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Weekly News from Around the World - 30-Oct-2015
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Особенности Highlights

65-й международный аккордеонный конкурс «Трофей мира 2015», Мартиньи – Швейцария
Международный Дни Аккордеона в Праге – Чехия
Концерты Марко Ло Руссо (Marco Lo Russo) в Варшаве и Гаване – Польша, Куба
Почетная награда CIA для Александра Склярова – Россия

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: Maria Kalaniemi and Timo Alakotila, 2015 Coupe Mondiale - Finland
Great Tango Concert On Luxury Cruise Ship Europa - Germany
Concert of Music by Volodymyr Runchak, Kiev - Ukraine
Video: 1st Netta Skog, Coupe Mondiale Digital Accordion Category - Finland
1st Sophie Herzog, AIC International Competition Rheinach - Switzerland
Video: LiubAnya Duet, Moscow - Russia
Ken and Mary Turbo Accordions Express - El Salvador
Video: Edo Krilic and Dina Krilic playing Valse Violett - Austria
‘14 Years Ago’: Marcosignori visits China, October 2001

Будущие события

Petar Maric and Aleksandar Nikolic Concert, Torres Vedras – Portugal
All Scotland Accordion & Fiddle Championships, Perth – UK
Tian Gang Saburo Accordion Workshops, Taichung, Taipei – Taiwan
Accordion Accompaniment for ‘The Cabinet of Dr Caligari’, London – UK
Christine Schmid to perfom in November - Germany
Kosmos Ensemble’s Scottish Tour - UK
Nihad Hrustanbegovic Performs ‘Four Seasons’, Paris - France
Donna Maria Regis Concert, New Hampshire – USA
CNIMA J.Mornet Composing and Improvisation Courses, Auvergne – France

Новые и обновленные сайты

Renzo Ruggieri "Up To Christmas" €10 eSheet Music Special - Italy
New Website: World of Accordions Museum, Superior - USA
Milwaukee Accordion Club Website Updates - USA

CD Отзывы

CD Review: “So Far, So Close” CD by Incoerente Duo

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Особенности Highlights

65-й международный аккордеонный конкурс «Трофей мира 2015», Мартиньи – Швейцария

65th Trophée Mondial
Vladimir StupnikovС 21 по 24 октября в Мартиньи, Швейцария, состоялся конкурс «Трофей мира», проходящий под эгидой Всемирной Конфедерации Аккордеона (CMA, президент Фредерик Дешамп). В этом году организатором конкурса выступила Академия Аккордеона (Acadamie d'Accordeon) под управлением Ива Мулена (Yves Moulin).

В рамках мероприятия состоялись концерты фольклорных ансамблей 'Comberintze’, ‘Fink Positive’, ‘Brice Pianet’ и дуэта '1 Franc Suisse’ (Ив Мулен и Янн Фиард). Каждый вечер в формате концерта проходили прослушивания в категории «Варьете», после чего гости приглашались на ужин традиционной швейцарской кухни, включая раклет и фондю. Мероприятие проходило в традиционной атмосфере с участием множества волонтеров из местного городка, которые не только помогали в организации, но даже принимали у себя конкурсантов.

Выступления участников «Трофея мира 2015» можно посмотреть на сайте CMA.
Список победителей основных категорий:
Категория ‘Senior Classique’ (Академическая музыка, концертные исполнители) – Владимир Ступников (Россия)
Категория ‘Masters’ (Академическая музыка без ограничения возраста) – Александр Комельков (Россия )
Категория ‘Senior Variété’ (Эстрадная музыка) – Махатма Коста (Бразилия)
Категория Junior Classique’ (Академическая музыка, юниоры) – Родион Широков (Россия)
Категория ‘Junior Variété’ (Эстрадная музыка, юниоры) – Валерио Руссо (Италия)
Категория ‘World Music’ (Музыка мира) – дуэт ‘Aldo Duet’ (Польша)

Во второй раз в рамках основного конкурса состоялся детский конкурс 'National Trophee’ («Национальный трофей»), прослушивания которого прошли в четырех возрастных категориях: до 17 лет, до 15 лет, до 12 лет и до 10 лет.

