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Dr. William Schimmel’s Busy Month, New York – USA

William SchimmelDr. William Schimmel is performing in two new operas as part of New York City’s Opera’s Vox Festival, a yearly festival that promotes the development of new innovative operas and presents them in the form of staged readings.

Dr. Schimmel is performing in ‘Ratland’, by Gordon Beeferman – an opera about a dysfunctional family, and ‘Crescent City’, by Anne LeBaron – an opera about New Orleans, focusing in on Hurricane Katrina.

Both parts were written especially for Dr. Schimmel. ‘Ratland’ is a brutal modernistic piece which requires much physical and psychological energy in performance, and ‘Crescent City’ was written in such a way that Dr. Schimmel could utilize his many eclectic skills through various style shifts as well as improvisations.

The Operas are presented on May 1st and 2nd at the Skirball Center for the Performing Arts, New York University, NY.

On April 25th, Dr. Schimmel performed in Gerard Grisey’s ‘Partiels’, with the Ensemble ACJW at Zankel Hall, at Carnegie Hall. The conductor was Mathais Pintscher. The work is scored for chamber ensemble with accordion and features the accordion in a highly textural manner. The late Gerard Grisey, whose early career in the 1960s included being a CIA Coupe Mondiale winner, was the forerunner of the Spectral School of Music composition, which is to create music based on the overtone series producing an end result which makes acoustic instruments almost sound electronic.

On May 16th Dr. Schimmel will perform a series of songs by composer Eric Salzman to texts by Bertolt Brecht set in French. Eric Salzman was the producer of the Tango Project, a series of hit recordings that included Dr. Schimmel on accordion. The performances will take place at the Southampton Public Library in Southampton, New York.

Dr. Schimmel also is featured in the upcoming film: ‘New York, I love you’, which should be in theatres sometime in May. The music is by Paul Cantelon, composer of such films as ‘W’ and ‘Everything is Illuminated’. The film is a series of short films by various directors. Shekhar Kapur directed the segment where Dr. Schimmel can be heard. The segment stars actress Julie Christie. Also this month is the release of a new book on Tom Waits titled ‘Lowside of the Road’ by Barney Hoskyns. It will contain some interviews with Dr. Schimmel and his time with Mr. Waits.

For further information email: billschimmel@billschimmel.com
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