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Akkordeon Schweiz, Swiss National Festival of Accordion Orchestras - Switzerland

German Akkordeon-Orchester Grenzach conducted by Tanja Rauschenberger.
Akkordeon Schweiz, Disentis LogoThe Swiss accordion organisation and CIA member Akkordeon Schweiz organised a big festival for accordion orchestras and ensembles in Disentis, middle Switzerland.

The local association ”Verein Uniun da harmonicas Cadi (UhC)” hosted this remarkable event, the 17th Fiasta federal d’accordion 2016, where more than 80 accordion orchestras performed their competition programs.

The orchestras are divided into 4 levels of difficulty. The festival was conducted by Flavio Murer and his excellent staff. The musical director was Ruedi Marty, who has been also several times in the Coupe Mondiale jury and the Swiss delegate at the CIA Congress.

The repertoire of the orchestras consists mostly of famous works of well-known accordion composers, like Rudolf Würthner, Fritz Dobler, Adolf Götz, Renato Bui, Hans-Günther Kölz and Hans Josef Wedig. The German influence is evident, but the Swiss orchestras have their own strong character and interesting tradition.

To have more than 100 active and good accordion orchestras in a country of 8 million people is very excellent. The festival and performances were running in five venues simultaneously and in addition, the festival is an important meeting point for Swiss accordion teachers and professional musicians who were attending the jury panels.

Also some orchestras from Germany were performing in the Disentis festival.

The winner of the entire festival was a German Akkordeon-Orchester Grenzach conducted by Tanja Rauschenberger. The orchestra played the Chaconne by Hans Josef Wedig and a modern contemporary piece The Colors by a Serbian composer Slavko Suklar.

The performance was absolutely top level and the orchestra achieved the highest points of the entire competition. Immediately after each performance the conductor meets the jury, gets instant feedback and they discuss for about 10 minutes, the music and the performance. This is very a important and useful feature of the festival.

This large festival was held in a small town, which was completely occupied by the accordion groups. The free-time program was versatile including lots of music making and social activities.

The festival ”Eidgenössische Akkordeon-Musikfestfest (EAMF)” is organised every 4th year, next time in 2020.

Page of pictures: 2016Disentis
Concert Hall
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