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Ron Hodgson (1929-2014), Carlisle – UK

Ron HodgsonRon Hodgson was one of the seminal figures in the UK accordion scene, highly respected and very well liked. He was a superb accordionist, performer, orchestra MD, teacher, composer, arranger, British College of Accordionists examiner, BCA Board of Examiners member, National Accordion Organisation Chairman, festival organizer and adjudicator.

Born in Carlisle on January 22nd 1929, Ron Hodgson received an accordion as a Christmas present in 1935, and passed all 8 BCA examinations, the last six with distinction. He played in dance bands, and when called up for National Service in the army (1947-49) he took his accordion with him. It was during tours of duty in Germany and Holland that Ron really became hooked on the accordion, “It was there that I heard the accordion being played as it should be”, he later recalled. In 1957 Ron represented the NAO at a World Arts Festival in Moscow, USSR, winning a silver medal. This experience led Ron to learn to play free bass.

From 1957 to 2005 Ron Hodgson ran a highly successful accordion school in Carlisle, and his many pupils included Max Houliston, Julie Best, Craig and Scott Bradley, Richard Corrie, and many more. From the school came the highly accomplished Ronmar Accordion Orchestra, twice winners at the All Britain Championships. In the 1990s Ron Hodgson and Julie Best became a popular duo, well-known in accordion clubs and festivals, with three CDs to their credit.

Scottish accordionist Gary Blair recalls, “I once phoned Ron late the night before an NAO area competition I was organising, as a judge had let me down. He came up first thing in the morning, judged all day and refused to take a penny, even for petrol! That was the measure of the man. He will be missed”.

Ron was known to many as an orchestral MD at accordion festivals such as Caister and St Audries Bay, where he freely shared his vast knowledge of music and accordion playing.

Ron Hodgson passed away on October 10th 2014. Harry Hussey played at his funeral service on October 24th. He is survived by his wife Margaret and son Ivor.
Ronmar Accordion Orchestra
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