Полные результаты можно скачать здесь: 2015CMAresults.pdf

66 конкурс «Трофей мира 2016» пройдет в Портимане, Португалия, с 27 сентября по 1 октября 2016 года.
Mahatma Costa, Aleksandr Komelkov


Международный Дни Аккордеона в Праге – Чехия

International Accordion Days in Prague
Gala concert posterКонкурс «Международные Дни Аккордеона» в Праге, направленный на развитие прочных аккордеонных традиций в Чехии, собрал 70 заявок от участников из многих стран. Список участников: 2015Prague.pdf

Фестивальная программа – вход на все мероприятия свободный.
30 октября, пятница
16:00 – дружеский концерт – выступление участников фестиваля из Чехии, Сербии, России, Швеции и Норвегии в замке ‘Liben Castle’, Зенклова.
19:00 – гала-концерт – Ладислав Лорак (аккордеон), Павел Фидлер (саксофон) и ансамбль аккордеонистов ‘Plunges’.

31 октября, суббота – Пражская Консерватория

8:00 – 19:00 – конкурсные прослушивания
20:30 – объявление результатов, награждение, выступление лауреатов

Члены международного жюри: Йорген Сундеквист (Швеция), Ласло Ерней (László Ernyei, Венгрия), Йозеф Хребик (Josef Hrebík, Чехия), Мирко Патарини (Италия), Йири Темл (Jirí Teml, Чехия), Ладислав Хорак (Чехия), Павел Троян (Чехия), Стефан Хиппе (Дания), Георг Пенц (Georg Penz, Дания).

Параллельно с конкурсными прослушиваниями состоялись лекции, мастерклассы и концерты:
12:00 – 15:00
- Павел Троян
- Стефан Хиппе
- Йорген Лёхтер (Дания)
- Исполнение новых композиций для аккордеона и саксофона чешских и немецкий композиторов (Холмер Бекер, Стефан Хиппе, Павел Троян, Эдуард Доуша). Исполнители Ладислав Хорак и Павел Фидлер.
- Георг Пенц
- 15:00 – выступление ансамбля аккордеонистов ‘Nürnberger Akkordeon-Ensemble’, дирижер Маркус Рёттиг (Markus Röttig).


Концерты Марко Ло Руссо (Marco Lo Russo) в Варшаве и Гаване – Польша, Куба

Marco Lo RussoВидео выше: пьеса Марко Ло Руссо 'Solemn Promises' с его Cовременного Аккордеонного CD. Пьеса победила в видео конкурсе под названием «Страсть и Вера», автор видео Фабрицио Каламиа.

Итальянский аккордеонист и композитор Марко Ло Руссо вновь посетит Кубу и Польшу в ноябре.

- 6 ноября, пятница – выступление Марко Ло Руссо в концертном зале ‘Widowiskowo Koncertowa Muza’, Сосновец, Варшава. В концерте примет участие певица Агнешка Чржановска (Agnieszka Chrzanowska).

- 7 ноября, суббота – Марко Ло Руссо посетит радиостудию Польского Радио Гданьска, где представит свой новый сингл ‘Obecný narzecznony’ из альбома ‘Mezczyzna Praie’.

- 8 ноября, воскресенье – Марко совместно с Агнешкой Чржановска и Артуром Готцем (Artur Gotz) выступит в зале ‘Osrodek Kultury’, Серок.

- 16-30 ноября – Марко выступит на Кубе в рамках Итальянской Культурной Недели, организованной итальянским посольством в Гаване, где состоится постановка нового шоу танцевального театра ‘Retazos’, хореография Изабель Бустос, музыка Марко Ло Руссо.

Дополнительная информация по e-mail: dina@marcolorusso.com


Почетная награда CIA для Александра Склярова – Россия

Alexander SklyarovВ Финляндии в рамках «Кубка мира 2015» состоялось вручение Почетной награды CIA (CIA Merit Award) Александру Склярову. Сам Александр Скляров не смог присутствовать на мероприятии.

