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Weekly News from Around the World - 29-Aug-2014
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Особенности Highlights

Фестиваль ‘Akkordeon Akut!’, Халле и Лейпциг – Германия
Видео архив «Кубка мира 2014» и Образовательный проект – Австрия
Аккордеонный фестиваль в Мандесли, Норфолк – Великобритания
Вышел сборник и CD "Accordion World Cup Popular Songs" («Популярные сочинения аккордеонных чемпионатов») – Китай

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: St Petersburg Musette Ensemble Concert, Daugavpils – Latvia
Frédéric Deschamps Master Class, La Selle sur le Bied – France
Video: Daniele Falasca with Gianluca Ginoble - Italy
Back Pain: The More Serious Symptoms - USA
Video: Duet "LiubAnya" of Liubov Akhanova and Anna Zueva - Russia
Video: Jeff Lisenby Performs at the 2014 ATG Festival in Burlingame - USA
Naomi Harris and Nathan Chapeton: 2014 USA Representatives to CIA
Hohner Accordion Symphony Tour, 1955 - Australia and New Zealand
Video: Douglas Borsatti Performs "Wake Me Up" by Avicii - Brazil
‘14 Years Ago’: 2nd European Accordion Orchestra Festival Announced

Будущие события

Festival Acordeao, Castanheira de Pera - Portugal
Teodoro Anzelotti Master Class, Livorno – Italy
DakhaBrakha direct from Ukraine, Performing in San Francisco - USA
Erika plays for dancing, Auvelais – Belgium
Jean Dauvin & Steve Roxton Concert, Essex – UK
Guy Klucevsek @ Brooklyn Accordion Club, New York – USA
11th Bristol Cajun & Zydeco Festival – UK
‘Gala Accordeon et danse’, Valais – Switzerland
New Competition ‘Les Trophées de l’Accordéon’, Rochefort – France

Новые и обновленные сайты

BAIDI Accordion Orchestra Releases eTracks Album - China
Gary Dahl Releases New Arrangements - USA
Maria Pomianowska's Orchestra Releases new CD - Polland
Chen Dinghua Releases eTracks Album - China
Zhang Jiahe Releases eTracks Album - China
Lorenzo Bosica Releases eTracks Album - USA
Franco Cambareri Release New Compositions

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Особенности Highlights

Фестиваль ‘Akkordeon Akut!’, Халле и Лейпциг – Германия

Akkordeon Akut! Festival
Richard Galliano, Kimmo PohjonenManfred LeucherВ этом году пройдет 5 фестиваль ‘Akkordeon Akut!’. В интересной программе фестиваля заявлено несколько очень известных исполнителей.

Основаная концертная программа 2014:
24 октября 2014, 20.00: Открытие фестиваля: Axel Prahl & Morgenstern
25 октября 2014, 15.00: Landes-Akkordeon-Ensemble Sachsen-Anhalt
26 октября 2014, 19.30: Manfred Leucher & Ian Melrose
29 октября 2014, 19.30: Frank Grischek "Unerhört"
30 октября 2014, 19.30: Kimmo Pohjonen & Saana Pojhonen совместно с Tuomas Norvio (звуковой дизайнер)
31 октября 2014, мастер-класс Ришара Гальяно
1 ноября 2014, 19.30: Richard Galliano & Staatskapelle Halle (F/D), Bobo & Herzfeld meet Zabelov (D/BY), двойной концерт.
2 ноября 2014, 19.00: Die Grenzgänger, Maikäfer flieg!

