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‘Johnny Handle Life and Soul’, Northumberland – UK

Johnny Handle‘Johnny Handle Life and Soul’ is a biography, written by Pete Wood, of the Geordie accordionist, pianist, singer, composer and entertainer from the North East of England. In the 1950s Handle was a pianist in jazz clubs, then moved into folk music, and as the founder of one of the first folk clubs became one of the most important figures in the so-called Folk Revival of the 1950s and 60s.

The book details his life and many achievements in music, assessing his renowned creativity seen through his extensive writing, performances and recordings.

Born in 1934, Johnny Handle was a coal miner, then became a teacher, and now is a full time performer – one of the best all-rounders and most entertaining musicians in the UK folk club and festival scene. Handle has also appeared as a guest in accordion clubs, where his unique all-round skills as an entertainer have made him popular with audiences. His performances and recordings include songs, accordion pieces, ragtime piano solos, monologues, humorous stories, etc – some self-composed and the rest from the rich Geordie cultural tradition.

In 1964 he and concertina player Alistair Anderson founded the High Level Ranters, one of the best known and still active folk dance bands from the North East.

For further information email: pwood49@outlook.com
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