Александр Скляров, знаменитый баянист, лауреат международного конкурса, родился 16 июля 1949 года в Борисоглебске (Воронежская область). В 1964 году он окончил детскую музыкальную школу в Борисоглебске, класс преподавателя В.П. Маслова. В 1968 году окончил музыкальное училище имени Гнесиных в Москве, где он учился в классе профессора А.Т. Гаценко. В 1973 году Александр Скляров окончил ГМПИ им. Гнесиных, где занимался в классах проф. А.А. Лубенникова и проф. С.М. Колобкова.

С 1973 года Александр Скляров работал преподавателем в Воронежской Академии Искусств, а несколько лет спустя стал солистом Воронежской филармонии. В 1971 года он стал победителем международного конкурса «Кубок Мира» в Брюгге (Бельгия), а в 1994 году стал обладателем «Серебряного диска», специальной премии, вручаемой в Москве в рамках фестиваля «Баян и баянисты».

Александр Скляров выступал во многих странах мира, регулярно работал членом жюри различных конкурсов. В 1994 году Александр Скляров был удостоен почетного звания народный артист России.


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: Maria Kalaniemi and Timo Alakotila, 2015 Coupe Mondiale - Finland

Video Archive
Famous Finnish accordionist Maria Kalaniemi and Timo Alakotila (piano) put on a 17 minute televised performance at the prestigious Logomo complex in Turku Finland as part of the Opening Concert of the 2015 Coupe Mondiale.

View other performances from the 2015 Coupe Mondiale Opening Concert at:


Great Tango Concert On Luxury Cruise Ship Europa - Germany

Isabelle van Keulen & Tango Nuevo Classical Music Ensemble
Christian GerberThe "Isabelle van Keulen & Tango Nuevo Classical Music Ensemble" were seen and heard aboard the superb small 408-passenger luxury cruise ship Europa recently, giving a chamber concert of Astor Piazzolla tangos.

The ensemble consists of international stars Isabelle van Kuelen (violin) Christian Gerber (bandoneon), Ruediger Ludwig (double bass) and Ulrike Payer (piano), all of them equally outstanding virtuoso musicians that play together as one.
Accordionist/composer Douglas Ward was on a cruise in October 2015. He says that he has "never heard a bandoneon player as brilliant and as emotionally expressive as Christian Gerber since meeting and listening to Astor Piazzolla himself, in New York many years ago. The technical virtuosity and musical interpretation of this ensemble is simply the best."

The ensemble released a CD entitled ‘Grand Tango’ in June 2015 which can be found on the ensemble’s website and the internet.

Compositions by the author are available online at: Douglas Ward
Christian Gerber and Isabelle van Keulen


Concert of Music by Volodymyr Runchak, Kiev - Ukraine

Concert PosterOn October 27th in the Small Hall of the National Music Academy of Ukraine, Kiev, there was a concert featuring the music of the composer Volodymyr Runchak.

The concert was organized by the National All-Ukraine Music Union and the accordion department of the National Music Academy of Ukraine for the concert series ‘New Music in Ukraine’.

The concert program included all the works for accordion written by Volodymyr Runchak and are listed on the concert poster (right).


Video: 1st Netta Skog, Coupe Mondiale Digital Accordion Category - Finland

Video Archive
1st place, 2015 Coupe Mondiale Digital Accordion Competition was Netta Skog of Finland. Above is the video of her winning performance at the Logomo Centre, Turku.
2nd place: Alexander Bodell (United Kingdom);
3rd place: Denis Marko Dubjel (Slovakia).

Video of all the Coupe Mondiale Digital Accordion Competition contestants is online at:


1st Sophie Herzog, AIC International Competition Rheinach - Switzerland

Accordion International Competition logo
Sophie HerzogStudents of the Hohner-Konservatorium in Trossingen, Sophie Herzog, Sandra Bommeli and Valentin Metzger enjoyed success at the AIC Accordion International Competition
25-27 September 2015 in Rheinach, Switzerland.

