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‘Day of Bayan & Accordion & Harmonica 2013’, Moscow – Russia

Friedrich Lips playing infront during his performance
Michail BurlakovBayan, accordion and harmonica were always popular in Russia. And on the fronts of the ‘great patriotic war’, at celebrations such as weddings, they were an irreplaceable companion in everyday Russian life.

In 1948, the folk instruments received a new impetus when a Chair was opened at the Gnessin Institute (now Academy) in Moscow. The former folk musician finally got the opportunity to train on a par with pianists and violinists.

In all parts of the large country, conservatories and high schools opened chairs for the new academic instrument, and since that time, Russian bayanists and accordionists have enjoyed tremendous successes at the most prestigious international competitions.

Nowadays the most important composers of Russia are writing for our instrument: S. Gubaidulina, A. Cholminov, R. Ledenyov, E. Podgaits, M. Bronner, A. Shurbin, etc.

Bayanists/accordionists are performing in the biggest concert halls in the world. Given the generally difficult economic situation in the country and the resulting problems for the cultural life, the Chair for bayan and accordion Prof Friedrich Lips has now invited all colleagues in this huge country, to create the All-Russian Day of Bayan, Accordion and Harmonica.

That event took place on Saturday March 16th, thus also launching the ‘World Accordion Day’, promoted by the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA), held every year on May 6th.

The program of the Moscow concert included:
Friedrich Lips soloist (picture above) for ‘Seven Jewish songs’ by M. Bronner for bayan and chamber orchestra (Moscow Premiere). Moscow Chamber Orchestra (Vladislav Bulachov, conductor) – ‘The Seasons’ Michail Burlakov (bayan, picture left) and Swjetlana Furnik (organ) - K.Volkov: ‘Skladen’ for bayan and organ, Madina Zalojewa - Ossetian harmonica, Marat Sazajew - Douli, Jelena Radchenko - flute, Tsitsi Gioyeva – piano: Potpourri – ‘Themes of Caucasian melodies’ and F. Alborow: Fantasy on ‘Oh, my love’.

For the 70th birthday of Viktor Gridin (1943-1997): original works and arrangements. The State Academic Russian Folk Ensemble ‘Russia’ (picture lowest), Dmitry Dmitriyenko, conductor, Soloists: Nadezhda Krygina, Yuri Sidorov (picture, soloist below), Mikhail Chernov, Nikolaj Mironov, Alexander Nayunkin.
Yuri Sidorov playing infront Folk Ensemble “Russia” (pictured top) and The State Academic Russian Folk Ensemble ‘Russia’ (pictured top) and
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