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‘The Music And The Land - The Concert’ CD, Edinburgh – UK

CD Cover‘The Music And The Land - The Concert’ is a new live CD of a recent concert in Edinburgh, organised by and largely featuring the music of accordionist and composer Freeland Barbour. The CD includes contributions from The Occasionals Ceilidh Band (Freeland Barbour - accordion, Mairi Campbell - fiddle, Alison Smith - fiddle, Kevin Macleod - tenor banjo and mandolin, Gus Millar - drums, and Neil MacMillan - piano), and Martin Carthy - songs, Phil Cunningham - accordion, Ross Ainslie - smallpipes and Highland pipes, Simon Thoumire - concertina, Gary West - smallpipes, Jane Gardner - piano, Jane Barbour - piano, Billy Kay - speech, and Cailean Maclean - speech.

21 tracks: The Shanty Set (The Occasionals), Laxdale Cottage/The Pitlochry Highland Games (Ross Ainslie, Freeland Barbour and Gary West), Destiny (Billy Kay), The Craic at Clashmore Hall/The Drampire (Phil Cunningham, Freeland Barbour and Neil MacMillan), Frank McConnell's Three Step/Cape Ann (Cunningham, Barbour & MacMillan), Atholl Braes/The Drunken Piper (Cunningham, Barbour & MacMillan), Oran Badantarbairt/Badentarbet/Northlins (Cailean MacLean, Jane Gardner and Freeland Barbour), Remember Them With Gladness (Freeland Barbour, Jane Gardner, Mairi Campbell and Alison Smith), Kvalnes Reinlender (Freeland Barbour, Jane Gardner, Mairi Campbell, Alison Smith and Kevin Macleod), In The Lamplight (Freeland Barbour and Janet Barbour), High Germany (Martin Carthy), Pasacorredoires de Ponteareas e Vilaba/Aires de Pontevedra (Gary West), The Whittingham Rant (The Occasionals), My Son John (Martin Carthy), Lullaby for Mel/Chris Grace's Jig/Reel of Beer (Ross Ainslie), Chastleton Triple/Black Dog's Hornpipe (Simon Thoumire & Freeland Barbour), Joseph Boseph Set (Simon Thoumire), Jock Brown's 70th/Tain In The Rain/High Drive (Ross Ainslie), With Stinging Eyes and Straining Thighs (Freeland Barbour), Kevin Macleod's Medley (The Occasionals), Sarah’s Reel/Sam's Reel (The Occasionals and Guests).

This CD, ‘The Music And The Land - The Concert’, contains some of the compositions from Freeland Barbour’s book of the same name, and also to hear music from the distinguished list of performers. Everyone in the concert had also made a contribution to the book in some way and this made for a wonderful atmosphere and, in the words of author James Robertson, "A book launch like no other".

For further information email: jim@musicinscotland.com
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