Дополнительные мероприятия
25 октября 2014, 20.00: Akkordeonrallye 1. Trandafirul, 2. Malou, 3.Trombone & Accordéons, 4. ROMNI
1 ноября 2014, 14.00: семинар – аккордеон для начинающих
1 ноября 2014, 18.30: работа информационного и ремонтного пункта

Билет на фестиваль €72.
Дополнительная информация по e-mail: theaterkasse@buehnen-halle.de


Видео архив «Кубка мира 2014» и Образовательный проект – Австрия

Coupe Mondiale Video Archive and Education Project
Massimo Pigini & Francesca PiginiИнициатива Видеоархив Кубка мира и Образовательный Проект стартовала в 2010 году с подачи Международной Конфедерации Аккордеонистов (CIA) при спонсорском содействии компании Pigini и портала Accordions Worldwide.

Проект продолжится и в рамках «Кубка мира 2014» в Зальцбурге, Австрия. Проект включает в себя:

(I) Видеозаписи всех категорий «Кубка мира», которые будут транслироваться онлайн, после чего пойдут в архив CIA в Финляндии. В ближайшие годы архив обещает стать сокровищницей исторических записей.

(II) Бесплатная загрузка выступлений лауреатов 1,2 и 3 премий каждой категории конкурса. Они будут размещены на сайте для свободного скачивания в качестве учебного пособия для преподавателей и студентов аккордеонных кафедр.

Цель проекта состоит в том, чтобы обеспечить свободное распространение знаний и информации и поднять международный уровень музыкального образования и исполнительства на аккордеоне.

Благодарим директоров компании ‘Pigini srl’ Массимо и Франческу Пиджини (фото справа) за спонсорскую поддержку с самого начала проекта.


Аккордеонный фестиваль в Мандесли, Норфолк – Великобритания

Mundesdley header
Mundesley Accordion Festival posterЕжегодный фестиваль ‘Accordions International 2014’ в этом году пройдет в Центре отдыха города Мандесли, Норфолк. Фестиваль пройдет в последний раз, подойдет к концу традиция аккордеонных фестивалей в этом регионе, которая началась в 1986 году в соседнем Кейстере. Организатор Хизер Смит (Heather Smith).

Фестиваль пройдет с 20 по 24 октября, бронирование возможно только по телефону 01780 782 093, Sceptre Productions, с 10.00 до 16.00 по будням.

Среди гостей этого года дуэт Париж-Москва Duo (Доми Эморин и Роман Жбанов), Перл Фосетт-Адриано, Дэвид Вернон и Дик Ли, Гарри Гасси, Розмари Райт, Берт Сантилли и др. Фестиваль включает в себя концерты, семинары, поздние джаз-сессии, танцы, а также выставку, где можно будет увидеть такие компании, как Black Diamond Accordions, MAP Editions, and Robaccord Publications.

Темы семинаров: Средний уровень (ведущий Брайан Дженкинс), Начальный уровень (ведущий Розмари Райт), Шотландская музыка (ведущий Дэвид Вернон), Джаз (ведущий Берт Сантилли), ретро-музыка (ведущий Хизер Смит), свинг ансамбли (ведущие Джефф Кук/Хизер Смит), Уличные музыканты (ведущий Берт Сантилли), Free & Easy (ведущий Adrienne Шарп).

Самый первый фестиваль, организованный ныне покойным Малкольмом Ги, состоялся в Кейстере в 1986 году с участием легендарного Торальфа Толлефсена (Норвегия), трио ‘Lars Ek Hot Trio’ (Швеция), а также Эдварда Хессиона, Оуэна Мюррея, Тони Комптон, Нейл Роуэн, оркестр ‘Orchestre Atsienga d’Irun’ (Испания, дирижер Мерке Рекарте) и уморительный ансамбль ‘Frankfurter Schunkel Band’ из Бирмингема. Неофициальными участниками фестиваля стали аккордеонисты Джек Эмблоу, Гарри Гасси, Марио Конвей, Джон Лесли, а также исполнители на концертине Дэйв Таунсенд, Пат Робсон и Брайан Хайден.

