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Anniversary of the NME, London – UK

NME first edition coverThe ‘New Musical Express’, known as the NME, was launched on March 7th 1952, and has long been the flagship weekly periodical for pop music in the UK. The NME was itself based on an existing publication called ‘Accordion Times and Musical Express’, the latter being first published on October 4th 1946.

The ‘Accordion Times’, sponsored by Hohner, began life in 1935 and for four years was the main journalistic voice of the accordion in Britain and Ireland. The war years 1939-45 closed down publication, and when peace came austerity and a shortage of paper caused many newspapers and magazines to amalgamate, reduce in size or go out of business. Thus it was that the ‘Accordion Times and Musical Express’ emerged, initially as a four-page newspaper.

By 1949, Hohner and many of the leading accordion personalities of the time formed the National Accordion Organisation (NAO), and one of the first acts of the NAO was to re-establish the ‘Accordion Times’ as its public voice. The ‘Accordion Times’, through several changes of ownership, editor and format, was published until just a few years ago.

Although the ‘Accordion Times’ was published in its own right from 1949, the ‘Accordion Times and Musical Express’ continued, with just one column about accordion activities, until it was re-vamped as the enlarged and much better known NME in 1952.

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com
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