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Weekly News from Around the World - 31-Oct-2014
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Особенности Highlights

Ежедневные репортажи, видео с конкурса «Кубок мира» в Зальцбурге – Австрия
Результаты «Кубка мира 2014» онлайн, Зальцбург – Австрия
Компания Roland Group представила в Зальцбурге обновления для своей флагманской модели аккордеона FR-8X V-Accordion – Австрия
Рон Ходжсон (Ron Hodgson – 1929-2014), Карлайл – Великобритания

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: Standing Ovation for Stunning Performance by Yuri Shishkin - Austria
Mundesley Festival Finale, Norfolk – UK
Viennese Magic in Mozarts' Salzburg - Austria
Frosini Society News, Astorp – Sweden
‘14 Years Ago’: Accordion Seminar held in Turkey’ in 2000

Будущие события

Sam O’Doherty’s gigs for next week – Republic of Ireland
Swing & Tango Concert, Cape Town – South Africa
Gala Accordeon Evening, Valaise – Switzerland
Accordion Virtuosi of Russia Concert, New Jersey - USA
‘FolkOnMonday’ Concerts, London – UK
Jimmy Blair Accordion Orchestra Concert, Scotland – UK
‘Accordion Commotion Day’, New Hampshire – USA
"Take Apart Your Accordion!" Repair Workshop, New York – USA
Dr William Schimmel guests with Percussion Ensemble, New Jersey – USA
Charity Accordion Variety Concert, Staffordshire – UK
Nihad Hrustanbegovic Premieres ‘The Four Seasons’, The Hague - Netherlands

Новые и обновленные сайты

Franco Cambareri Release New Compositions

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Особенности Highlights

Ежедневные репортажи, видео с конкурса «Кубок мира» в Зальцбурге – Австрия

2014 Coupe Mondiale Salzburg Center
67международный конкурс «Кубок мира» с успехом проходит в Зальцбурге, Австрия. Помимо конкурсантов высочайшего уровня, по вечерам можно услышать выступления замечательных австрийских музыкантов.

Ниже дан ряд ссылок, которые могут вас заинтересовать.
Финальный тур категории ‘Senior Virtuoso Entertainment’ (эстрадная музыка):

Финальный тур категории ‘Senior Coupe Mondiale’ (концертные исполнители):

Заключительный концерт-награждение с участием победителей конкурса и Мирового Аккордеонного Оркестра:

Выступления конкурсантов можно послушать здесь:
"Videos and Video Timetable": 2014CM-Video

Ежедневные репортажи на сайте http://coupemondiale.org/2014/at_coupe_main.htm


Результаты «Кубка мира 2014» онлайн, Зальцбург – Австрия

Coupe Mondiale 2014 header
Известны результаты конкурса «Кубок мира». Вы можете посмотреть церемонию награждения на сайте http://www.coupemondiale.org/2014/V01AwardsKar.htm

Pdf файлы с результатами и баллами жюри по всем категориям можно посмотреть здесь:

Заключительный концерт лауреатов, а также выступление Мирового Аккордеонного Оркестра можно посмотреть на сайте

Видео выступлений можно посмотреть по адресу: 2014CM-Video


Компания Roland Group представила в Зальцбурге обновления для своей флагманской модели аккордеона FR-8X V-Accordion – Австрия

Sean MontgomeryШон Монтгомери (Sean Montgomery), менеджер по продукции V-Accordion компании Roland Europe (фото справа) пишет: «Компания Roland рада сообщить о выходе существенного обновления системы для своего флагманского FR-8X V-Accordion ‘Version 2’. Это бесплатно устанавливаемое обновление добавляет много новых улучшений и усовершенствований, призванных сделать FR-8X еще более универсальным в любой музыкальной ситуации.

На основе обратной связи с пользователями были добавлены новые функции, включающие в себя новые оркестровые параметры и возможности ударных, улучшенное управление аудио файлами, больше функциональности для лупера и новые звуковые возможности функции Orchestral Chord.

Обновление 'Version 2’ будет официально представлено Уве Штегером (Uwe Steger) на специальном семинаре, который состоится 1 ноября в субботу в рамках 67-ого «Кубка Мира» в Зальцбурге, Австрия.

