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Raymond Jones (1940-2021), Bradford – UK

Ray JonesRaymond Jones, from Bradford, West Yorkshire, was a lifelong accordion player and enthusiast, and held in high esteem by all who knew him, both personally and as a musician. He also played trombone in brass bands, most notably the famous Hammond Sauce Works Band, a championship section band with whom he competed at the Royal Albert Hall in London.

An engineer by profession, playing the accordion was Ray’s first love. He competed often in regional and national accordion festivals, and was the runner-up to the All Britain Advanced Champion four times, and also competed in international competitions. He served for many years on the Board of Governors of the National Accordion Organisation of the United Kingdom, served as an adjudicator at the NAO UK Championships, and was the organizer of his local area NAO festival.

Ray studied accordion with Ivor Beynon and achieved both the Performers’ Diploma LBCA and the Teachers Diploma ABCA, (TD) from the British College of Accordionists. He was a member of the Board of Examiners of the BCA, and served as an examiner in England, Scotland and Malta.

As a performer Ray did several BBC radio broadcasts. He played as a soloist and with various ensembles. Ray was also a popular and patient teacher for many years, and in recent times became involved with the Bradford Accordion Band, the Craven Accordion Orchestra, and the Weaver Valley Accordion Band.

Raymond Jones was pre-deceased by his wife Angela, and survived by his daughter Pamela. He passed away on June 29th at the age of 81. RIP.
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