1st Sophie Herzog (picture left)
4th Valentin Metzger
5th and first Swiss, Sandra Bommeli

Sophie Herzog with a program including music of JS Bach and “Indianischen Tänzen” by Jan Meisl was awarded 1st. The teacher of the three students is Andrea Nebl.

The Accordion International Competition was founded 20 years ago by Peter Frey, Reinach Switzerland, Armin Schneider, Hamburg, Germany and Professor Walter Maurer, Vienna, Austria.

Children, adolescents and adults, irrespective of what type of accordion they play (key, botton, standard bass or converter) are welcome to this competition.


Video: LiubAnya Duet, Moscow - Russia

LiubAnya Duet logoLiubAnya DuoPublished on Mar 12, 2015 is a video titled, A walk on the Kedainiai, Lithuania by LiubAnya duet, Moscow.

Duet players are: Liubov Akhanova and Anna Zueva.

Left is their nice accordion logo.


Ken and Mary Turbo Accordions Express - El Salvador

Ken and Mary
`Ken and Mary Turbo Accordions Express` performing at the 2015 Miller Brewing Co. Pilsener Oktoberfest in El Salvador, Central America from October 22 - 25, 2015.


Video: Edo Krilic and Dina Krilic playing Valse Violett - Austria

Edo Krilic and Dina Krilic (violin) playing Valse Violett, a composition by Edo Krilic.

Edo Krilic was born in Sarajevo and now lives deep in the mountains of Austria. Performing music styles from jazz to classical style, Edo Krilic continues to show why he was such a highly esteemed accordion player, in the former Yugoslavia.


‘14 Years Ago’: Marcosignori visits China, October 2001

Gervasio MarcosignoriThe Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending October 26th 2001 included a report of Italian virtuoso Gervasio Marcosignori performing in a shopping mall in Shanghai, China. This impromptu concert was reported in Shanghai’s newspaper and on TV. Marcosignori (1927-2013) was one of the most admired accordionists of his generation worldwide, and his appearance in public in Shanghai must have made quite an impression on those present.

"Accordion Poet" Visits Shanghai – China
Contributed by Prof. Li Cong

They call him the "Accordion Poet", and he played a one hour impromptu performance in Shanghai Square, a big shopping mall in Shanghai on October 12th. The accordionist was 73 year old Gervasio Marcosignori.

Marcosignori was born in Castelfidardo, Italy and by the age of 15 was already giving concert tours around Europe. After a performance at the British Royal Celebration Hall, the press called him the "Accordion Poet".

During this month's trip to Shanghai, he was accompanied by the Italian Marche Region Council Delegation. His performance included pieces played on the MIDI accordion such as ‘Flight of the Bumble Bee’ and ‘Dark Eyes’. Shanghai's major newspaper ‘Xinming Evening’, the ‘Jiefang Daily’ and Shanghai TV reported this performance.


Будущие события

Petar Maric and Aleksandar Nikolic Concert, Torres Vedras – Portugal

Tango Reaction CD coverPetar Maric - accordion and Aleksandar Nikolic – bandoneon, both from Serbia, perform in concert together at the Teatro-Cine, Torres Vedras, Portugal, on Saturday October 31st, 9.30pm until 11pm. The concert is an event in the festival Festas da Cidade 2015.

Torres Vedras is a municipality in the Portuguese district of Lisbon, approximately 50 kilometres north of the capital.

The duo have released the Tango Reaction CD which is available online at: Cat No. beltango5


All Scotland Accordion & Fiddle Championships, Perth – UK

All Scotland Accordion & Fiddle Championships
The 66th All Scotland Accordion & Fiddle Championships take place on Saturday October 31st at The Salutation Hotel, Perth. The competition includes sections for traditional, gaelic, continental and world music entries.

The adjudicators for the accordion sections are Robert Whitehead, Tom Orr, Jimmy Cassidy, and Freeland Barbour; the fiddle sections adjudicator is Gill Simpson.

On Friday evening, October 30th, there is a pre-festival ceilidh in the hotel with The Jim Johnstone Tribute Band.

