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Corrado Rojac Master Class, Pesaro - Italy

Corrado RojacVideo above: "Metric Expansion of Space" by Edgar-Barroso played by Corrado Rojac performed at Harvard University, USA. Program notes below.

On March 26th and 28th this year accordionist Corrado Rojac, from Trieste, gave a masterclass at the Conservatory "G. Rossini" in Pesaro.

Invited by Maestro Paolo Vignani, accordion teacher at the Institute of Pesaro, Corrado Rojac gave a lecture-concert about literature for accordion, with particular reference to the music of Giuseppe Greggiati, a Mantua musician to whom we owe much for our repertoire for accordion in Italy, and Donatoni, the famous Milanese composer who dedicated a song to the accordion, ‘Feria IV’, for which Corrado Rojac gave a short analysis.

The meeting also organised some lessons by Corrado Rojac to talented students, dealing with music by Berio, Lundquist, Trojan and Rendine.

For further information email: info@corradorojac.com

Video program notes: "Metric Expansion of Space" by Edgar-Barroso

The metric expansion of space is the increase of distance between distant objects in a space that is constantly expanding, like the universe. Even though the universe is expanding, is not expanding into anything outside of itself.

I imagine this expansion as very violent and extreme. The piece expands certain material into itself, a sort of a force that is trying to reach the unreachable, but has no place to go but to return to his own mass. With an obsessive obstinate rhythmic structure and with spasms of energy that revolves in its own velocity, range and capacity, the accordion becomes a machine which receives a non-stop stream of energy from the player.

These bursts of energy can be measured between several nearby points in space with a very precise compositional strategy. The piece uses amplification as a continuation of the idea of being continuing expanding.

I can't think of a better performer than Corrado Rojac, he is energetic, precise and yet sensitive to convey the beauty raised from an obsessive behavior. We are very lucky to have him with us.
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