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Frank Vilich QSM, NZAATC, 23 July 1930 to 31 May 2017 - New Zealand

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Frank Vilich QSMFrank's musical career commenced at the tender age of five years when his father gave him a ukulele. Although his father was a guitarist and singer Frank's preferred instrument was to be the accordion. He was given a concertina when he was seven, and an accordion for his 10th birthday.

His early years were spent in Australia where he learned drums, playing them in the Broken Hill Junior Boys Brass Band. In these early years, Frank was involved in entertaining as a child accordionist on the radio and later while in Sydney he formed his own dance band. While living in Sydney his accordion was stolen from a train, but this misfortune was compensated for, when he made music with a Dalmatian group, an activity he loves and is renowned for.

In 1951 Frank made a visit to NZ where he travelled to Dargaville to meet a number of his countrymen who reside in that area. One evening he was invited to a dance and on returning to his seat, he found a lady and her very attractive daughter had occupied his vacant seat. He soon became acquainted with that beautiful daughter Stephanie Sutich and she became the reason he stayed in NZ, and a little later she became his wife.

After he settled in Dargaville, Frank was to contribute to making it one of the centres of the accordion in NZ. Although a small town, at its peak, it boasted six accordion bands and has produced some of NZ's best accordionists. Frank soon started teaching the accordion and formed the Frank Vilich Accordion Band (FVAB) as well as performing with the Dargaville Tamburica Orchestra.

His accordion band never accepted fees for their performances even though they travelled over much of Northland and performed ten or twelve times per year for many charity functions.

They were instrumental in raising thousands of dollars for these charities. The accordion Museum in Dargaville currently has memorabilia on display from these times.

It was a sad day for Dargaville when Frank left to live in Auckland. However Auckland has benefited from his enthusiasm for music and the accordion and once again Frank began teaching and formed the Frank Vilich Revival Accordion Band, which, as it had done in Dargaville, delighted so many people with performances of Dalmatian and other types of music.

Here in Auckland the dominant feature has been helping good causes without accepting remuneration. Frank often returned to Dargaville to entertain at various functions held by the community.

In addition to these activities Frank has judged regularly at the NZ Accordion Championships, and played for a number of years at night clubs and restaurants.

During his brief tenure as President of the NZAA he initiated a picnic and a regular Association Ball. While living in the North he was a member of the first music group to make a recording in that area and in later years while residing in Auckland he has recorded for local radio stations.

Frank is a Life Member of the New Zealand Accordion Association. In 1990, Frank Vilich was awarded the Accordion Examination Board of New Zealand Merit Award. In 1996 Frank Vilich was awarded the Queen's Service Medal for Community Service (QSM) in the New Years Honours.

Frank has entertained at retirement homes for many years, both in groups and as a soloist. During his lifetime he has given pleasure to tens of thousands. Thank you Frank Vilich.

Requiem Mass to celebrate Frank's life will be held at 11am on Tuesday 6 June also at Christ the King Catholic Church. Dearly loved husband of Stephanie and cherished Father and Father-in-law of Carleen and Robert, Sonja and Giles, Deanna and Paul, and Petreece and Bob. Loving Grandpa of Milos and Mariam, Mara, Terence, Gregory and Madeleine. God has you now in his keeping, we have you in our hearts. Requiem Mass to celebrate Frank's life will be held at 11am on Tuesday 6 June also at Christ the King Catholic Church.
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