The festival concludes with a Grand Finale Concert featuring The Brandon McPhee Trio, Claire Telford & Wayne Robertson (fiddle/accordion), and the Tom Orr Scottish Dance Band. There is also an informal music session in the bar with The Jim Johnstone Tribute Band – all musicians are welcome to participate.

The All Scotland Championships have been held annually in Perth since the first festival in 1949, organized by Bill Wilkie.


Tian Gang Saburo Accordion Workshops, Taichung, Taipei – Taiwan

Tian Gang SaburoAccordion virtuoso Saburo Gang Tian, from Tokyo, Japan, visits Taiwan this weekend to hold workshops. The workshops focus on bellows skills, touch keys, interpretation of phrases, the strength of sound control, jazz technique, and tango technique. Places are limited for this this rare opportunity to learn.

October 31st, 6pm until 7.30pm - 630 (second floor) Taichung Mei Village Road, Taichung
November 1st, 4pm until 5.30pm - City No. 59 B1, Kui Street Daan District, Taipei

Saburo Gang Tian graduated from the Tokyo College of Music, and later in France published three albums, in the genres of tango, jazz, and French chanson.

For further information email: vincentaccordion@gmail.com


Accordion Accompaniment for ‘The Cabinet of Dr Caligari’, London – UK

Igor OutkineOn Sunday November 1st the Russian accordionist Igor Outkine accompanies the classic 1920s silent horror movie ‘The Cabinet of Dr Caligari’. The screening takes place at St Swithun’s Hall, St Swithun’s Rd (off Hither Green Lane), London SE13 6RW. Doors open at 7pm, film at 7.45pm; admission £10.


Christine Schmid to perfom in November - Germany

Christine SchmidChristine Schmid holds a degree in economics, has stutied modern accordion stylistics at the Hohner Conservatory Trossingen and classical singing at the Opera Workshop at Basel Conservatory. Later she attended the Basel Jazz School and continued in Paris with music theory, accordion and vocals.´

In 2012 she received the Chanson price of the Franco-German Society for her contributions to the French and German Chanson. For many years, her passion is to discover to present the accordion in a new way and to show its diversity of sounds to a wider audience.

And who still thinks on a good old squeezebox as the accordion, will soon be convinced of the contrary by her versatile appearances – and you can do so on:

13.11.2015 at 20h "muss Liebe schön sein"?? Kulturcafe Kolumban Schopfheim/Germany
14.11.2015 at 20h Chansonabend an Museumsnacht Krone, Tegernau/Germany

More information: http://www.christine-schmid.net/


Kosmos Ensemble’s Scottish Tour - UK

The Kosmos Ensemble of Miloš Milivojevic (accordion), Harriet Mackenzie (violin) and Meg Hamilton (viola) are in Scotland next week on a short tour.

An exciting night of world music from the wild gypsy fiddling to the Balkans to Israel to Japan to Poland to South American Tango! And all from a trio who have “telepathic rapport, dazzling virtuosity, serious scholarship, intellectual curiosity and impeccable musicianship” - Richard Morrison, The Times

Tour dates:
November 1st, 3pm - Ardkinglas House, Argyll PA26, Scotland
November 2nd, 7.30pm – Traverse Theatre Bar, Edinburgh
November 3rd, 7.30pm – Eastgate Theatre & arts Centre, Peebles EH45 8AD
November 4th – schools concerts in Peebles
November 13th, 7.45pm – The Mill Cafeteria, New Lanark M119DB

For further information email: kosmos@kosmosensemble.com


Nihad Hrustanbegovic Performs ‘Four Seasons’, Paris - France

Accordionist Nihad Hrustanbegovic performs Vivaldi’s ‘Four Seasons’ and a programme of sacred music – ‘Ave Maria’, ‘Fratres’, ‘Canon’, ‘Ave Verum Corpus’ and ‘Symphonic Sevdah Dreams’ - on Saturday November 14th, 10pm, at the Église de la Madeleine, Place de la Madeleine, 75008 Paris.

Bosnian-born Nihad Hrustanbegovic is now based in the Netherlands. He has recently recorded Vivaldi’s ‘Four Seasons’, and has performed this famous concert suite in several European venues.

