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Video: Cody McSherry St Patricks Day Performance with Rizzetta’s Tones - USA

With a name as Irish as Cody McSherry, of course he had to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.

What better way to celebrate than for the 15 year-old to share the stage with one of his favorite bands. The band, “Rizzetta’s Tones,” consisting of four multi-talented musicians and vocalists, had asked McSherry to join them in their annual St. Patrick’s Day concert at the Eicher Arts Center in Ephrata, Pennsylvania. The concert hall filled quickly leaving standing room only for late-comers. The band has a strong, well-deserved following.

The band is known for its Celtic and folk sound played on a pair hammered dulcimers, flute, guitar, tin whistle, and a variety of other instruments, with haunting vocals and harmonies. Rizzetta’s Tones includes Bill Stine, Amanda Wells, Linda Lohr and Randy Kochel. In one of those cases where you never know what impact you may have others, the band members revealed that Stine, a former music teacher had taught both Lohr and Kochel in his eighth grade music class in years past. Bill met Amanda when she was performing as a background singer at his recording studio. All of the band members met Cody after one of the band’s performances where Cody and Randy had a long conversation about playing the hammered dulcimer.

During the performance Cody, looking very Irish in his tweed vest and Irish flat cap, joined the band to perform for an appropriately-titled Irish medley entitled “McGillicuddy Rocks.” At the band’s request, he kicked off the band’s second set with a solo performance of “Ballad of Faithe,” the second piece in Guy Klucevsek’s “Three Tributes.” Also in the second set, Cody joined band member Randy Kochel in performing an accordion duet of “La Partida,” a Venezuelan waltz.

Concert was the starting concert for Eicher Arts Center’s annual concert season.
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