City of Castelfidardo Award Honoring the 10th Anniversary
to Harley Jones and
Accordions Worldwide
15 October 2006
Paolo Picchio, City of Castelfidardo Competitions and Festival Artistic Director read out an Award Citation honoring Harley Jones and Accordions Worldwide in English and in Italian.

Ten years ago, on October 1st 1996, Harley Jones has stared the Accordions Worldwide Internet site after many months of preparation by a team of people, to include the Accordion Yellow Pages, many hundreds of pages of history, information and articles about the accordion, and for the Opening Day, the first “The Squeeze” accordion news.

The news was going to be monthly, but changed immediately to weekly with all issues kept online permanently published. Past news is very popular reading today, and the news grew from one language to 7 languages.

It is a measure today of just how fast technology has changed the world - when Accordions Worldwide started only one factory had email and none had an internet site. What a MASSIVE change in the world of the accordion in just 10 years!

The Borsini Accordions became the first internet client of Accordions Worldwide.

Since Accordions Worldwide started, readership has grown strongly and now, over 50,000 interested accordionists come to the group of websites each week. Broadcasting to so many accordionists was just a dream 10 years ago and now its a reality, with the numbers continuing to grow strongly.

The principle of using the internet to provide popular free services for accordionists around the world is here to stay and our accordion world is changed positively forever.

Accordions Worldwide Director Harley Jones (Fiji) receiving the Castelfidardo plate and award for the 10 years anniversary of Accordions Worldwide from Paolo Picchio, both acknowledging the audience applause.