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Courses for ‘Modern Music’, Scalea - Italy

Laboratori posterMusic courses for ‘modern music’ takes place on July 5th, 6th and 7th in Scalea, Cosenza.

The courses are designed to provide an opportunity for student instrumentalists and singers to meet, improve their skills and to socialize. All participants will be taught by qualified teachers:

1. Singing: Rosa Martirano
2. Drums/percussion: Fabrizio La Fauci
3. Bass: Vincent Germano
4. Guitar: Campaign Enzo
5. Keyboards and Computer Music: Giuseppe Cosentino
6. Accordion: Salvatore Cauteruccio
7. Music groups: Robert Musolino

During the courses also the following seminars will take place:

* Publishing - discography and Copyright - Robert Musolino
* Computer music - Joseph Cosentino

Workshops will be held at the ‘Borgo dei piani de la bruca’, Scalea (CS). Concerts will take place daily and are open to all visitors for free entrance. For each course the maximum number of participants is 10 students.

For further information email: info@ascpitagora.com
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