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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 28-Oct-2016
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Duo Balyk音乐会--奥地利
Elias Lammam在巡演,Torres Vedras --葡萄牙
如何播放仪器有助于大脑的记忆由Anita Collins--美国
'‘The Severn - 10年开放',威尔士--英国


音乐会评论:奥地利手风琴演奏者Thrill Baku Audience--阿塞拜疆
视频:协奏曲'Aconcagua',独奏者Grayson Masefield 与sinfónica de Chile 乐团
音乐会评论:Julieta Venegas,The City National Grove of Anaheim--美国


Fadiesis Accordion Festival 2016, Pordenone – Italy
67th All Scotland Accordion & Fiddle Festival, Perth – UK
Accordion and Clarinet Ensembles Concert, Löhne – Germany
Youssra El Hawary (Egypt) and Band, Torres Vedras - Portugal
Harmonica Festival Leeuwarden, Friesland – Netherlands
Acordeones del Uruguay meeting, La Plata – Argentina
Roland Digital Accordion Demo, Kungsbacka – Sweden
Gran Festival de Acordeons, Ribadumia - Spain
Renato Borghetti Quartet Performing in Torres Vedras - Portugal
Dances to Accordion Music during November – Irish Republic
Jimmy Blair Accordion Orchestra Concert, Glasgow – UK


Updated Site: Douglas Ward Celebrates 70 Compositions Published - UK

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Duo Balyk音乐会--奥地利

Video 1:

Video 2:
Duo Balyk录像1:A. Schnittke - Suite dans style ancien, Duo Balyk, published 17 February, 2016 (Menuet, Fuga, Pantomima).
录像2:A. Vivaldi - Sinfonie dell Opera "Olimpiade" Duo Balyk.

October 28th, 7.30pm - Bad Leonfelden, Stadtcafé Kastner, Austria
October 29th, 7.30pm - St. Paul, Rathaussaal
October 30th, 11am - Schloss Albeck
October 30th, 7.30pm - Graz, Harmonikazentrum
October 31st, 7pm - Hochegg, Rehab-Zentrum
November 3rd, 4pm – Vienna, Waldmüllerzentrum
November 4th, 7.30 pm - Neunkirchen, Sparkassensaal der Musikschule
October 28th, 7.30pm - Bad Leonfelden, Stadtcafé Kastner, Austria
October 29th, 7.30pm - St. Paul, Rathaussaal
October 30th, 11am - Schloss Albeck
October 30th, 7.30pm - Graz, Harmonikazentrum
October 31st, 7pm - Hochegg, Rehab-Zentrum
November 3rd, 4pm – Vienna, Waldmüllerzentrum
November 4th, 7.30 pm - Neunkirchen, Sparkassensaal der Musikschule

详情请致: herbert@accordion-cd.co.at


Elias Lammam在巡演,Torres Vedras --葡萄牙

Elias Lammam来自黎巴嫩的手风琴家和歌手Elias Lammam现在住在加利福尼亚州的圣克鲁斯,目前在葡萄牙,他刚刚在里斯本附近的托雷斯韦德拉斯举行的世界手风琴节上演出。

三人将在10月29日星期六,与其他手风琴家和歌迷们进行小形式的音乐会/研讨会; 音乐会门票是5欧元。

Elias Lammam是黎巴嫩的手风琴大师,现在是美国公民和加利福尼亚州的居民。 这将是Elias Lammam在欧洲的第一场音乐会近二十年。

三重奏的成员是Elias Lammam(手风琴和声乐),Sarah Michael(qanun),德国的Khader Ahmed(打击乐)和Niko Bakulich(打击乐)。



Music China, Bugari display
Zero Sette display, Moon Song performing.各厂商及展位:
Bugari Armando and Bugari Evo, Display E4E26
Mengascini Nello Srl, Display E4B13
MusicTech S.n.c. , Display E4D26
Orla Srl., Display W4C22
Pigini Srl., Display E4F29
Scandalli Accordions Srl., Display E4D28
Zero Sette Accordions Display E4E28
Scandalli display


如何播放仪器有助于大脑的记忆由Anita Collins--美国

Anita Collins视频:Anita Collins。 当你听音乐,你的大脑的多个领域变得积极和活跃。 但是当你实际演奏乐器时,这种活动变得更像一个全身的大脑锻炼。

