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Veikko Ahvenainen Celebrates 90th Birthday, Finlandia Hall, Helsinki - Finland

Veikko and Carina Ahvenainen
Veikko AhvenainenFinnish accordionist Veikko Ahvenainen celebrates his 90th anniversary in a big concert in Helsinki on Saturday 5th October. The Finlandia Hall is completely sold out and 1,700 people will attend Veikko’s celebration.

Veikko Ahvenainen was born 24th September 1929 in Kuopio and his public musical career had already began in the early 1940’s. He has been the most versatile Finnish accordionist performing virtuoso entertainment, classical music as well as dance music.

During his career, Veikko Ahvenainen has played more than 5,000 concerts, recorded over 1,000 tracks (which is more than anybody else in the Finnish music industry) and published many music books and several accordion methods.

His close friendship with famous accordionists, like John Molinari from USA and Yuri Kazakov and Anatoly Beljajev in Russia and others, made his many international concert tours possible.

Ahvenainen’s Jubilee Concert in the famous Finlandia Hall will be a great accordion event with many clubs, orchestras and soloists performing, like Carina Nordlund, Oleg Sharov, Sami Hopponen, Jarmo Tinkala, Seppo Lankinen, and singers Erkki Liikanen, Leif Lindeman and Marita Taavitsainen. At the end of the concert, more than 300 accordionists will play together for Veikko’s celebration.

Not only music but also sports has been a part of Veikko’s life. He has run more than 30 marathons, the last one only few years ago. Veikko Ahvenainen is married to a Swedish accordionist Carina Nordlund since 2005.

In his celebration interview, Veikko emphasizes a positive life attitude and warm relationship with the concert public. This is certainly the main reason for his popularity amongst so many accordion friends.

He is full of energy and still plays concerts regularly: even in October, he has 13 concerts in 13 cities – including the Jubilee Concert in the Finlandia Hall in Helsinki.

View the article about his 85th Jubilee Concert and video from the DVD.

The accordion world salutes the amazing Veikko Ahvenainen - AWW Founder Harley Jones.
Pictures below: previous anniversary concert
Finlandia Hall concert
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