For further information email: info@nihad-accordeon.com


Donna Maria Regis Concert, New Hampshire – USA

New Hampshire Accordion Association (NHAA)
Donna Maria RegisNew Hampshire Accordion Association (NHAA) is delighted to present its highly talented Music Director, Donna Maria Regis, in a solo concert on Saturday November 21st. Donna Maria's performance will be part of NHAA's regular monthly meeting at host Accordion Connection LLC, Gilmanton, New Hampshire.

Here is NHAA's meeting agenda for November 21st: informal jam from about 12.15pm, followed by Open Mike at 1pm, then a just-for-fun group play-along session. All accordionists as well as other instrumentalists and vocalists – NHAA members and non-members alike – are encouraged to participate in any or all phases. Please bring music of any genre or style to share with the “play-along” group. The more variety, the better, and the more fun!

After a short break, Donna Maria's concert will begin at 2.15pm. A reception with light refreshments will follow.

The public is invited to attend free of charge.
For more information email: regisdonna@yahoo.com or swelch@accordionconnnection.com


CNIMA J.Mornet Composing and Improvisation Courses, Auvergne – France

CNIMA J.Mornet
There are accordion courses, aimed at professional and advanced level amateur accordionists, dealing with composing and improvisation, from January to June 2016, at CNIMA J.Mornet. Further details are on the website: CNIMA J.Mornet

These courses last two days and a half. The sessions will be held from January 12th to 14th, February 9th to 11th, March 9th to 11th, March 30th to April 1st April 13th to 15th, May 11th to 13th, and June 8th to 10th.

CNIMA J.Mornet is the well-known accordion school founded and run by Professor Jacques Mornet and Nathalie Boucheix.

CNIMA J.Mornet is based at Les Ludines, 63950 Saint-Sauves d’Auvergne, situated in the south of France. There is easy access to Cnima by highways A71, A75 and A89, and a train station locally where the CNIMA’s team will pick up. Information at www.cnima.com

For further information email: cnima@wanadoo.fr


Новые и обновленные сайты

Renzo Ruggieri "Up To Christmas" €10 eSheet Music Special - Italy

Renzo Ruggieri eSheet musicRenzo RuggieriFamous Renzo Ruggieri is making an "Up To Christmas" special for all his eSheet music (able to be sent to you by email) at the super price of only €10 each.

The music includes compositions and arrangements by Renzo Ruggieri.

Click the links below to view sample page and/or video and to order:
rrenzo501 - Song For S.B (Solo)
rrenzo502 - Volo Degli Angeli (Solo)
rrenzo503 - Tango Italiano (Solo)
rrenzo504 - Carnevale (Solo)
rrenzo505 - Roma Tango Solo
rrenzo506 - Cinema (for 4 parts and drums, electronic accordion)

The online shopping basket links to the high security eCommerce site run by WorldPay.com, one of the world's largest payment processing system.


New Website: World of Accordions Museum, Superior - USA

World of Accordions Museum
World of Accordions Musuem has launched a new site at: www.worldofaccordions.org

Founded in 1993, this Museum in Superior, Wisconsin is dedicated to educating the public about the history of the accordion.

This new site already contains a wealth of information about the accordion and its historical development and information will be steadily added over the coming years.


Milwaukee Accordion Club Website Updates - USA

Milwaukee Accordion Club
The Milwaukee Accordion Club upcoming programs/meetings for the coming months.

Monday October 26th
Featured Program: Oktoberfest with Peggy & Hansi Mueller

Monday - November 23, 2015
Featured Program: ‘Composers Night’

Monday - December 13, 2015
Featured Program: MAC Annual Christmas Party

Full details on the website: Milwaukee Accordion Club (MAC)


CD Отзывы

CD Review: “So Far, So Close” CD by Incoerente Duo

“So Far, So Close” CD coverCD Reviews Index for the Review of “So Far, So Close” CD by Incoerente Duo – Alessandro Tampieri (violin), Giorgio Dellarole (accordion). Review by Alessandro Mugnoz.


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