这是怎么回事? Anita Collins解释了当他们演奏乐器时,在音乐家的大脑里发出的烟花,并探讨了这种心理锻炼的一些长期积极效果


'‘The Severn - 10年开放',威尔士--英国

The Severn Suite poster
The Severn Suite在10月29日星期六下午7点,在威尔士,Powys的Llandinam村庄厅,手风琴家Karen Tweed和John Kirkpatrick演奏了“‘The Severn Suite”,这是2006年为Llandinam村庄组成的一个舞蹈音乐套房。 舞者和音乐家欢迎。 晚上包括John Kirkpatrick和Karen Tweed的个人表演,以及一个短的音乐会。

'The Severn Suit'可作为一本书和CD组合。 这本书包括关于舞蹈的完整说明,十三个全新曲目的音乐符号,一些曲调的样本安排以及John和Karen的演奏伴奏CD。





音乐会评论:奥地利手风琴演奏者Thrill Baku Audience--阿塞拜疆

视频: Duo Dinovski-Schuberth演奏“ Fat 枚 NK ”来自Paul Schubert的专辑 “Improvokation”。 此次表演于2015年12月4日获得奥地利世界音乐节奖。选自Azernews音乐会评论,Laman Ismayilova题为奥地利手风琴演奏者Thrill Baku Audience”。

奥地利手风琴演奏者Atanas Dinovski和Paul Schuberth于10月25日在Baku表演。二重奏,在奥地利和国外很受欢迎,许多音乐节,比赛在Baku国际爵士音乐节举行,将持续到10月30日。

Atanas Dinovski成功地完成了他的艺术和教育学研究的区别,在Linz (Upper Austria)的 Anton Bruckner私立大学Alfred Melichar教授和Paul Schuberth,演奏家和作曲家定期表演独奏或各种合奏。



CD Cover“音乐与土地的演唱会是一个新的现场CD,最近在爱丁堡举办的音乐会,手风琴家和作曲家Freeland Barbour在很大程度上表现音乐。该CD包括The Occasionals Ceilidh乐队(Freeland Barbour -手风琴,Mairi Campbell -小提琴,Alison Smith -小提琴,Kevin Macleod -高音班卓琴和曼陀林,Gus Millar-鼓,Neil MacMillan-钢琴),Martin Carthy - 歌曲,Phil Cunningham-手风琴,Ross Ainslie – smallpipes,Jane Gardner –钢琴, Jane Barbour – 钢琴, Billy Kay – 演说, and Cailean Maclean – 演说。

21 首: The Shanty Set (The Occasionals), Laxdale Cottage/The Pitlochry Highland Games (Ross Ainslie, Freeland Barbour and Gary West), Destiny (Billy Kay), The Craic at Clashmore Hall/The Drampire (Phil Cunningham, Freeland Barbour and Neil MacMillan), Frank McConnell's Three Step/Cape Ann (Cunningham, Barbour & MacMillan), Atholl Braes/The Drunken Piper (Cunningham, Barbour & MacMillan), Oran Badantarbairt/Badentarbet/Northlins (Cailean MacLean, Jane Gardner and Freeland Barbour), Remember Them With Gladness (Freeland Barbour, Jane Gardner, Mairi Campbell and Alison Smith), Kvalnes Reinlender (Freeland Barbour, Jane Gardner, Mairi Campbell, Alison Smith and Kevin Macleod), In The Lamplight (Freeland Barbour and Janet Barbour), High Germany (Martin Carthy), Pasacorredoires de Ponteareas e Vilaba/Aires de Pontevedra (Gary West), The Whittingham Rant (The Occasionals), My Son John (Martin Carthy), Lullaby for Mel/Chris Grace's Jig/Reel of Beer (Ross Ainslie), Chastleton Triple/Black Dog's Hornpipe (Simon Thoumire & Freeland Barbour), Joseph Boseph Set (Simon Thoumire), Jock Brown's 70th/Tain In The Rain/High Drive (Ross Ainslie), With Stinging Eyes and Straining Thighs (Freeland Barbour), Kevin Macleod's Medley (The Occasionals), Sarah’s Reel/Sam's Reel (The Occasionals and Guests).

