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15th Las Vegas International Accordion Convention - A Grand Success! - USA

Gina BrannelliThe Welcome Concert featured world-renowned accordionists Peter Soave and Mary Tokarski followed by Mr. Entertainment himself, Dick Contino, with band members Corky Bennett, Pete Contino and Bob Sax, for a phenomenal opening of the event.

Over 40 classes were offered during the next three full days of the event. Performances by “Of One Accord”, a 10 piece accordion ensemble from Alberta Canada directed by Margaret Miller, Alicia Baker wowed the audience and concluded in duet with Michael Bridge. Stas Venglevski performed with charismatic style only to be eclipsed by the duets he performed with Joan Cochran Sommers!

That evening the presentations were made to Stas as Honorary Conductor and a special Lifetime Achievement Award to Gina Brannelli.

Wednesday was another day full of classes with lunch music by Chuck Henry and event organiser Paul Pasquali. That evening was dancing with the music by Gordon Kohl and Chuck Henry, a jazz accordion set by Ron Borelli followed by an unforgettable concert with Joey Miskulin backed by bass, drums and clarinet.

Thursday was filled with classes and lunch music by Elena & Gregory Fainshtein and Pete Barbutti with his signature brand of humor. The Gala concert started with Michael Bridge, who received several standing ovations. Joan Sommers conducted the orchestra and wowed audience with a varied program - a true example that there is nothing like live music done right! After the concert nearly everyone was at Club Concerto saying goodbye to friends, new and old.
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