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Weekly News from Around the World - 06-Nov-2015
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Особенности Highlights

«Кубок мира 2016», 11-17 сентября, Ростов-на Дону – Россия
Ансамбль ‘Deco’ на «Бранче с живой музыкой» в Альберт-холле, Лондон – Великобритания
Конкурс ‘Kleine Tage der Harmonika’ («Маленькие дни гармоники»), Клингенталь – Германия
Фридрих Липс исполняет концерт “Viva Voce”, Казань – Россия

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: "Viva Voce" Concerto, Soloist Ksenija Sidorova with Kremerata Baltica
41st Skei-Treffen 2015 Weekend, October 30 to November 1, Skei - Norway
Video: Bayan Mix Duo with Marina Devyatova on TV - Russia
Montevideo Philharmonic and Iñaki Alberdi - Argentina & Uruguay
Mika Väyrynen Solo Recital TV Broadcast, Turku - Finland
New CD: Balin-Vioyan Duo Auslese Album, Beijing - China
Video Roland "Victor Gridin's Medley" Oleg Baksheev - Russia
National Photographic Competition, Picture of the Year - New Zealand
Video: Arseniy Strokovskiy International Successes and Video - Russia
‘14 Years Ago’: Coupe Mondiale, London, November 2001

Будущие события

Declan Aungier dancing gigs, Tipperary, Limerick, Cork – Irish Republic
Accordion Gala tribute to Eugénia Lima, Rio Maior – Portugal
Sibanye Concert, Cape Town – South Africa
Richard Galliano Concert, Limoges - France
Marko Kassl / Black Pencil Diary Dates – Netherlands, Germany
Accordion Repair Workshop @ Brooklyn Accordion Club, New York – USA
Fintan Stanley Concert, New Jersey - USA
Zoltan Orosz and Mihaly Borbely Concert, Budapest – Hungary
Cairdin Music Weekend, County Offaly – Irish Republic

Новые и обновленные сайты

Site Update: Gary Dahl Newly Engraved 'Indifference' - USA
The Milwaukee Accordion Club 2016 Dates - USA

CD Отзывы

CD Review: “So Far, So Close” CD by Incoerente Duo

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Особенности Highlights

«Кубок мира 2016», 11-17 сентября, Ростов-на Дону – Россия

2016 Coupe Mondiale logo
Alexander Poeluev69 международный конкурс «Кубок мира» пройдет с 11 по 17 сентября 2016 года в Ростове-на-Дону. Принимающая организация – член CIA (Международной конфедерации аккордеонистов») Международный музыкальный центр «Гармония».

Фото слева: арт-директор центра «Гармония» Александр Поелуев выступает на последнем Конгрессе CIA: «Мы приглашаем всех аккордеонистов принять участие в 69 «Кубке мира» в Ростове-на-Дону. Волнующее соревнование, уникальные концерты, выставки и множество интересных мероприятий состоятся в течение этой недели».

Запланированные мероприятия «Кубка мира 2016»:
- Конкурс и сопутствующий фестиваль пройдут в 3 престижных городских залах с прекрасной акустикой и освещением;
- Семь концертов на лучших площадках города;
- Ведущие российские солисты и ансамбли, симфонические, джазовые и народные оркестры и различные аккордеонные оркестры;
- Соревнования лучших молодых аккордеонистов со всего мира в 8 категориях различных музыкальных стилей;
- Финальный концерт на главной городской площади, где состоится выступление победителей «Кубка мира 2016» в присутствии стотысячной аудитории.

Ростов-на-Дону крупнейший город юга России, располагающий большими образовательными возможностями, а также один из культурных центров страны, который часто называют «столицей аккордеона».

Полная информация об условиях и правилах конкурса, об отелях, визах и т.п. будет опубликована чуть позже в этом месяце на сайте конкурса: Coupe Mondiale

Фото внизу: генеральный секретарь CIA Киммо Маттила, президент CIA Рэймонд Бодель, президент центра «Гармония» Юрий Шишкин и арт-директор центра «Гармония» Александр Поелуев подписывают контракт на проведение «Кубка мира 2016».