Дополнительная информация по e-mail: heather@accordions.co.uk


Вышел сборник и CD "Accordion World Cup Popular Songs" («Популярные сочинения аккордеонных чемпионатов») – Китай

Book Crowd
Book Cover16 августа 2014 года на Шанхайской Книжной Ярмарке в Шанхайском Выставочном Центре состоялся релиз сборника издательства ‘Shanghai Century Publishing Group’.

Авторы сборника Ли Цун (Li Cong – президент Китайской Ассоциации Аккордеонистов, глава музыкального факультета Шанхайского Педагогического Университета) и Кристалл Ван (Crystal Wang – президент Шанхайской Ассоциации Аккордеонистов, преподаватель аккордеона Шанхайского Педагогического Университета).

Большое количество зрителей пришли на это мероприятие, чтобы услышать рассказ авторов о сборнике и прилагающегося к нему CD и приобрести подписанные копии, а также услышать молодых аккордеонистов, исполняющий произведения, изданные в сборнике/CD.

Профессор Ли Цун является автором многих изданий, и за автографами двух популярных преподавателей выстроилась длинная очередь.


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: St Petersburg Musette Ensemble Concert, Daugavpils – Latvia

Video: Excerpts of the Latvia concert.

On August 14th the highly accomplished St Petersburg Musette Ensemble, from Russia, performed a two hours concert program entitled ‘Boulevards of Paris’ in Daugavpils, Latvia. The concert was an event in the international festival ‘Musical August in Daugavpils 2014’.

The St Petersburg Musette Ensemble, players Vladimir Ushakov, Sergei Likhachov, Svetlana Stavitskaya (accordions), Vladimir Bogomolov (guitar), Vladimir Kurganov (bass guitar), and Victor Shafranov (drums), was formed in 1989, and since then have performed in many European countries and the USA.

They specialise in French musette music but also incorporate tunes from other countries, including some of the compositions of Astor Piazzolla.

For further information email: musette@inbox.ru


Frédéric Deschamps Master Class, La Selle sur le Bied – France

Frédéric Deschamps Master Class
A master class took place this month with French accordionist Frédéric Deschamps at La Selle sur le Bied, France, with international students Fang Li He (China), Cheng Han Liao (China), Francisco Monteiro (Portugal), Vitaly Kondratenko (Russia), Haeln Jeon (Korea), Shu Haaaa (China), Naomi Harris (USA/Japan), Alexander Bodell (UK), Elsa Gourdy (France), Nicolae Gutu (Moldova), Emilie Delapierre (France), Patricia Bartell (USA), and Erwin Bahamonde Ojeda (Chile).


Video: Daniele Falasca with Gianluca Ginoble - Italy

Daniele Falasca (accordion) featured at a July performance by Gianluca Ginoble (vocalist) performing Il Volo Taormina.


Back Pain: The More Serious Symptoms - USA

'Play Your Accordion Without Pain', book coverJohn Bonica PT CMP NZRPThe latest chapter released of the book 'Play Your Accordion Without Pain' by John Bonica (PT CMP NZRP) is on the topic "Back Pain: The More Serious Symptoms"

"Low back pain is a problem that over 80% of accordionists will experience in their lifetime" writes John Bonica (picture right). This exciting eBook is being published chapter by chapter, with about one chapter being released each month.

There will be a minimum of 24 chapters, 13 chapters released so far. Special introductory offer, you can purchase the whole book for US$22 (or Euro equivalent) and be sent each chapter by e-mail as it is released.

For more information, and to purchase: John Bonica


Video: Duet "LiubAnya" of Liubov Akhanova and Anna Zueva - Russia

Popular Duet "LiubAnya"
Video 1: Concert performance of famous melody "Those Were the Days".
Video 2: Short promotional video of some major concert performances


Video: Jeff Lisenby Performs at the 2014 ATG Festival in Burlingame - USA

Video 1
Video 2
Video 1: Original work by Jeff Lisenby "A Spy in Totuga". This is a modern tango written by Jeff Lisenby, using an “Eastern” scale to represent the “spy” in the Caribbean island off of Haiti.! The solo music is available online. Cat: jlisenby007 CD track also available online at: Jeff Lisenby
Video 2: Jeff Lisenby arrangement of the popular Hoe Down from Rodeo. This is an accordion trio arrangement of Emerson, Lake, & Palmer’s famous version of the Aaron Copland piece!