Семинар можно будет посмотреть в Интернете на сайте «Кубка Мира» 16.00 по центральноевропейскому времени. http://www.coupemondiale.org/2014/VDigital.htm

С тех пор как производство революционного V-Accordion впервые было запущено в 2004 году, Roland выпустил много моделей цифровых аккордеонов и баянов, вершиной которых стал нынешний FR-8X, запущенный в 2013 году.

Компания Roland недавно объявила о соглашении с компанией Fatar Srl, которое гарантирует продолжение производства V-Accordion в Италии. Профессиональная команда сотрудников Roland, базирующаяся в Fatar SRL, а также всемирно известное мастерство и стандарты качества, присущие компании Fatar, гарантируют, что Roland продолжит развитие специализированных моделей Roland V-Accordion».

Для получения дополнительной информации посетите сайт http://www.roland.com/products/en/FR-8xb/
Fatar srl Italy factory


Рон Ходжсон (Ron Hodgson – 1929-2014), Карлайл – Великобритания

Ron HodgsonРон Ходжсон был одним из основоположников появления аккордеона на сцене Великобритании, уважаемых и очень любимых. Он был превосходным аккордеонистом, дирижером, преподавателем, композитором, аранжировщиком, инспектором и членом совета Британского Колледжа Аккордеонистов, председателем Национальной Аккордеонной Организации (НАО), организатором фестивалей и членом жюри различных конкурсов.

Родился он в городе Карлайл 22 января 1929 года. В 1935 году Рон Ходжсон получил аккордеон в качестве рождественского подарка и сдал все 8 экзаменов Британского Колледжа Аккордеонистов, из них шесть с отличием. Он играл в танцевальных ансамблях, а когда был призван на национальную службу в армии (1947-49), то взял свой аккордеон с собой. Во время обязательных туров по Германии и Голландии Рон по-настоящему увлёкся аккордеоном: «Именно там я услышал аккордеон таким, каким он должен быть», - вспоминал он позже. В 1957 году Рон представлял НАО на Всемирном Фестивале Искусств в Москве, СССР, выиграв серебряную медаль. Этот опыт помог Рону научиться играть на выборной системе.

С 1957 по 2005 Рон Ходжсон возглавлял очень успешную аккордеонную школу в Карлайле. Среди его учеников Макс Хьюлистон (Max Houliston), Джули Бест (Julie Best), Крейг и Скотт Брэдли (Craig and Scott Bradley), Ричард Корри (Richard Corrie) и многие другие. В школе был создан профессиональный оркестр аккордеонистов ‘Ronmar’, который дважды становился победителем Британского национального чемпионата. В 1990-е годы Рон Ходжсон и Джули Бест создали популярный дуэт, известный в местных аккордеонных клубах и на фестивалях. Дуэт выпустил три CD.
Шотландский аккордеонист Гэри Блэр (Gary Blair) вспоминает: «Я как-то позвонил Рону поздно ночью перед конкурсом НАО, организатором которого я был, поскольку один из членов жюри подвел меня. Он пришел с утра, отработал весь день и не взял ни копейки, даже на бензин! По такому поступку можно оценить человека. Мне будет не хватать его».
Рон был известен многим как дирижер оркестра на таких аккордеонных фестивалях, как ‘Caister’ и 'St Audries Bay’, где он щедро делился своими обширными знаниями о музыке и аккордеоне.
Рон Ходжсон скончался 10 октября 2014 года. Гарри Хасси (Harry Hussey) сыграл на его похоронах 24 октября. У Рона остались жена Маргарет и сына Айвор.
Ronmar Accordion Orchestra


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: Standing Ovation for Stunning Performance by Yuri Shishkin - Austria

Video: Yuri Shishkin received a standing ovation for his stunning performance.


Mundesley Festival Finale, Norfolk – UK

Heather Smith and GeofThe final Mundesley accordion festival, which was exhilarating and exhausting in equal measures, took place last week at Richardson’s Holiday Village.

There was an abundance of top class playing in concerts from the Paris-Moscow Duo (Domi Emorine and Roman Jbanov), accordion/clarinet duo David Vernon & Dick Lee, virtuoso Pearl Fawcett-Adriano, jazz entertainer Harry Hussey, virtuoso Rosemary Wright, and jazz and swing accordionist Bert Santilly.