Ансамбль ‘Deco’ на «Бранче с живой музыкой» в Альберт-холле, Лондон – Великобритания

Deco Ensemble CD coverВидео: Ансамбль ‘Deco’ исполняют пьесу Астора Пьяццоллы ‘Triunfal’ в рамках выпуска их дебютного альбома под названием 'Encuentro'. Концерт состоялся 9 июля 2015 года в Лондоне в концертном зале ‘Purcell Room’.

В воскресный полдень 8 ноября в Альберт-холле в престижном ресторане итальянской кухни ‘Verdi Italian Kitchen’ (фото ниже) прошел «Бранч с живой музыкой», предлагающий обед и замечательную музыку в одном из самых канонических лондонских мест.

Во входной билет включены приветственный напиток, основное блюдо и десерт, чай или кофе под аккомпанемент замечательного живого выступления ансамбля ‘Deco’.

Ансамбль ‘Deco’ образовался в 2013 году и исполняет эклектичные и красочные программы, состоящие из классических шедевров и малоизвестных музыкальных бриллиантов.

В составе ансамбля Сабина Ракчеева (скрипка), Бартош Гловаки (Bartosz Glowacki, аккордеон), Роб Люфт (Rob Luft, гитара), Рикардо Госальбо (Ricardo Gosalbo, фортепиано), Елена Маригомес (Elena Marigomez, контрабас).
Verdi Restaurant


Конкурс ‘Kleine Tage der Harmonika’ («Маленькие дни гармоники»), Клингенталь – Германия

International Accordion Competition Klingenthal
44. Kleine Tage der HarmonikaThomas HennigУчастие открыто для всех молодых аккордеонистов из Свободных Государств Саксонии, Баварии и Тюрингии, а также из Чехии. Также на конкурс в Клингенталь ежегодно съезжаются музыканты из федеральных земель Саксония-Анхальт и Бранденбург, чтобы продемонстрировать свои умения, приобрести конкурсный опыт и заработать желанные призы.

Мэр Клингенталя Томас Хенниг (Thomas Hennig, фото справа) сердечно приглашает аккордеонистов – конкурсантов, педагогов и энтузиастов – посетить это мероприятие.

Для многих участников это соревнование станет ступенькой к участию в знаменитом Клингентальском международном аккордеонном конкурсе, который ежегодно проводится в мае. Полная информация здесь: 2016KArticle

Полная информация о заявках, правилах и условиях конкурса 44 'Kleine Tage der Harmonika' здесь: 2016KTage.pdf


Фридрих Липс исполняет концерт “Viva Voce”, Казань – Россия

Friedrich Lips & La Primavera Symphony Orchestra
Friedrich Lips21 октября в Государственном Большом Концертном Зале имени Салиха Сайдашева (Казань, Татарстан) состоялось выступление Фридриха Липса и Симфонического оркестра ‘La Primavera’ под управлением Рустема Юнусовича Абязова, которые исполнили Концерт Nо. 2 ‘Viva Voce’ Ефрема Подгайца.

Во втором отделении концерта Фридрих Липс вместе со своим сыном Святославом Липсом (фортепиано) и оркестром ‘La Primavera’ исполнил программу из восьми танго А. Пьяццоллы.

Фридрих Липс один из самых известных баянистов, выпустивший 28 CD, которые можно заказать онлайн здесь: Friedrich Lips.


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: "Viva Voce" Concerto, Soloist Ksenija Sidorova with Kremerata Baltica

Video: Kremerata Baltica Chamber Orchestra, soloist Ksenija Sidorova, perform "Viva Voce" Concerto for Bayan No. 2 composed by Efrem Podgaits. The Kremerata Baltica is a chamber orchestra consisting of young talented musicians from Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania).

Ksenija Sidorova, born in Latvia, graduated RAM (London) and based in London, is a highly successful accordionist performing many different genres of music and touring extensively. This performance was in Sigulda, Latvia on the 5th July 2014. Video published on Sep 20, 2015.


41st Skei-Treffen 2015 Weekend, October 30 to November 1, Skei - Norway

Pietro AdragnaThe 41st Skei-Treffen 2015 Weekend in Skei was held last weekend with guest artists including: Pietro Adragna, Frode Haltli, Alf Hågedal, Brodrene Larson, Emil Horstad, Åsleik Kapstad, Fjellstott Komp.

