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Giorgio Albanese Concert @ Brooklyn Accordion Club, New York – USA

Giorgio AlbaneseOn Sunday July 1st, 2pm until 3.45pm, Brooklyn Accordion Club presents Giorgio Albanese in concert. Admission is $5.

Giorgio Albanese was born in Ostuni, Italy. He has represented Italy three times at the World Accordion Championships with successes at 30 national and international competitions.

In 2009 he gained a degree in ‘Jazz Music’ at the ‘Niccolò Piccinni’ Conservatory, Bari, and in 2012 specialized in ‘New Language Composition and Interpretation’ at the ‘Nino Rota’ Conservatory, Monopoli, achieving distinction both times. He is currently in the USA studying at Berklee College of Music. 

Giorgio Albanese has worked with many leading musicians, and has also been actively involved in a wide variety of musical projects that span traditional as well as more contemporary jazz, working across multidiscipline arts such as theatre, dance and cinema. His music is influenced by world sounds and sound experimentation, producing a more profound, intrinsic language of music.

After his academic studies he focused on developing his own approach to music completely independent from the predominant aesthetic standards. This approach has enabled him to conceive the accordion as a ‘modern’ sound and language, a synthesis of a rich artistic journey which finds its origins in the language of contemporary jazz.

His original, musical works were used in the short film ‘L’ultima partenza’. He has composed music for theatre and has experimented with the interaction between sound and video, and more generally between visual arts and music, always looking for the most innovative ways of making art. He leads workshops and master classes on jazz accordion, including musical improvisation workshops inspired by both the Afro-American jazz tradition and European contemporary music.

He works on different projects and has performed in Italy, France, Argentina, UK, USA, Australia, China, South Korea, Holland, Portugal, Spain, Egypt, Morocco, Croatia, and Finland.

Brooklyn Accordion Club meets at the Great Room at the LuEsther T. Mertz South Oxford Space/A.R.T., 138 South Oxford Street (between Atlantic Avenue and Fulton Street), Brooklyn, NY 11 217.

For further information email: brooklynaccordionclub@gmail.com
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