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Jörgen Sundeqvist premieres ‘The Accordion King’, Sudsvall – Sweden

Jörgen Sundeqvist and Director Niklas Willén
The Accordion King PosterAccordionist Jörgen Sundeqvist was the soloist with the Nordic Chamber Orchestra, conducted by Niklas Willén, for the premiere performances of ‘The Accordion King’ – a new multi-media concerto by Fredrik Högberg.

Mirco Patarini writes: "I had been invited to assist at the premieres and the 22nd and 23rd of January 2015, will surely remain important dates in the history of accordion music.

The two halls in Kramford and Sundswall where completely filled, and I had the privilege to meet the composer and to learn from him and Jörgen, the story and the meaning behind this multi-media concerto and its title.

It has been a great experience being part of a full immersion in the accordion way of life in Sweden, but most important, was that the music which was complex and difficult to play, featured many new ideas and was also very beautiful.

I really hope that Fredrik Högberg will continue more and more, to compose with the accordion in mind, as we will surely enjoy a very important benefit for accordion repertoire and for our possibilities to attract and enchant not only musicians but the general public. Thank you Jörgen for the great performance."

Some translated quotes from a very complimentary review by Allehanda Newspaper.

Accordion King is a multi artwork, it appears on no less than three screens and the images work in a dynamic interplay with the music. There were comments and additions with Frederick's inimitable humorous way and also seriously staggering beauty and sensual love.

Accordion kings were not well-paid professionals, but ordinary workers who after more than a day's work at the sawmill headed out to peoples houses and events to perform.

This was the workers' music, in a world of hard work and meager living and a way to realize many people's creative flair, a source of enjoyment and relaxation, a way to entertain themselves, forgetting, and not least meet.

It was an unforgettable musical evening for the audience at Kramfors People's Park. Fredrik Högberg and Jorgen Sundeqvist, backed by the Nordic Chamber Orchestra, brings together in a masterly way the past with the present, and points forward to the future."
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