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Martynas Levickis Makes Accordion A Winner, ‘Lithuania’s Got Talent’ – Lithuania

Martynas Levickis
Martynas LevickisMartynas Levickis (20), Lithuanian born classical accordionist and currently studying at the Royal Academy of Music in London under Owen Murray, won the ‘Lithuania’s Got Talent 2010’ TV show contest earlier this January.

To prepare for this contest Martynas had to travel from London to Vilnius every time he passed a round. As a student, this is no small task having to pay for extra air fare for his accompanying Pigini and often conflicting with his weekend job as a music teacher as well as his studies at the Royal Academy.

Through the several rounds he presented a combination of lighter entertainment and classical music, including Vivaldi, Beethoven, Yan Tiersen, Piazzolla, John Lennon, etc,  and cleverly mixed it with other Lithuanian pop music, which conquered the hearts of  the TV voters proclaiming him the winner.

His winning is remarkable because he competed against 50 other contestants with a variety of different skills. There were acrobats, pianists, lyrical singers, rappers, boy and girl pop bands, gymnasts, rock singers, and many more. Some of them were very talented, especially all those who made it to the final, but Martynas, a virtuoso, modern and charismatic performer, took the lead amongst them all. This is an extraordinary achievement for the accordion community.

Here are links to his ‘Lithuania’s Got Talent’ performances:
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