孩子来说,这些乐器太昂贵了。

Francesco Palazzo 希望设计出一种适合这些幼儿园和小学儿童的特殊手风琴模型。这些手风琴将完全是意大利制造的。




Intesa Sanpaolo SPA


古典手风琴家 George Secor 与世长辞 - 美国

George Secor视频:George Secor 使用 Moschino 低音手风琴演奏“ Misty”

古典手风琴家 George Secor (左图)于上周不幸去世。 George 定期在美国演出,并应邀参加了在德克萨斯州普莱诺市举行的2015年全国手风琴协会( National Accordion Association )大会,在那里他熟练地演示了 Moschino 低音系统。His classical training was clearly evident in his performance and he had switched to the Moschino free bass system in 1961.

At the convention he also took part in the Arlyn Visentin’s 15 Minutes of Fame, and performed Prelude & Fugue in C Minor, The Holy City and Canzone per Sonare No. 2 (in duo with Bob Mansfield) at the Saturday evening concert.

He will be sadly missed.



Marko Kassl Performs in “Russ” Cinderella Ballet - Germany

Marko KasslAccordionist Marko Kassl will perform in the Cinderella ballet “Russ” (Eine Geschichte von Aschenputtel - History of Cinderella) this month in Karlsruhe.

The ballet features a different perspective on the Cinderella story by focusing on one of the step sisters, Livia, who was a “villain” in the original story.

The Cinderella score is written by Johann Strauss (son), mixed with American working-class songs and modern compositions for accordion combined to create a collage that takes us through Livia's inner and outer world.

Dates as follows:

March 15th at 7pm: Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe, Hermann-Levi-Platz 1, Karlsruhe

March 18th at 8pm: Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe, Hermann-Levi-Platz 1, Karlsruhe

March 21st at 7.30pm: Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe, Hermann-Levi-Platz 1, Karlsruhe

For details email: info@marko-kassl.de


Stanislav Angelov Entertains at Harvest Festival – South Africa

Stanislav AngelovAccordionist Stanislav Angelov (picture left) will entertain at the Goatshed Restaurant Harvest Festival of Wine and Cheese on March 15th. The restaurant is situated on the Fairview Wine Estate, Suid-Agter-Paarl Rd, Southern Paarl in Western Cape, South Africa.

The area has suffered devastating droughts during the past few years, but this year they are celebrating as volumes are up!! The event will feature a real Fairview farm style harvest feast bringing together their pastures, vineyards, cellar, dairy, orchards, bakery, fields, forests and gardens! All with wonderful accordion music.

For details email: goatshed@fairview.co.za


Cancelled - Geoff Berner Concert Tour Going Ahead - Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands

Geoff BernerUpdate: this tour has now been cancelled.

Canadian accordionist Geoff Berner (picture right) has confirmed his concert tour to Germany, Switzerland, Belgium and Netherlands is going ahead as planned!

He will begin in Fuerth, Germany for the highly prestigious Fuerth Klezmer Festival, where he will have backing from the Michael Winograd klezmer band.

Following this, he will be off to Switzerland and up to Belgium to do some shows with Klezmic Zirkus, Aurelie Charneux and Julien De Borman! He will finish in the Netherlands with the Legendary Orchestra of Love.

Tour dates are:

March 14th - Fuerth Jewish Culture Festival, Germany
March 15th - Basel, CH - Capri Bar
March 16th - Zurich, CH - El Lokal
March 17th - Liege, Belgium - Galerie Isabeau
March 18th - Gent, Belgium - Muzikantenhuis - Before the klezmer jam.
March 19th - Brussels, Belgium - UPJB
March 20th - Liege, Belgium - Casa Nicaragua
March 21st - Nandrin, Belgium - Deux Ours
March 22nd - Emeloord - Salon Vive La Fete. EARLY SHOW! 3pm with the Legendary Orchestra of Love!
March 24th - Amsterdam - De Nieuwe Anita, with the Legendary Orchestra Of Love!

For details email: bernergeoff@gmail.com


“Good Habits” March Tour to New Zealand

Good HabitsVideo: 'Hitch' by Pete Shaw, Performed by Bonnie Schwarz and Pete Shaw.

UK Duo “Good Habits” are currently on tour this month, performing concerts in the North and South Islands of New Zealand.

The duo are an eclectic indie-folk band born in Manchester, UK, featuring cellist, vocalist and songwriter Bonnie Schwarz & Klezmer accordionist, Pete Shaw. They perform a variety of folk and pop music.