Finn Johansen writes: "Young Pietro Adragna from Italy was fireworks onstage and an event highlight. Never has a more smiling and extroverted accordion player performed at Skei-Treffen and the audience loved his no technical limitations, energy and improvisation."

The performers provided a weekend of fine music and dancing that was enjoyed very much by the crowd.

Further information about the event and the performers at: 2015Treffen.jpg
Pietro Adragna


Video: Bayan Mix Duo with Marina Devyatova on TV - Russia

Video published on Oct 5, 2015 of the ever popular Bayan Mix (Sergey Voytenko and Dmitry Khramkov) making a recent TV guest appearance with popular singer Marina Devyatova.


Montevideo Philharmonic and Iñaki Alberdi - Argentina & Uruguay

Iñaki Alberdi
Iñaki AlberdiTitled 'Nosferatu' (a night of terror) is a co production between the Teatro Solis in Montevideo and the Teatro Colon in Buenos Aires.

There were three concerts of the film with music composed by José María Sánchez-Verdú, also conducting the Montevideo Philharmonic with Iñaki Alberdi performing the important accordion part.

One concert was in Teatro Colon, Buenos Aires (23 October) and two concerts in Teatro Solis, Montevideo (27 & 28 October).

Music critic Ernesto Castagnino wrote: "The score of Sánchez-Verdú is consistent and full of interesting details. It is not .... mere accompaniment, but the effort to build a sound world that brings meaning to the image. A pleasant and unexpected contribution to this new musical genre, creating soundtracks for films."


Mika Väyrynen Solo Recital TV Broadcast, Turku - Finland

Peer Gynt Fantasy (2013, dedicated to Mika Väyrynen) by Paavo Korpijaakko:

Nuoruusmuistoja by Lasse Pihlajamaa
Mika VäyrynenFor those of you, who were unable last Saturday, to view the Alfa TV 2nd broadcast of the Mika Väyrynen Coupe Mondiale recital, you can view the complete recital at:

Videos above are from that recital.
Video 1: Peer Gynt Fantasy (2013, dedicated to Mika Väyrynen) by Paavo Korpijaakko.
Video 2: Encore was the famous Finnish composition Nuoruusmuistoja by Lasse Pihlajamaa. Mika Väyrynen has made a beautiful fresh arrangement of this Finnish evergreen that the audience enjoyed very much.


New CD: Balin-Vioyan Duo Auslese Album, Beijing - China

Balin-Vioyan Duo header
Balin-Vioyan Duo Auslese CD CoverBalin-Vioyan Duo Auslese Album Cat No: tjianan04 has been released by the Tian Jianan (accordion) and Gong Yuan (violin).

Under the guidance of Prof. Cao Xiao-Qing, Balin-Vioyan Duo won 1st place in the chamber music category of the “50th Klingenthal” International competition for accordion held in Germany and also 1st place at the 66th Coupe Mondiale” International Accordion Competitions in Victoria, Canada.

These successes and their harmonious music resulted in the Balin-Vioyan Duo being featured on the cover of Issue 11 of the magazine 'Musical Instrument'.

This CD includes the competition works of Balin-Vioyan, and adds 'Memento', the chamber music award-winning work for accordion, violin and bass that was composed by Tian Jianan.

The CD also includes Beijing 2011 by Franck Angelis, a solo work that was composed for Tian Jianan, and then arranged for this violin/accordion duo by Angelis.

Track list:
1. Suite in Old Style, III - Minuet, IV - Fugue A. Schnittke
2. Beijing 2011 (I, II, III) F. Angelis
3. Profiles P. Busseuil
4. Five Spanish Pictures, II - Allegro, III - Adagio Cantabile A Kusjakov
5. Suite Italienne III - Tarantella I. F. Stravinsky
6. Memento T. Jianan
7. La Muerte del Angel A. Piazzolla, arr. T Jianan

Order the Balin-Vioyan Duo Auslese CD online through secure server at: tjianan04


Video Roland "Victor Gridin's Medley" Oleg Baksheev - Russia

Video: Oleg Baksheev performing at the Philharmonic Society of Vladivostok City, 18th January 2015. This video is a medley of Victor Gridin's pieces, published 17 Feb 2015.