Video courtesy of Mike Roche.

Accordionist, composer, teacher, and arranger Jeff Lisenby, performed several of his excellent compositions and arrangements for accordion trio at the 2014 Accordionists & Teachers Guild International (ATG) Festival in July.

Jeff holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the prestigious Conservatory of Music of the University of Missouri at Kansas City, where he studied with Joan Cochran Sommers. He was twice U.S.A. national accordion champion and bronze medalist in the Coupe Mondiale.

Jeff has performed with many symphony orchestras and varied artists, from Pavarotti to Donna Summer.

Accompanying Jeff were Wesley (Wes) Anderson on drums and Sean Brogan on electric bass, who were introduced to the accordion at the Frank Marocco Accordion Event. There they’ve accompanied the orchestra annually since 2007. Anderson and Brogan received their music degrees from Arizona State University and are currently performing and teaching music.


Naomi Harris and Nathan Chapeton: 2014 USA Representatives to CIA

Naomi Harris and Nathan Chapeton with Mary Tokarski
14-year old Naomi Harris from Spokane, Washington, winner of the 2014 Leavenworth Competition and Nathan Chapeton, winner of the 2014 AAA Virtuoso Category have qualified to represent the USA at the 67th Coupe Mondiale to be held in Salzburg, Austria, from October 27th to November 2nd 2014.

Naomi Harris performed ‘Opale Concerto’ and won 1st place in the Leavenworth Open Competition. Naomi loves both facets of the accordion. Harris likes playing pop and novelty songs with her accordion band, but also loves to play the deeply passionate music for which the accordion is especially suited. Her teacher is Patricia Bartell, widely known as an adjudicator, professional performer, and teacher is also a member of Tango Vocaldo and leads the young accordion band, The Portatos.

13-year old Nathan Chapeton studies accordion with ATG and American Accordionists' Association (AAA) Board Member and well known concert accordionist, Mary Tokarski. Nathan also plays the guitar and loves entertaining, playing at local events and regularly participates at church events with his accordion.

Nathan's plans for the future definitely include music and the accordion. He hopes to apprentice in Italy to become involved with accordion construction and repair, and desires to have an integral part of the accordion's future here in the U.S.


Hohner Accordion Symphony Tour, 1955 - Australia and New Zealand

Program Cover, Hohner Accordion Symphony Tour, 1955Maurice Jones of Accordion House Importer/Retailer in Auckland recently discovered an original printed program for the Hohner Accordion Symphony Tour to Australian and New Zealand in 1955.

Maurice Jones donated the program to the very extensive Dargaville Museum Accordion Gems Display and kindly made a copy available for an article at: Hohner1955

This tour included such accordionist legends as Rudolf Würthner (Musical Director, Conductor and Soloist) and Karl Perenthaler (Conductor and Soloist) plus 17 accordionists.

The Hohner Accordion Symphony Tour made an enormous impact lasting well beyond their concert lifetimes to the great benefit of accordionists on the other side of the world. The Hohner company deserves high commendation for their support of this cultural and musical endeavour that was very far sighted.

Article link: Hohner1955


Video: Douglas Borsatti Performs "Wake Me Up" by Avicii - Brazil

Brazilian accordionist Douglas Borsatti performs "Wake Me Up", a song by Swedish DJ and music producer Avicii.

Douglas Borsatti is recording tracks for soap operas. "I work here in the studio doing many recordings. As there are few accordionists in Rio de Janeiro, I'm very pleased with the work" said the musician. "It's very rewarding, and good to work with what you like," he adds.