The festival participants spent much time in the orchestral workshops during each day, culminating in a concert performance in the afternoon of the last day.

Congratulations to Heather Smith for organising this and previous festivals at Mundesley, Seacroft (Hemsby), Caister and Pakefield. Her festivals in Blackpool will continue, the next being set for May 10th/15th 2015.

The original festival organiser, the late and still missed Malcolm Gee – whose first festival in Norfolk took place in November 1986 at nearby Caister, which starred Toralf Tollefsen and Lars Ek, once described accordion festivals as “a total indulgence in accordions”, and this remains today as true as ever.
Domi Emorine, Roman Jbanov and Pearl Fawcett-Adriano


Viennese Magic in Mozarts' Salzburg - Austria

Video 1: Viennese Chamber Accordion Ensemble
Video 2: Viennese Chamber Accordion Ensemble
Video 3: Viennese Chamber Accordion Ensemble
Video Music List:
1. Video: Rondo from "A little Nightmusic" by W.A.Mozart
2. Video: 3rd Movement from "Oktett" by Franz Schubert
3. Video: a) "Rosenkavalier-Waltz" by Richard Strauss
b) "Java Jive" by Manhattan Transfer

The Viennese Chamber Accordion Ensemble took some of the magic of Vienna to the home of Mozart when they were featured at the Thursday night concert of the Coupe Mondiale.

The Viennese Chamber Accordion Ensemble was founded in 1967 by Prof. Walter Maurer, well known as a central figure of the CIA while serving several key positions, including as General Secretary from 1975-2006.

The ensemble, directed by Werner Weibert comprises the best soloists in Austria and virtually has remained together ever since. One of the secrets of this lasting success is consistency.

The repertoire contains all styles and epochs. More than half of their standard programs are compositions from Vivaldi, Bach to Mozart and Mussorgsky, from Johann Strauss to Gershwin, Bernstein, Piazzolla and many more.

Success was also achieved through performances of original music by Rudolf Wuerthner, Brehme, Schollum, Jacobi, Dobler or Seiber, just to mention a few.


Frosini Society News, Astorp – Sweden

Franco CambareriLars Ek announces that the of the Frosini Society’s website has added 10 new compositions by Australian accordionist and composer Franco Cambareri to their Music sheet archive:

1. Gringo Vibes
2. A Romantic Autumn
3. Discotango
4. A Gentle Touch
5. Bahia de tu Amor
6. Dreamy Ballad
7. A la Paisana
8. Blu Dolphin
9. A Night Stroll
10.Blue Bossa

For further information email: lars@frosinisociety.org

View and purchase online the music of this popular Australian composer at: Franco Cambareri


‘14 Years Ago’: Accordion Seminar held in Turkey’ in 2000

The Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending October 27th 2000 included an article about an Accordion Seminar for children held in Turkey. The Turkish Accordion Association over the years regularly sends Accordions Worldwide news of accordion activities, the next being a concert this Saturday November 1st, 8am, featuring a trio - accordionist and cello with percussion – performing at the Living Room, Art Café & Social Club, Istanbul.

Accordion Seminar, Eskishehir – Turkey
Contributed by Tsvetana Kojuharova

In September Bulgarian accordionist Diana Stancheva held a two week seminar for 11 enthusiastic children in Eskishehir, Turkey, which included 8 hours of intensive work each day. The event was held at the ‘International Musik Center’ with the assistance of Turkish accordionist Aidin Yavash. The seminar covered ‘Development of the Bellows Shake’, ‘Working upon the ‘loure’ and ‘leggiero’ touch with methods developed by Jacques Mornet’.


Будущие события

Sam O’Doherty’s gigs for next week – Republic of Ireland

Sam O’DohertyThe very active accordionist and vocalist Sam O’Doherty performs next week around Ireland, as follows:

October 31st - tea dance, Lorrha Hall, County Tipperary
November 1st - Kades Kounty, Glenville, County Cork
November 2nd - Carrolls Hotel, Knocktopher, County Kilkenny
November 3rd - the Michael Commins Show, Salthill, Galway
November 4th - County Arms Hotel, Birr, County Offaly
November 5th - West County, Ennis, County Clare
November 6th - Ramble Inn, Michelstown, County Cork
November 7th - Clonmel Park Hotel, Dublin
November 8th - Ahern's, Newport, County Tipperary
November 9th - Deanrock, Togher, Cork


Swing & Tango Concert, Cape Town – South Africa

Swing & Tango Concert posterAccordionist Stanislav Angelov leads a trio to perform a varied programme of Gypsy Jazz, Parisian Musette, Tango and Balkan music on Saturday November 1st, 8.30pm, at the Alliance Francaise du Cap, 155 Loop St, Cape Town.

