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Important Accordion Orchestra Concert Televised - China

Baidi Accordion Orchestra, China
Baidi Accordion Orchestra conductor Chen WeiliangBeijing Children’s Palace Baidi Accordion Orchestra held an important accordion concert on August 17th named “Key Dancing” , held in the National Centre for the Performing Arts.

This is the first performance by the Chinese accordion community in China’s best national theater, and it’s also the debut of the Baidi Accordion Orchestra in the National Centre for the Performing Arts. The performance was extremely successful with very warm audience response.

The National Centre for the Performing Arts is the largest performing centre in China. The main concert hall is solemn, elegant and full of extraordinary atmosphere of a famous music hall. In it, the 1,800 audience fully enjoyed the performance of Baidi Accordion Orchestra.

Near 100 players in the Baidi Accordion Orchestra have performed more than ten pieces of different styles of music. The unique humor and rich facial expressions of the conductor Chen Weiliang and the high performance level; contributed a rich audio-visual feast to all the music-lovers attending the concert.

At the end of the concert with a the performance of their theme song ”West Side Story”, all the audience rose up and applauded warmly for a long time, the excellent and most enjoyable performance. BTV has recorded the whole concert and it was broadcast to millions of audience during the Olympic Games.
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