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Haute École de Musique de Lausanne (HEMU) University of Music - Switzerland

Stéphane ChapuisThe University of Music Lausanne (HEMU), located in French-speaking Switzerland, is renowned for its highly qualified staff, its challenging and comprehensive program of studies, and its firm commitment to music on the regional, national and international levels.

The closing date for applications for the next academic year is 1st March. Auditions are on April 28th. Download: 2015HEMU_admissions.pdf

The HEMU’s classical and jazz departments afford students university-level training based on both theory and practice, and facilitate their immediate entry into the professional world at the end of their studies.

The accordion tutor is Professor Stéphane Chapuis and HEMU students of accordion for 2014-2015 are:
- Naomi Sanchez - Swiss - Bachelor 1
- Grayson Masefield - New Zealand - Bachelor 3
- Tiffanie Mueller - Swiss - Master Pédagogie 1
- Shuang Ma - China - Master Pédagogie 1
- Lisa Biard - Swiss - Master Pédagogie 2
- Dimitri Bouclier - France - Master Pédagogie 2
- Christel Sautaux - Swiss - Master Soliste 2

The HEMU’s Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees are accredited by the Swiss Confederation and the ‘Musique et arts de la scène’ division of the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES -SO), Switzerland’s largest professional training network.

Studies at the HEMU lead to Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, which in turn lead to a professional career. Additional continuing education courses for advanced students are also offered.

The amount and variety of course offerings enable students to access a wide range of professional activities. Students can work towards becoming a concert artist, an orchestral player, a soloist, or an orchestral or wind instrument conductor, as well as studying jazz composition, and music pedagogy.

HEMU studies are divided into two cycles. The first, leading to a Bachelor of Arts in Music degree (BA), usually lasts three years and requires a total of 180 ECTS credits. Students wishing to enter the second cycle, which leads to a Master’s degree, must have a BA.

The Master's degree (MA) program requires a total of 120 ECTS credits, usually lasts two years, and leads to a Master of Arts in Music degree. Students may also work towards a second Master’s degree with a maximum of 90 required ECTS credits.

For further information contact: Stéphane Chapuis
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