Stanislav Angelov, originally from Bulgaria, has done a great deal to promote the accordion in South Africa through his performances, recordings and website. He leads the popular band CT Tango Ensemble.

For further information email: music@goodmusic.co.za


Gala Accordeon Evening, Valaise – Switzerland

Gala Accordeon Evening poster
A Gala Accordeon evening – dinner and dance - takes place on Saturday November 1st, 7pm, at the Salle de l’Eau, Vive Martigny-Croix, Valaise, Switzerland. Accordionists performing include Fabrice Pelusso and Manu Maugain, with supporting players including Pierrot Glappey, Frederic Barben, Alain Bourgeois, Theodore Monnet, and Jean Yves-Sixt.


Accordion Virtuosi of Russia Concert, New Jersey - USA

Accordion Virtuosi of Russia Concert posterThe Stanton General Store is excited to announce that our good friend, Ilya Yakushev, will be returning to New Jersey to perform with The Accordion Virtuosi of Russia, featuring violinist Ilya Yakushev, will perform on Sunday November 2nd, 7.30pm, during their 2014 U.S. Festival Tour, at Hunterdon Central Regional High School, Flemmington, New Jersey. Admission is $25. The concert is sponsored by the Stanton Reformed Church.


‘FolkOnMonday’ Concerts, London – UK

The Treacherous OrchestraMairead GreenThe organization ‘FolkOnMonday’ is hosting three Celtic acts involving accordionists on three consecutive nights next week, with Mairearad Green and Anna Massie on Monday November 3rd, Manx trio Barrule on Tuesday November 4th, and The Treacherous Orchestra at The Borderline on Wednesday November 5th.

November 3rd, 8.30pm, Green Note, Camden Town, London - Mairearad Green (accordion and bagpipes) and Anna Massie (guitar, banjo, fiddle), from Scotland, are a truly captivating duo, providing a highly energetic performance with an instantly warm and friendly stage presence.

November 4th, 8.30pm, Green Note - the trio Barrule, featuring accordionist Jamie Smith, come from the Isle of Man and specialize in performing traditional Manx music. Barrule also perform in Belgium on November 15th at Muziekcentre Dranouter, and on the 16th at the Muziekclub ‘t Ey, Belsele.

November 5th, 7pm - The Borderline, Soho, London - nominated for Best Group in the 2013 BBC Folk Awards, The Treacherous Orchestra, an 11 piece Scottish Supergroup will fill both the stage and the venue with their presence, not to be missed.
The Trio Barrule


Jimmy Blair Accordion Orchestra Concert, Scotland – UK

Jimmy Blair Accordion Orchestra Concert posterThe Jimmy Blair Accordion Orchestra (MD Gary Blair) plus supporting artists perform in concert on Friday November 7th, 7pm, at Renfrew Town Hall, Glasgow, Scotland. The concert is in aid of the Malawi Schools Project. Tickets cost £6, £4 concessions.

The Jimmy Blair Accordion Orchestra, originally formed by Jimmy Blair, as part of his wider music school in the early 1970s, was very successful in NAO All Britain competitions until it was disbanded in the late 1980s. The orchestra was revived in 2009 by Gary Blair, and has since won several competition honours, and performing in many concerts.

For further information email: gazzapt@yahoo.co.uk


‘Accordion Commotion Day’, New Hampshire – USA

Gary Morin‘Accordion Commotion Day’ is the title of this month’s special meeting of the New Hampshire Accordion Association, which takes place on Saturday November 8th, 10am until 5pm. Accordionist Gary Morin will perform 2 concerts and 2 workshops, and Arthur Welch will lead a workshop on accordion reeds. Lunch buffet is also included! This all starts at 10 am and ends with an open jam session from 3.30 to 5pm.

NHAA meets at Accordion Connection, LLC, 136 Route 106, Gilmanton, NH 03237.

