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Video: Russian Renaissance: Chamber Arts Competition Grand Prize Winner - USA

Excerpts from article by Martin Slagter: Russian Renaissance consisting of Ivan Kuznetsov (balalaika), Anastasia Zakharova (domra), Aleksandr Tarasov (accordion) and Ivan Vinogradov (balalaika-contrabasso) captivated the audience and jury on Thursday, May 4, inside Hill Auditorium to capture the second M-Prize chamber music competition.

At $100,000, it is said to be the largest chamber music prize in the world. The competitions was organized by the University of Michigan’s School of Music, Theater & Dance.

The winners receive important performance opportunities and are invited to teach at the school of music, theatre and dance at the University of Michigan 2017-18 School year.

Aside from the big money, what sets M-Prize apart from the crowd is the breadth of the music that is welcomed as part of the competition.

Russian Renaissance competed for the $100,000 grand prize with senior strings division winner, the Argus Quartet and senior winds division winner the Donald Sinta Quartet.

The international jury included former New York Philharmonic concertmaster Rodney Friend, Juilliard String Quartet cellist Astrid Schween, Swiss saxophonist Lars Mlekusch, renowned flautist Carol Wincenc, multigenre cellist Jeffrey Zeigler and Grammy Award-winning soprano Dawn Upshaw.

In addition to the grand prize, three $20,000 prizes are awarded to winners of three different categories of strings, winds and open competition, as well as junior strings and winds categories for ages 18 and under.
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