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Stolen Accordion

Victoria accordionAccordions Worldwide has received the following message:

My son, Samuel Davis (aged 20) was a competitor at the UK Accordion Championships in Blackpool on Sunday 26 April 2009. Sam won the ‘Senior Recital’ section becoming UK Champion again.

Unfortunately during prize giving, his custom made Victoria accordion was stolen from the competition depository area. The police are investigating and actually have some CCTV footage, but no sign of the instrument yet.

It’s a black Victoria piano free bass, cassotto accordion, with chin couplers, and its number is 478. The accordion was in a black 'backpack' style case with red stitching. The case also included some rare out-of-print music.

I would be truly grateful if you could inform your members to be on the look-out.

The instrument is quite rare, there really aren't many of these. And Sam's is unique because it has black mesh on the black grill.

I am offering a £500 reward for any information that leads to be safe return of this instrument.

Many thanks

Tim Davis: tim@davis-solutions.co.uk
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