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Eva Zöllner in a Tribute to the New Music of Mexico, Georgia - USA

Eva ZöllnerOn January 25th the new music ensemble Bent Frequency performed a concert at Kopleff Recital Hall, Georgia State University, with three featured guests: composer-conductor Juan Trigos, guitarist Dieter Hennings, and accordionist Eva Zöllner (picture left). The concert was the final event in the week long Festival of New Music from Mexico.

Three works by Trigos formed the majority of the program, led by Hennings performing the composer’s five-movement ‘Partita’ for solo guitar, ‘Quartetto de Do’, and ‘Ricercare VI’ (aka ‘Guitar Concerto No. 1’).

The only work featuring the Hamburg-based Eva Zöllner was ‘Symphoinia’ for solo accordion by Georgina Derbez. Derbez is a native of Mexico City where she is part of the composition faculty at the Superior School of Music of the National Center for the Arts.

Zöllner is a performer in whom one would intuitively, immediately sense heightened musicality upon first hearing. Educated at the Academy of Music in Cologne, Germany, and the Royal Danish Academy of Music in Copenhagen, Denmark, Zöllner is devoted to contemporary music. That she played only the one piece left the listener wanting to hear more.

The following night at Eyedrum there was a concert featuring Zöllner performing contemporary solo accordion works, preceded by a set of music and video by native Atlanta composer Adam Scott Neal. Zöllner’s half of the program featured five intriguing contemporary works by Northern European composers, which exploited the range of her instruments sonic capabilities. Two included fixed audio media. Likewise in two works Zöllner simultaneously played a harmonica.

Despite major storm warnings for the upper East Coast, Eva Zöllner was scheduled to perform at both the Red Room in Baltimore and Spectrum in New York City that week. She also presented a pair of composer workshops in New York before returning to Germany for a concert in Marburg.
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