‘14 Years Ago’: 2nd European Accordion Orchestra Festival Announced

The Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending September 1st 2000 included the announcement of the second European Accordion Orchestra Festival, held annually in Prague, Czech Republic. This large scale festival – a showcase for accordion orchestras - involves a great deal of logistical planning and expense, and credit must go to its organisers.

European Accordion Orchestra Festival - Czech Republic
Contributed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

The second European Accordion Orchestra Festival will take place from March 22nd to 25th 2002 in Prague, Czech Republic (the first festival was held this year). The international jury (including Czech composer Jindøich Feld, Walter Maurer - Austria, Mirco Patarini and Stefan Hippe - Germany) agreed that all of the 40 participating orchestras from 12 European countries had a very high musical standard. The audience was particularly fascinated by the 36 musicians from Moldova due to their musical talent and discipline, which was mentioned by critics on Czech television.


Будущие события

Festival Acordeao, Castanheira de Pera - Portugal

Festival Acordeao posterAn Accordion Festival (Festival Acordeao), featuring many students from the accordion schools of José Cláudio and Catarina Brilha, takes place on Saturday August 30th, 9.30th, at the Forum Activo, Castanheira de Pera, Leiria, Portugal. Accordion students from other parts of Portugal are likely to perform.


Teodoro Anzelotti Master Class, Livorno – Italy

Teodoro Anzelotti Master Class poster
Teodoro Anzelotti leads an accordion master class in the beautiful Villa Della Gherodesca, Livorno, from August 25th to 31st. This is part of the annual Livorno Music Festival, involving master classes and concerts, from August 25th unto September 8th.


DakhaBrakha direct from Ukraine, Performing in San Francisco - USA


Erika plays for dancing, Auvelais – Belgium

Erika posterErika plays for dancing posterOn Saturday August 30th, 7pm, Erika, often referred to ‘The Princess of the Accordion’, plays for dancing at ‘Place de la sarthe’, Auvelais, Belgium.


Jean Dauvin & Steve Roxton Concert, Essex – UK

Jean Dauvin & Steve Roxton
Jean Dauvin & Steve Roxton Concert posterFrench musette accordionist Jean Dauvin and UK accordion/vocals entertainer Steve Roxton are the guests at Harlow Accordion Club on Thursday September 18th, 7.30pm. The venue is Kingsmoor Christian Centre, Parndon Wood Rd, Harlow, Essex CM19 4SE. Also performing will be the Harlow AC Band (MD Jean Hanger). Tickets cost £7 in advance, £7.50p at the door. There will be a charity raffle in aid of Cancer Research UK.

For further information email: jeanhanger@icloud.com


Guy Klucevsek @ Brooklyn Accordion Club, New York – USA

Guy KlucevsekGuy Klucevsek leads a workshop ‘Unusual and Unorthodox Techniques for Accordion’ at Brooklyn Accordion Club meeting on Sunday September 14th, 2-4pm.

The club will also be celebrating the premiere of the Brooklyn Accordion Club magazine ZINE!, which will be distributed at the next meeting.

Brooklyn Accordion Club meets at 61 Local, 61 Bergen St., Brooklyn, New York


11th Bristol Cajun & Zydeco Festival – UK

Bristol Cajun & Zydeco Festival logoThis year’s Bristol Cajun & Zydeco Festival takes place from October 17th 19th at The Folk House, 40a Park St, Bristol BS1 5JG. Full weekend passes are now available via the festival website.

The guests this year include:
Friday evening: Dwayne Ego & The Electricians
Saturday afternoon: The Bluebell Cajun Dance Band (Scotland)
Saturday evening: Downtown Cajun Band (The Netherlands)
Sunday afternoon: Elvis Fontenot & The Sugar Bees
Sunday evening: The Bearcats Trio

Ian and Cheryl McIlroy from Rough Chowder will be leading the jam sessions in the bar on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, there are dance workshops by Kay Anderson (Zydeco) and Carol Wilson (Cajun), DJs and MCs Carole (Lil' Queenie) and Nigel (Flying Home); jamming and a licensed bar and cafe - in short, "A whole weekend of Louisiana-style music, dance,
food, drink and meeting people!"