For further information email: regisdonna@yahoo.com


"Take Apart Your Accordion!" Repair Workshop, New York – USA

Brooklyn Accordion Club logo"Take Apart Your Accordion!" is the title of a repair workshop, led by Mike from Liberty Bellows, and organized by the Brooklyn Accordion Club, New York, on Sunday November 9th, 2 until 4pm. The venue is 61 Local, 61 Bergen Street, Brooklyn, NY. ?

Mike’s presentation includes the ‘Top 10 Accordion Fixes Every Accordionist Should Know’:
1. Level a treble key that is too high or too low
2. Reset or replace a loose treble pad
3. Fix a sticky or slow treble key
4. Block and unblock the bass for safe shipping
5. Straighten a bent bass button
6. Repair small air leaks
7. Replace a bass strap
8. Fix a reed that is not playing
9. Replace a problematic reed valve
10. Tighten loose reed blocks

Don't miss this great opportunity to learn about the mechanics of an accordion!
We are also taking calls for performers. If you are interested in performing a piece or two at the meeting, please email us! Beginners and first timers are welcome. Please sign up a head of time if you plan to perform a piece or two. It will help us plan the meeting better.

For further information email: brooklynaccordionclub@gmail.com


Dr William Schimmel guests with Percussion Ensemble, New Jersey – USA

Dr William SchimmelOn Monday November 10th, 8pm, accordionist and composer Bill Schimmel will be the featured guest with The New Jersey Percussion Ensemble at the William Paterson College in New Jersey. He will premiere his own works: ‘Concerto for Accordion and mallet instruments’ and ‘New York Classical for Accordion and Vibes’ along with his ‘Accordiomass’.

Dr William Schimmel is a virtuoso accordionist, author, philosopher and composer. He has performed with most of the symphony orchestras in the USA, and is also one of the principle architects in the tango revival in America, the resurgence of the accordion and the philosophy of Musical Reality (composition with pre-existing music). He received his diploma from the Neupauer Conservatory of Music and his BM, MS and DMA degrees from the Juilliard School. He has taught at the Juilliard School, Brooklyn College CUNY, Upsala College, New School University, Neupauer Conservatory, and has lectured on accordion-related subjects at Princeton, Columbia, Brandeis, University of Missouri, Duke University, Manhattan School of Music, the Graduate Center CUNY, Santa Clara University, The Janacek Conservatory in Ostrava, Czech Republic, and at Microsoft.

For further information: billschimmel@billschimmel.com


Charity Accordion Variety Concert, Staffordshire – UK

Charity Accordion Variety Concert posterA Charity Concert in aid of RP Fighting Blindness takes place on Thursday November 13th, 7.30pm, at the Victoria Hall, Kidsgrove, Staffordshire, featuring the North Staffs Accordion Band, Stefan Andrusyschyn (accordion) and Denise Leigh (soprano), and the Churnet Valley Male Voice Choir. Bar available. Admission £5.

For further information email: stevehg0@gmail.com


Nihad Hrustanbegovic Premieres ‘The Four Seasons’, The Hague - Netherlands

Nihad HrustanbegovicDutch-based Bosnian accordionist Nihad Hrustanbegovic, at the request of the Bosnian Embassy, in The Hague I will give the premiere performance of ‘The Four Seasons’, by Vivaldi, in the Concert Hall of the Theater Diligentia, The Hague, Netherlands, on November 27th, 8pm. The concert is dedicated to the celebration of the 71st anniversary State Day of Bosnia & Herzegovina, which is officially on November 25th. Entrance is by invitation only.

Nihad Hrustanbegovic will undertake a concert tour of ‘The Four Seasons’ during December, with performances in the Amsterdam Lutheraan Church, Den Haag De Diligentia (The Hague), Rotterdam Conservatory, The Ground Concert Hall in Utrecht, and Middelburg Zeeuwse Concert Hall. The tour is continues in 2015 with concerts forthcoming in Brussels, Paris, Vienna, and Istanbul.

For further information email: info@nihad-accordeon.com


Новые и обновленные сайты

Franco Cambareri Release New Compositions

Franco Cambareri - accordionist, composer, producer, releases a new composition for accordion available for purchase online.

'Capriccio Cubano', catalog: cfranco191

The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


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