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Nikola Djoric 在维也纳音乐协会演奏巴赫、Gubaidulina 和 Piazzolla 作品 - 奥地利

Nikola Djoric
Nikola Djoric poster2021 年 10 月 22 日,作为“年轻音乐家”系列的一部分,Nikola Djoric 在奥地利维也纳维也纳音乐协会的“Matellener Saal”中用他的乐器将他的大量观众带到了全新的声音世界。

Gubaidulina's sonata “Ex expecto” in particular aroused the listeners' curiosity with its many new effects, such as multi-part ricochets or the use of the air button.

The well-known "Toccata and Fugue in D minor", BWV 565 is one of the highlights of J.S. Bach's works. While the toccata tends to represent the virtuoso, sometimes playful element, the fugue then pays homage to the strict contrapuntal movement, resulting in an artful polyphonic structure. In the 20th century this work gained new creative life on the youngest contemporary instrument - the bayan.

In the "English Suite N° 2 in A minor", BWV 807 (Prélude - Allemande - Courante - Sarabande - Bourrée I - II - I - Gigue) Djoric impressed with interpretive subtleties including the floating lines that make the charm of Bach‘s "English Suites“.

S. Gubaidulina (recently celebrated her 90th birthday) is an important composer in Russia in the 20th century. She is the author of numerous works for symphony orchestra, chamber and vocal music. In the 1980s, S. Gubaidulina's work achieved international recognition.

For bayan she wrote “De profundis” (1978), “Seven words” for bayan, violoncello and strings (1982), “Et exspecto” - Sonata in 5 movements (1986), “Silenzio” for bayan, violin and cello ( 1992), “Tatar Dance” for bayan and two double basses (1992), “Under the Sign of Scorpio” - variations on six hexachords for bayan and orchestra (2003) and “Fachwerk” for accordion, percussion and orchestra (2009). “Et exspecto” refers to the second appearance of Christ. The focus of the sonata is the conflict between two spheres of sound. The pure and clear chorale is juxtaposed with sonorous clusters. The theme of the chant, now clear, now mysterious and mystical, now solemn, appears in all movements except in the finale. In the culmination of the 4th movement, the chorale seems to feel strengthened on its painful-majestic path, but the initially harmoniously simple chords together with the imperceptibly emerging figurations gradually acquire a dissonant structure, and this mutation leads to grandiose clusters over the entire range of the Instrument. The sound of the air button, which represents the howling of the wind, plays a major role in the sonata. This tonal effect, which in the finale takes on a sound shape, creates the image of a winter snowstorm ... and evokes an association with the sonata B flat minor by F. Chopin.

Astor Piazzolla wrote an "Ave Maria" (Tanti anni prima / Many years ago) for violin and piano for the 1984 film "Enrico IV", based on the play of the same name by Luigi Pirandello (1922), the flattering melody of which soon became popular. In addition to numerous arrangements for various instruments, the one for accordion can often be heard.

Accordionist Nikola Djoric has made a name as a soloist and chamber musician and has already performed in the Wiener Musikverein, the Philharmonie Cologne, the Konzerthaus Berlin and the Gasteig in Munich. With his accordion he is constantly exploring previously unknown sound spectra in the classical repertoire, strictly adhering to the original text. From this, as well as from his affinity for contemporary music, he draws his inspiration for such grandiose evenings.
Wiener Musikverein
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