Concert dates:

March 15th: 7.30pm - Christchurch Folk Club, 29 Domain Terrace, Spreydon, Christchurch

March 19th: 8pm - The Cabana, 11 Shakespeare Road, Napier

March 20th: 7.30pm - Movespace, 1/473 Dominion Road, Mount Eden, Auckland

March 21st: Sofar Sounds, Auckland (held in a secret location)

March 26th: 7pm - Late Night Sound Bite, 836 Fergusson Drive, Upper Hutt

April 4th: Wellington Night Market from 6pm to 8pm

For details email: goodhabitsband.manchester@gmail.com


Mario Tacca at Feast of Saint Joseph, Paterson, NJ – USA

Mario Tacca poster
Accordionist Mario Tacca and vocalist Mary Mancini will entertain with their lunchtime show at the Feast of Saint Joseph event at The Brownstone in Paterson, NJ on March 18th and 19th, 2020.

They will also have their good friend and hilarious comic, Floyd Vivino, join them on stage for this performance.

For details and reservations phone Ace in the Hole Productions: 1-800-831-9801


AKKO四重奏组在“音乐无极限”音乐节上演出 - 乌克兰

Ukraine poster
视频:AKKO四重组演奏由 J. Strauss 创作的序曲《Die Fledermaus》。

AKKO四重奏组将于2020年3月20日在乌克兰第聂伯罗彼得罗夫斯克的 M. Glinka 第聂伯罗彼得罗夫斯克音乐学院举行的“无极限音乐”国际音乐节上演出。

四位成员分别包括 Vitaly Kozytsky,Oleg Shiyan,Bohdan Mashtalyar 和 Roman Molochenko。

AKKO Quartet


全俄罗斯的巴扬、手风琴和口琴日,莫斯科 – 俄罗斯

Russia poster

设立这一全俄日的倡议属于巴扬部和手风琴部,以格涅辛命名。该项目由著名的手风琴师 Friedrich Lips 领导。

该活动的目的是成为国家文化项目的一部分。 创始人认为,在寻求民族思想时,支持旨在维护我们多民族国家的传统和成就的倡议非常重要。 而且,这个节日将发挥巨大的统一作用。



Mabon 2020 “Last Huzzah” Tour – UK

Popular Welsh band “Mabon”, which includes Jamie Smith (accordion & vocals), Oliver Wilson-Dickson (fiddle & vocals), Ron Juppy (guitar & vocals), Matt Downer (electric & upright basses & vocals) and Iolo Whelan (drums, percussion & vocals) have begun their 2020 “Last Huzzah” tour of the UK.

The group have decided to disband after twenty years of good times. Band members say they have so many good memories of great concerts across the years and they are truly grateful for your support and enthusiasm along the way.

Future concert dates are:

April 30th: ALDERSHOT - West End Centre
May 1st: NEW MILTON - Forest Arts Centre
May 2nd: FAREHAM - Ashcroft Arts Centre
May 7th: CARDIGAN - Theatr Mwldan
May 8th: BUILTH WELLS - Wyeside Theatre
May 9th: GLYN CEIRIOG - Ceiriog Centre
May 20th: NOTTINGHAM - Lakeside Arts
May 21st: LONDON - Cecil Sharp House
May 22nd: CARDIFF - Saint David's Hall
May 23rd: PEMBROKESHIRE – Fishguard Folk Festival
June 11th: DORSET - Bridport Arts Centre
June 12th: DEVON - Plough Arts, Torrington
June 13th: POWYS - Llanbedr Village Hall
June 18th: HEREFORDSHIRE - Weobley Village Hall
June 19th: NORTHAMPTONSHIRE - Geddington Village Hall

Mabon play a mix of traditional and contemporary Celtic/Folk/World music.

For further information email: info@jamiesmithsmabon.com


2020 Prato Accordion Festival – Italy

2020 Prato
Riccardo CentazzoThe 2020 Prato Accordion Festival will be held at La Libertà Circolo, Via Pistoiese 659, 59100 Prato, Italy on May 30th beginning at 2pm.

The event will include a variety of entertainment, masterclasses and performances as follows:

2pm to 3pm: "The accordion from its origins to the present day" presentation by accordionist Marco Tiranti and Mariano Venuta.

3pm to 5pm: Masterclass with Riccardo Centazzo (picture left)

5pm to 6pm: "Original Music of the Twentieth Century" concert by Riccardo Centazzo

8.45pm to 9.39pm: Concert by Roberto Gervasi (accordion), Sergio Rizzo (guitar) and Giovanni Scalvini (double bass).

9.30pm: "Almost Acoustic" concert featuring Simone Zanchini.

During the event there will also be a stand offering instrument maintenance, repair and care by Marco Tiranti and Mariano Venuta. Small repairs will also be carried out on visitors' instruments (on prior request).

For details and reservations email: festafisarmonica@gmail.com


澳大利亚手风琴锦标赛场地和日期更新 - 澳大利亚

AATA logoTatjana Marx澳大利亚国际 AATA 手风琴锦标赛和音乐节将于2020年8月22日至23日在悉尼举行。总统 Tatjana Marx - 右图。

除了新的日期外,今年的活动还将在新的地点举行。 Cabra-Vale Diggers Club 地处 Canley Vale 郊区,交通十分便利,靠近火车和其他公共交通工具,也非常靠近附近的 Cabramatta,您可以有众多住宿选择。

Hosted by the AATA, their annual competition offers categories for all ages and levels, so is the ideal event for accordionists to start gaining international competition experience at an early age.

