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‘ClubTango’ Quintet’s Recent Tour - Russia

Club Tango
Alexander MitenevAlexander Mitenev and his ‘ClubTango’ Quintet have just returned from a concert tour. Concerts in Kiev, Vilnius, St. Petersburg and Kaliningrad were dedicated to Astor Piazzolla and called ‘Tracing Astor’, covering not only Astor's compositions, but also music by modern and old masters, musicians who worked with Piazzolla and influenced him. Musicians perform popular and chamber tango music, covering all epochs of tango history - from Guardia Vieja till Avant-Garde.

It seems that public interest for Astor Piazzolla's heritage is booming on the east of Europe. It can be explained with the fact that his music became widely known there quite recently. Full concert halls and all tickets sold out - is the evidence of this idea.

During their tour ClubTango visited two competitions for accordion and bandoneon - "Citta di Castelfidardo" and the ‘Libertango’ Competition in Lanciano (Italy), winning first prizes.

It's also worth to mention a brand new music festival in Kiev, which has been held for the first time in October. It's called ‘AstorFest’, and dedicated to the music of Astor Piazzolla, organized by enthusiasts from the ‘Caprice Classic’ Quartet.

In Kaliningrad and Vilnius ‘ClubTango’ featured Miroslav Lelukh (accordion) and played together a few tango compositions by Richard Galliano. The winner of the ‘Musica Legera’ competition in Castelfidardo (2005), Miroslav has just acquired his new Borsini accordion, which sounds great.

For further information email: johnathan@mail.ru
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