National Photographic Competition, Picture of the Year - New Zealand

Danny Burgess
The New Zealand Geographic photography competition is held annually and for 2015, the "Overall Winner" was:

'Jason Hosking caught Gore farmer Danny Burgess outside his roadside vegetable shop, practising his button accordion.' See the picture in larger size at: 2015Hosking.jpg


Video: Arseniy Strokovskiy International Successes and Video - Russia

Video Archive
Arseniy Strokovskiy, 3rd round Castelfidardo Premio
Arseniy Strokovskiy, 3rd round, 2015 Coupe Mondiale
Black Femininty by the Sona Hovsepyan Dance Company & Arseniy Strokovskiy
Arseniy Strokovskiy posterArseniy Stokovskiy has enjoyed major international competition successes in 2015 with:
- 2nd place, September in the Castelfidardo Premio category. Video above of his performance with the symphony orchestra for the final round.

Arseniy Strokovskiy gave a strong performance and received an excellent applause for his performance of this new work "Il Bosco della Musica" by the conductor/composer, that the audience clearly enjoyed very much.

- 3rd place, October in the 68th Coupe Mondiale category in Finland.

Then on November 8th, there was the premiere of the project Black Femininty by the Sona Hovsepyan Dance Company in collaboration with Arseniy Strokovskiy as choreographer. Poster with further details left.


‘14 Years Ago’: Coupe Mondiale, London, November 2001

Coupe Mondiale logoCIA 2001 logoThe Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending November 2nd 2001 included a report of that year’s CIA Coupe Mondiale World Championships, held in London, UK. This was one of the earlier full event accordion internet reports at: http://www.accordions.com/cia/ukrules_snc.htm

Successful 54th International Coupe Mondiale - England

The 54th Coupe Mondiale International Competition for accordion soloists was held in London from October 24th to 28th 2001 hosted by the National Accordion Organisation of the United Kingdom (NAO). This year, the first piano accordion category was held.

This new category enjoyed the highest entries and its musical success, lead the CIA Congress to make this a permanent category. First prize for next year remains a concert tour to Australia and New Zealand plus an additional first prize sponsored by the American Accordionists' Association (AAA) of a concert tour to the USA.

The Coupe Mondiale finished with five finalists, who performed their own choice program to a large audience at St. Johns Church, Harrow on Saturday afternoon. The finalists were: Milos Milivojevic Yugoslavia), Aidar Gainullin (Russia), Vladimir Loukitchev (Russia), Mathilde Royet (France) and Accordions Worldwide East European News co-ordinator Sergej Tchirkov (Russia).

The event finale was a "Prizegiving Concert", which included performances by the St. Johns Accordion Orchestra (Northern Ireland), who premiered a new work written for the CIA concert, and Oleg Sharov (Russia), who has performed over 2,000 concerts during his career.

At this concert, each of the contestants was presented with a certificate of participation, and trophies and prize money were awarded to the first, second and third place getters in each category. To conclude the concert, each of the prize winners was invited to perform.

In conjunction with the competition, the CIA congress was held in London. CIA President Ove Hahn officially finished his 20 year term at the Congress, and the international delegates unanimously elected Kevin Friedrich to the office of President.

The CIA Vice President for eight years, Kevin is a citizen of New Zealand although he has resided in New York City, USA for many years. Since the forming of the CIA in 1935, this is the first time a person outside of Europe has held the office of President. Kevin's first official duty was to present four CIA Merit Awards recognizing outstanding contribution to the International Accordion Movement.

Competition results:
Coupe Mondiale:
1st Aidar Gainullin (Russia) US$1,000
2nd Sergej Tchirkov (Russia) US$500
3rd Milos Milivojevic (Yugoslavia) US$300

Piano Accordion Championships:
1st Branko Dzinkovic (Yugoslavia) concert tour to Australia & New Zealand
2nd Dmitri Reshetnikov (Russia) US$500
3rd Nadejda Bouseva US$300

Virtuoso Entertainment Category:
1st equal Gwenola Maheux (France) and Pierre Mussi (France) US $550 each
3rd Franck Fieutelot (France) US $200

Junior Coupe Mondiale: 1st Ivan Simic (Yugoslavia)

Junior Virtuoso Entertainment Category: 1st Laurent Derache (France)

In Copenhagen, Denmark, the CIA will incorporate a new Chamber Music Competition into the 2002 Festival. Initially this will be for accordion and one or two other instruments.


