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CIA Merit Award for Oswaldinho Do Acordeon - Brazil

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Oswaldinho Do AcordeonAt the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) Winter Congress in Kokkola was approved CIA Merit Award for Oswaldinho Do Acordeon of Brazil.

The official citation from Brazil includes:
Born Oswaldinho De Almeida e Silva, his first diatonic accordion of only eight basses, a gift from his father, began the accordion career path of the popular accordionist known to the people of Brazil as Oswaldinho do Acordeon.

The family moved to São Paulo and at age eight, Oswaldinho began to study piano, because there was virtually no accordion teachers in the city. At age 12 Oswaldinho began performing professionally with his father at Continental records and in 1976 Oswaldinho met the Italian teacher Dante D'Alonzo and started to study in earnest.

Oswaldinho studied classical music for 13 years, including being a pupil of Paul Feola at the "Conservatory Santa Clara." His talent earned him a scholarship to the Conservatory Dante Milan (Italy) in 1984 and Oswaldinho do Acordeon performed at the World Championships Accordion Festival to international acclaim.

From there began a professional career of many recordings with the bigger stars of MPB , festival performances and concerts in France, Switzerland, New York and the most in Brazil.

His career keeps a huge memory of recordings with the bigger stars of MPB and had the opportunity to open a All Jarreau concert, France and had many participations projects such as Pixinguinha, US-TOP, Free Jazz Festival, Rock In Rio, many other festivals in France, Switzerland, New York and Brazil.

(This part is not clear to me - I will ask Mirco to please translate - ) His talent was also present at MTV Acoustic Rita Lee, MTV Acoustic Cassia Eller, DVD SPC - Only For Counter, Show of the 500th anniversary of the discovery of Brazil - Network Globe, Festival of Amiens, France (2003), TIM Award 2008 (Tribute to Dominguinhos) and was winner this same award in 2005 - Best Album "Cada Um Belisca um Pouco" - Instrumental category.

Oswaldinho also performed with the many orchestras such as the Jazz Symphony São Paulo, Chamber Orchestra of Curitiba, Paraná Symphony Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra of St. Andrew, Experimental Repertoire Orchestra, Youth Orchestra of the State, Children and Youth Guitar Orchestra, Band Symphony of São Paulo, Santos Symphony Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra of Porto Alegre, Band Cubatão Symphony.

Oswaldinho discography had recorded 24 albums by 2003 when he released the CD "Asa Branca Blues," which shows his versatility inside one of the great classics of Brazilian music with a full version of Blues news and timbres.

Oswaldinho made many musical partnerships and also worked to record and promote the cultural music of Brazil including his latest work titled "Forró Chorado" - a brilliant retelling of the eternal "Choro" traditional rhythm of forró. Nominated for Latin Grammy in 2012 in the category "Best Album Regional Brazilian music ", this work came to consecrate the versatility and brilliant career of this icon Brazilian music which is Oswaldinho do Acordeon.

In 2014 launches “O Samba do Rei do Baião” in partnership with the singer Socorro Lira, with unpublished compositions of Luiz Gonzaga. At the same year, he made a major international tour to Europre, performing in Germany, France, Italy and Belgium.

In 2015 he made his another international tour going to Germany and France and later that year recorded a documentary about his life and a big concert in São Paulo broadcast on national network by TVSESC.

In 2016, Oswaldinho was invited to perform at “São João do CUMBE”, in Euclides da Cunha (Bahia BR), his father’s hometown in honor of his memory. Right after, he attended the Brazil “Scandalli Day” event with Renato Borghetti, Mirco Patarini and Albino Manique.

This Year, 2018, Oswaldinho celebrates his 50 years of career, releasing a new project and album that will provide a deep trip thru his own accordion legacy.
Oswaldinho Do Acordeon
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