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RMAC Committee Meeting, Montana – USA

RMAC logoThe Rocky Mountain Acordion Celebration Committee met on October 20th. It was an enthusiastic and optimistic meeting. Many thoughts and ideas were “aired and shared”. The general feeling was that all of the feedback from attendees and participants of RMAC 2009 was informative and positive.

We are planning our 2010 RMAC festival with the same format. The hub of the event will again be at the school gymnasium with vendors, workshops, open stage, and headline performances. Expanding our musical experience, we are hoping to include a Fiddler’s jamboree as part of the event. We are encouraging all musicians and groups to participate.

The ‘Jammin and Dancin’ that has always been well attended and very much enjoyed, will again be held at the Sunshine Station. We are very happy to note that Jean Roberts and Don Filcher will head up this very popular portion of the weekend’s fun.

Time constraints derailed our parade this year. We would like to give it a try again next year, with perhaps a procession from downtown up to the school just prior to the Saturday performance.

Some of our downtown businesses are showing interest in encouraging music and dancing at their establishments, and we are hoping to expand this part of the event.

We truly appreciate all those who have helped us sustain and build this festival. With the economic challenges that we all face, keeping the music and friendships alive can be a difficult task. We are hoping that by simplifying and keeping costs down, we can keep the music alive in Philipsburg.

We need to have our program ready for the printers by January 15th 2010.

For further information email: quigleybb@yahoo.com.
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