Also The Clifton Hotels, a group of four hotels within an easy reach of the Folk House, are again offering a special discounted rate to the festival goers! For full details, check out the accommodation page at the festival website.

For further information email: bristolcajunfestival-news@simplicityweb.com


‘Gala Accordeon et danse’, Valais – Switzerland

‘Gala Accordeon et danse’ poster
A ‘Gala Accordeon et danse’ takes place on Saturday November 1st, 7pm, at La Salle de l’eau, Vive Martigny-Croix, Valais, Switzerland. The accordionists featured include Fabrice Pelusso, Manu Maugain, Pierrot Glappey, Frederic Barben, Alain Bourgeois, Theodore Monnet, and Jean-Yves Sixt.


New Competition ‘Les Trophées de l’Accordéon’, Rochefort – France

Les Trophées de l’Accordéon logo
A new competition, ‘Les Trophées de l’Accordéon’, takes place on November 15th, 10am to 12pm, at the studio Alhambra Colbert, Rochefort Rochefort, France. The jury members will be Eric Debègue, (Cristal Production), Michael Larchange (composer/musician), Philippe Krumm (Editor of the magazine ‘Accordéon et accordéonistes’) and Didier Ouvrard (former programmer of ‘La chance aux chansons’).

6 candidates will be selected by the jury (3 junior – under 18 years, 3 senior) to perform in the evening concert at the Parc des Expos, with 2 candidates then chosen by public vote to receive junior and senior championship trophies. The winners will also each receive a day in the Crystal Records studio to record a CD, a half page article in ‘Accordéon et accordéonistes’, and participation in the TV programme ‘123 Musette’.

This competition is organized as part of the event ‘Dansez au son de l’accordéon’ (‘Dance to the sounds of the accordion’) to be held the same day at the Parc des Expos La Rochelle.

Entries need to be sent no later than September 15th.

For further information email Christelle Roulet: christelle.roulet@cristalprod.com


Новые и обновленные сайты

BAIDI Accordion Orchestra Releases eTracks Album - China

BAIDI Accordion Orchestra has released this double album in eTracks (MP3) format download.

'Emotion and Fantasize', catalog: baidi02

with sound samples. Music performed by BAIDI Accordion Orchestra.


Gary Dahl Releases New Arrangements - USA

Gary Dahl - Author, composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator announces the following updated music title for purchase on-line.

'A Foggy DAy', catalog: DH0246
'Call Me', catalog: DH0247

Sample for these music are now available at the Music For Accordion web site. The music is in eSheet format e-mailed directly to your computer. Easy purchase with credit card.


Maria Pomianowska's Orchestra Releases new CD - Polland

Maria Pomianowska's Orchestra has released this new CD.

'The LutoSlavs', catalog: luto01

with sound samples. Music performed by Maria Pomianowska's Orchestra.


Chen Dinghua Releases eTracks Album - China

Chen Dinghua has released this album in eTracks (MP3) format download.

'Botanical Garden', catalog: chen01

with sound samples. Music performed by Chen Dinghua.


Zhang Jiahe Releases eTracks Album - China

Zhang Jiahe has released this album in eTracks (MP3) format download.

'Winter Bilder', catalog: jiahe01

with sound samples. Music performed by Zhang Jiahe.


Lorenzo Bosica Releases eTracks Album - USA

Lorenzo Bosica has released this album in eTracks (MP3) format download.

'Virtuosity', catalog: bosica01

with sound samples. Music performed by Lorenzo Bosica.


Franco Cambareri Release New Compositions

Franco Cambareri - accordionist, composer, producer, releases a new composition for accordion available for purchase online.

'Colombian Rose', catalog: cfranco189

The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


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