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Lou Coppola, First Solo Concert Since 1957, Washington - USA

Lou Coppola today and in 1955
Dizzy Fingers Solo by Lou Coppola
Stereo Strings perform "Granada" and "Brazil", Lou Coppola accordion
Pictures above: Lou Coppola with his son John on bass. Lou Coppola, US AAA Virtuoso Champion 1955.

On May 19, our club, the Washington Metropolitan Accordion Society (WMAS) was treated to a very special concert. For the first time in 56 years, four-time AAA Virtuoso Champion and former US Air Force Strolling Strings accordionist, Lou Coppola, performed a spectacular solo concert.

Lou told the audience that his friend, Joan Grauman, “bugged” him for about 9 years to play solos again. Well yes, this is true. I am guilty as charged. It is hard to describe how happy I felt while sitting in that room listening to Lou play those solos!

His skills are still beyond excellent and his dynamics and warmth created an excitement in our large social hall that has never before been seen or heard there. Wow, Lou was a huge hit and the cheers could be heard outside the brick walls!

Then, Lou brought to the stage superb violinists Stephanie Wiman Myers and David Swanson, and celebrated bass player, John Coppola (Lou’s son).

The “Stereo Strings” performed for our club and strolled through the room. Their performance was mesmerizing and totally delightful. Please watch the above videos: Lou playing “Dizzy Fingers” and the Stereo Strings playing “Granada” and “Brazil”.

You can hear Lou Coppola and the Stereo Strings at the AAA 75th Anniversary Festival in New York City. They will be the performers during the gala banquet on Saturday, August 17.

View the American Accordionists' Association (AAA) website for more information and updates.
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