Будущие события

Declan Aungier dancing gigs, Tipperary, Limerick, Cork – Irish Republic

Declan AungierAccordionist Declan Aungier plays for dancing this weekend, as follows:

Friday November 6th - Drumbane, County Tipperary
Saturday November 7th - Railway Bar, Abbeyfeale, County Limerick
Sunday November 8th, 3pm until 6pm - Kilmacsimon, County Cork
Sunday November 8th - 10pm until12midnight - Owenahincha, County Cork

Declan Aungier received a ‘best entertainer’ award for this week in The Walter Raleigh Hotel in Youghal, County Cork, from Youghal Community Radio.

For further information email: declan@declanaungier.com


Accordion Gala tribute to Eugénia Lima, Rio Maior – Portugal

Eugénia LimaAn Accordion Gala concert in tribute to Eugénia Lima (1926-2014) takes place on Saturday November 7th, 4pm, at the Cineteatro Municipal, Rio Maior, Portugal.

Performing are Jose Claudio, Catarina Brilha, Sergio Shepherd, and the Orquestra de Acordeões.

The highly accomplished Portuguese accordionist and composer Eugénia Lima graduated from the Conservatoire in Paris. She toured Europe and Africa, and was a prolific recording artist.


Sibanye Concert, Cape Town – South Africa

Sibanye will be performing in concert on Saturday November 7th, 7pm, at the V & A Waterfront Amphitheatre, in the heart of Cape Town. They have recently made an album called ‘Sesifikile Ons Is Hier’ and will be singing songs from the album and their original rainbow album ‘Sibanye’.

The members of Sibanye are:
Leon Albert: Accordion & vocals
Ntuthu Nyiki: Percussion & vocals
Andile Nini: Drums & backing vocals
Clovis Lawi: Electric guitar
Mbuyiselo Mdingi: Bass guitar & backing vocals
Khangelani Twani: Keyboard

Sibanye’s repertoire includes world music, Afro pop, Afro jazz, South African Township-Jazz, and folk songs.


Richard Galliano Concert, Limoges - France

Richard Galliano posterAccordionist Richard Galliano performs in concert on Saturday November 7th, 8pm, at the Opera Theatre, Limoges, in central France.

The much admired Richard Galliano (born 1950), recently returned from teaching and performing in China, is one of France’s leading accordionists.

Galliano has become an internationally celebrated concert accordionist, teacher, prolific composer and recording artist travelling extensively every year to great acclaim.

After meeting Astor Piazzolla and being impressed by his Tango Nuevo, Galliano was inspired to create the genre known as New Musette.


Marko Kassl / Black Pencil Diary Dates – Netherlands, Germany

Black PencilAustrian accordionist Marko Kassl and the group he is in, Black Pencil, has the following forthcoming dates in November:

November 8th, 3.30 until 4.30pm – Ensemble Black Pencil - Click Plan B, November Music, Verkadefarbriek, Boschdijkstraat 45, NL-5211 VD 's-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands
November 11th, 7.30pm – programme Gefangen, Theater Munster, Neubrückenstr. 63, D-48143 Münster, Germany
November 13th, 8.15pm – ART Ensemble NRW, 8.Gladbacher Nachtmusik, Citykirche Alter Markt, Kirchplatz, D-41061 Mönchengladbach, Germany
November 14th, 7.30pm - Soloist with accordion orchestra Bayer-Uerdingen 1950, Bay Treff, Duisburger Str. 42, D-47829 Krefeld, Germany
November 20th, 7.30pm – programme Der Tod und die Malerin, Musiktheater im Revier, Kennedyplatz, D-45881 Gelsenkirchen, Germany
November 21st, 7.30pm – programme Gefangen, Theater Munster, Neubrückenstr. 63, D-48143 Münster, Germany
November 22nd, 3.30pm – De Kroonconcerten, Duo MARES, Hippolytuskerk, Kerkplein 17, NL-1777 CD Hippolytushoef, Netherlands
November 28th, 7pm – trio concert with Gudula Rosa (recorder) & Hugo Gaido (guitar), Lutherhaus Wesel, Korbmacherstr. 12-14, D-46483 Wesel, Germany
November 29th, 6pm until 9.45pm – ART Ensemble NRW, Jazz Schmeide Düsseldorf, Himmelgeister Str. 107 G, D-40225 Düsseldorf, Germany

