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Diatonic Accordionists Create Magic in Orlando with the Roland FR18 - USA

Top: Danilo Di Paolonicola Middle: Alex Meixner, Lower: Danilo Di PaolonicolaSeven-time Diatonic Accordion World Champion Danilo Di Paolonicola brought the house down in Orlando, Florida, where he took diatonic accordion performance to new heights mixing his dynamic artistry, extraordinary technical capability and the innovative features of the new Roland FR18.

Appearing at the Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG) Festival as an International Guest artist, Danilo’s appearance was made possible by Roland-USA, as he began a tour through parts of the United States promoting the Roland FR18 Diatonic Accordion.

Picture left, top: Danilo Di Paolonicola Workshop
Picture left, middle: 2007 Grammy nominee Alex Meixner in Concert, USA
Picture left, lower: Danilo Di Paolonicola, 7 Time World Diatonic Champion in Concert

Danilo began learning the diatonic accordion at the age of six and immediately distinguished himself as a precocious talent, going on to win an incredible seven "World Champion" titles on the Diatonic Accordion, as well as numerous national and international competitions.

Among the many competitions won, Danilo in 2007 with his group "Ethnic Project" won the competition for world's most important jazz accordion "Premio Città di Castelfidardo" and again in the same year with his band, also won the "Premio Stefano Bizzarri" where he had the honor to open the gala concert of Richard Galliano.

Danilo studied jazz and accordion Varietè with Renzo Ruggieri, where he attended advanced courses at the Berklee Shcool in Perugia (Umbria Jazz). He has given concerts in Switzerland, Germany, France, Belgium, Croatia, Holland, Hungary, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina and the USA.

Also appearing on Diatonic accordion courtesy of Roland-USA was America’s own 2007 Grammy nominee Alex Meixner who began his performing career began at age 6 with his two sisters and father in an ethnic folk ensemble. An extremely versatile musician, Alex performs expertly on Diatonic Accordion, Piano Accordion as well as several brass instruments.

Alex has appeared at music festivals throughout the USA, concert performances with the London Symphony Orchestra, Sandy Duncan and his own jazz and ethnic ensembles; as well as over 50 recordings, Meixner has developed a unique musical mix that appeals to a wide cross-section of audiences.

His talents in music and comedy were even featured on the Tonight Show on NBC in 2004. Most recently, his “Polka Freak Out” CD with Bubba Hernandez garnered a Grammy nomination in December, 2007.

During the Festival, Danilo also presented some workshops highlighting the features of the FR18 Diatonic instrument. After leaving the ATG Festival in Orlando, Florida, the Diatonic team will head to Houston, San Antonio and other cities in Texas as part of their American Tour.

Pictured below, left to right: Chris Bristol, President & CEO of Roland Corporation USA, Virginia Harmon Roland-USA Festival Coordinator, Alex Chudolij (Roland-USA Dealer), Steve Albini Roland-USA V-Accordion Product Manager, Daniel Pavlotsky (Winner Youth Division – Roland-USA V-Accordion Festival), Danilo Di Paolonicola - Roland Diatonic Accordionist (Italy), Danielle Renzi (Winner of the Senior Division – Roland-USA V-Accordion Festival), Christopher Gorton (Winner 2010 Roland-USA V-Accordion Festival), Peter Chudolij (USA), Chris Halon, Roland-USA Director of Product Management and Sergio Scappini - Roland V-Accordionist (Italy).
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