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Video: Grayson Masefield performs World Premiere, "The New Tomorrow" by Bete Ilin - Switzerland

Grayson Masefield & Bete Ilin
Stéphane ChapuisVideo: Grayson Masefield performs the world premiere of "The New Tomorrow" the latest work composed by Macedonian composer Bete Ilin.

"The New Tomorrow" was composed for Grayson Masefield to premiere as a part of his repertoire at the recital for his Master of Soloist, Ecole de Musique in Lausanne, accordion tutor Stéphane Chapuis.

The composition received very positive comment from audience and fellow composers.

The work is for solo accordion accompanied by a string orchestra which was not available, so Bete Ilin re-arranged "The New Tomorrow" to be performed by solo accordion and a string quintet.

Bete Ilin wrote: "This work shows a part of my personality. Composing it, I wanted to show the audience a little positivity and optimism - things that prevail in my life. The story goes like this - tomorrow is a new day that brings us new challenges, new situations and events, some positive, some negative. "The New Tomorrow" sends a message to the audience that whatever happens today and in the future, we are the ones that decide how we react!"

Bete Ilin has won a number of awards for composition including the CIA Honored Friend of the Accordion Award in 2015 in Finland. Her other works for accordion and orchestral instruments are:
- Chamber
"Il mio sospiro" - I violin, II violin, viola, cello & accordion
Acc & orchestra
"Capriccio" solo accordion and symphonic orchestra

A full list of accordion compositions for solo, duo and ensemble can be viewed at: Bete Ilin
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