For further information email: info@marko-kassl.de


Accordion Repair Workshop @ Brooklyn Accordion Club, New York – USA

Brooklyn Accordion Club logoBrooklyn Accordion Club hold an ‘Accordion Repair Workshop’ with Evan & Hank from Brooklyn Bellows on Sunday November 8th, 3pm until 5pm. All are welcome. Admission: $3-$5 (Suggested. Pay what you can!)

Open mic performers: Interested in performing? Please email to sign up!

We will also be distributing the 3rd issue of the SqueeZine!  

Brooklyn Accordion Club meets at 61 Local, 61 Bergen St., Brooklyn, New York.

For further information email: brooklynaccordionclub@gmail.com


Fintan Stanley Concert, New Jersey - USA

Fintan StanleyOn Sunday November 8th, 5pm, the highly versatile accordionist Fintan Stanley performs at Tommy Fox’s 32 South Washington Ave, Bergenfield, NJ 07621.

Fintan Stanley, born in County Louth, Ireland, is based in Boston, USA. In 1955 Fintan was the first to win an All-Ireland Championship title on a Continental chromatic accordion.

He later played in several bands, most notably the Gallowglass Ceili Band and with Dermot O’Brien & The Clubmen, and for many years has performed as a solo accordionist.

He has worked mainly in the USA, Ireland and the UK, and also in Germany and Italy.

For further information email: Info@TommyFoxs.com


Zoltan Orosz and Mihaly Borbely Concert, Budapest – Hungary

Zoltan Orosz
Accordionist Zoltan Orosz and Mihaly Borbely (saxophone) perform together on Thursday November 12th, 7pm, at Obudai Tarsaskor, Kiskorona urca 7, Budapest.

Zoltan Orosz studied both the accordion and the organ at the Bela Bartok Conservatory in Budapest, and later at the Franz Liszt College, Budapest. He has since pursued a very successful international career as an accordionist, with several recordings to his credit.

For further information email: info@harmonika.hu


Cairdin Music Weekend, County Offaly – Irish Republic

Cairdin PosterFrom November 13th to 15th the Cairdin Music Weekend takes place in Moneygall, County Offaly, in the Irish Republic.

Cairdin is the Irish Gaelic word for accordion. Events take place at Barack Obama Plaza and Ollie Hayes’ Bar.

Organised by the Moneygall-based Cairdin Accordions, this weekend includes traditional music sessions, an accordion workshop, accordion exhibition, and a concert.

Moneygall is the ancestral home of US President Barack Obama.

For further information email: info@cairdin.net


Новые и обновленные сайты

Site Update: Gary Dahl Newly Engraved 'Indifference' - USA

Indifference arranged by Gary DahlGary DahlPopular arranger Gary Dahl announces the newly engraved "Indifference" Cat. No: DH0076, a popular work by Columbo & Murena that has been recorded by so many different performers.

This arrangement by Gary Dahl has been popular too and is available online at: DH0076


The Milwaukee Accordion Club 2016 Dates - USA

Monday - January 25, 2016
Featured Program: Open Mic Night - ‘MAC Members in the Spotlight’

Monday - February 22, 2016
Featured Program: Sweetheart Dance
There is nothing sweeter than a Sweetheart dance! A Sweetheart Dance says romance, flowers and DANCING!!

Monday - March 28, 2016
Featured Program: Entertainment as yet to be determined and announced

Full details on the website: Milwaukee Accordion Club (MAC)


CD Отзывы

CD Review: “So Far, So Close” CD by Incoerente Duo

“So Far, So Close” CD coverCD Reviews Index for the Review of “So Far, So Close” CD by Incoerente Duo – Alessandro Tampieri (violin), Giorgio Dellarole (accordion). Review by Alessandro Mugnoz.


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