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Stephanie Poole September 2022 Performance with Bach Musica – New Zealand

SP & orchestra
Durufle posterStephanie PooleStephanie Poole - picture above by Peter Jennings.

Auckland accordionist, Stephanie Poole was honoured to be asked to perform Piazzolla’s Adios Nonino and Escolaso with Bach Musica New Zealand’s strings and percussion at the Auckland Town Hall on September 18th, 2022. I had played before with their talented conductor, Rita Paczian, and had very much been looking forward to working with her again.

Sadly, Rita’s sister became gravely ill and Rita had to rush over to Germany to be with her. Elizabeth Lau who is music director of Wairua Sinfonietta and the Auckland Chinese Philharmonic Choir stepped in at the eleventh hour to conduct not only the Piazzolla but also the Durufle Requiem and the world premiere of a new composition, Symphony 2019, by Hungarian-NZ composer Gabor Tolnay.

The Piazzolla works certainly provided a contrast to the rest of the programme. Some of the string players after the concert said they had enjoyed the chance to play a style of music that they didn’t often get to perform, one confessing to loving the rhythmicality so much that he had wanted to tap his feet (apparently frowned upon in professional orchestral circles!)

The neo-Baroque styled Auckland Town Hall in New Zealand is a beautiful venue to perform in, and it was so lovely to see so many familiar New Zealand accordionists’ faces in the audience - thank you to those who were able to make it.

The prize for the furthest distance travelled to attend the concert must go to Alison Worthington, whose visit from London, England, UK back to visit her family in New Zealand was perfectly timed to enable her to attend along with her mum.

Some review extracts follow:

New Zealand Herald music critic, William Dart: “For those who feel that the tangos of Astor Piazzolla are too often relegated to encore status, Bach Music NZ undertook a welcome rehabilitation, opening tonight's concert with two of the Argentinian's attractive and shortish pieces. Accordionist Stephanie Poole and the strings of the orchestra tugged at our heartstrings, playing the composer's tribute to his late father, Adios Nonino, exquisitely so in the sweet duetting of the deft-fingered soloist with Paul Mitchell's cello. Piazzolla's Escolaso was livelier, and Elizabeth Lau's baton ensured that all kept in line with Caleb Goldsmith's Latin percussion, while encouraging dramatic passions to bloom in its middle section.”

Retired German critic, Rainer W. Buhmann: “With this critic’s mind-set fully prepared for the complexities of Durufle’s seldom-performed Requiem, the preceding works were therefore anticipated with some apprehension. These hesitations were, however, quickly removed by Stephanie Poole’s distinct accordion virtuosity. The assured mastery of her instrument melting with the rich sound of the orchestra ensemble was something of a revelation! The music plausibly conveyed the ‘joie de vivre’ and passion of the South American mentality as it was in the sensitive hands of Stephanie Poole, who, following the completion of her concert-item, then took her place in the alto section of the Bach Musica NZ Choir.”
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