The top international championship category has attracted a number of high level competitors over the years including the likes of Vlad Pligovka, Arseniy Strokovskiy and Grayson Masefield to name but a few.

Information about the competition categories and entry requirements can be found online at AATA.



Tutto a Dio 二重奏组和 Neringa Radėnaitė 的29场巡回演唱会

Tutto a Dio
Video 1:

Video 2:
Tutto a DioNeringa Radenaite视频1:Tango pour Claude - “Tutto a Dio”
视频2:Augustinas 在2018 Coupe Mondiale 第一轮比赛中。

包括 Greta Staponkute-Rakau (中提琴)和 Augustinas Rakauskas (手风琴)在内的 Tutto a Dio 二重奏组写道: "今年(3月11日)是立陶宛独立30周年,我们创建了一个特别的项目。

第一部分是立陶宛的音乐编排和原创作品,第二部分主要是探戈,包括 Astor Piazzolla 的许多作品。这就是为什么我们称这一系列音乐会为“Baltic Tango”。庆祝立陶宛30周年的目标是进行30场巡回演唱会,包括在美国、加拿大、瑞士和立陶宛的演唱会。”

One club had to cancel at the last moment so this is why you see 29 concerts listed below.

"Tutto a Dio" duet has held recitals in California, Meine, Florida, the Consulate General of Lithuania in New York (USA), Switzerland, Latvia, Luxembourg, Italy, Bulgaria, Greece.

The Duo has achieved international competition sucess at the “Coupe Mondiale in 2017and 2018”.

2020 "Baltic Tango" Performances include:
Greta Staponkute-Rakau (viola), Augustinas Rakauskas (accordion), Neringa Radenaite (soprano):

1. February 25th., 6 pm., GSTAAD (Switzerland)
2. February 28th., 12 pm., Nashua Public Library, NASHUA, NEW HAMPSHIRE (USA)
3. February 28th., 6 pm., Rodgers Memorial Library, HUDSON, NEW HAMPSHIRE (USA)
4. February 29th., 12 pm., St. Mass, 13 pm, Concert KENNEBUNK, MAINE (USA)
5. February 29th., 7 pm., Maironis Park, WORCESTER, MASSACHUSSETTS (USA)
6. March 1st., 1 pm., Lithuanian Hall, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND (USA)
7. March 3rd., 8 pm., The Resurrection Monastery, TORONTO, ONTARIO (Canada)
8. March 4th., 5:30 pm., Vilnius Manor House, TORONTO, ONTARIO (Canada)
9. March 6th., 1 pm., Private event at the Lithuanian Embassy, OTTAWA, ONTARIO (Canada)
10. March 7th., 2 pm., Dawn Gate Parish Hall, MONTREAL, QUEBEC (Canada)
11. March 8th., 1 pm., Lithuanian Music Hall, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA (USA)
12. March 10th., 4 pm., 5500 Grossmont Center Dr, La Mesa SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA (USA)
13. March 10th., 6:30 pm., 5500 Grossmont Center Dr, La Mesa, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA (USA)
14. March 11th., 8 pm., First Christian Church of North HOLLYWOOD, L.A. CALIFORNIA (USA)
15. March 12th., 7:15 pm., The Runaway Restaurant, NAPA, CALIFORNIA (USA)
16. March 13th., 7:30 pm., Welcome Grange at 3275 Hagen Road, NAPA, CALIFORNIA (USA)
17. March 14th., 2 pm., 1st Congregational Church, SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA (USA)
18. March 15th., 3 pm., Chetcuti Community room, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA (USA)
19. March 17th., 5 pm., “The Hamilton” 555 Byron St., PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA (USA)
20. March 19th., 7:30 pm., NAA Convention Hayatt Regency Hotel North Dallas, Richardson, TEXAS
21. March 20th., 7 pm., 280 DonOre Rd., SALT SPRING ISLAND (CANADA)
22. March 21st., 8 pm., UVic Legacy Art Gallery, VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA (CANADA)
23. March 22nd., 3 pm., 1812 9th Ave, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON (USA)
24. March 22nd., 7 pm., Ronald United Methodist Church, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON (USA)
25. March 23rd., Accordion Workshop, Petosa Accordions, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON (USA)
26. March 27th., 7 pm., Accordion Recital, Lithuanian Hall, EDMONTON, (CANADA)
27. March 28th., 5:30 pm., Accordion Recital, Lithuanian Cultural Society, CALGARY, (CANADA)
28. April 2nd., 12.30 pm., Caecilia Hall, GENEVA (SWITZERLAND)
29. April 16th., Gariunai Hall, VILNIUS (LITHUANIA)


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