这张CD,“音乐和土地的音乐会”,包含了一些Freeland Barbour的同名小说,也听到杰出的表演者音乐名单。音乐会上的每个人都在某种程度上对这本书做出了贡献,这是一个美妙的气氛,作者James Robertson说,"A book launch like no other”



视频:协奏曲'Aconcagua',独奏者Grayson Masefield 与sinfónica de Chile 乐团

Video 1: 2nd and 3rd mvt, Concerto 'Aconcagua'

Video 2: Tango Pour Claude composed by Richard Galliano
Grayson Masefield视频1:第二和第三MVTs,协奏曲'Aconcagua'由皮亚佐拉作曲,独奏家Grayson Masefield与国家高度重视的Orquesta Nica deChile乐团合作。

视频2:安可:探戈的克劳德由Richard Galliano。

两场音乐会在S antiago第1月28日和29日,今年早些时候于2月1日在Frutillar一场音乐会。此视频刚刚发布,来自在Frutillar的音乐会。

Sinfónica de Chile乐团由Francois Lopez-Ferrer指挥,这些音乐会是夏季音乐会活动的一部分。


Masefield eTracks mp3专辑可以购买:Grayson Masefield


音乐会评论:Julieta Venegas,The City National Grove of Anaheim--美国

Video 1:
Video 2:
Video 1: Julieta Venegas的Ese Camino

视频2: Julieta Venegas最流行的歌曲之一“"Me Voy:数以百万计的评论在线。

选自Gabriel San Roman的音乐会回顾, OC周刊:墨西哥歌手和手风琴手Julieta Venegas 于10月26日在Anaheim表演。

多元乐器演奏家闪耀着City National Grove of Anaheim,穿越她传奇的歌曲编译生涯。

Venegas选择以"Andar Conmigo" and "Me Voy"收尾,在 flawless中当之无愧,近两个小时的行程通过自己的创造能力。




Fadiesis Accordion Festival 2016, Pordenone – Italy

Fadiesis Accordion Festival
The Fadiesis Accordion Festival 2016 takes place in Pordenone, Italy, between October 27th and November 3rd. Artists appearing include the Dissonance Duo, Extemporae Trio, Mantice Sacro, Paris Moscou Duo, and Non Capivamo.

This festival presents music that ranges from sacred music to JS Bach, from swing to French and Russian music.

For further information email: info@fadiesis.org


67th All Scotland Accordion & Fiddle Festival, Perth – UK

Poster, 67th All Scotland Accordion & Fiddle Festival,The 67th All Scotland Accordion & Fiddle Festival takes place at the Salutation Hotel in Perth on Saturday October 29th, 9am until 5pm, followed by competition results and an evening ceilidh with The Craig Paton Band and a concert performance by KODA, an exciting young group who perform Scottish music in their own dynamic contemporary style.

The adjudicators for the accordion sections are Duncan Black, Richard Ross, John Bone, and Michael Philip; the fiddle sections adjudicator is Douglas Lawrence.

There is a pre-festival ceilidh on the Friday evening, October 28th, 8pm-11.30pm, with the James Coutts Scottish Dance Band. On Saturday afternoon, 1.30pm-4pm, there will be an informal music session in the Salutation Bar with James Coutts and his band, where all musicians are welcome to participate.

Also on Saturday, in the Greyfriars Bar (opposite the Salutation Hotel), 2pm to 4pm, there will be background music provided by Allan Small and Gemma Donald. Entry is free to both events.


Accordion and Clarinet Ensembles Concert, Löhne – Germany

Poster, ‘Akkordeon trifft Klarinette’‘Akkordeon trifft Klarinette’ is a concert featuring the Akkordeon Orchester Löhne (MD Petra Finger-Bornemann) and the Klarinetteensemble Caprizzio (MD Johanna Jarquin Reyes).

This takes place on Saturday October 29th, 5pm, at the Simeonkirche Gohfeld, Löhne, North Rhine, Westphalia, Germany.


Youssra El Hawary (Egypt) and Band, Torres Vedras - Portugal

Youssra El Hawary (Egypt) is an accordionist, singer, songwriter and actress with a very expressive presence on stage and a unique musical style, which quickly earned her great attention and respect from the public.

One of the most outspoken voices of women of Egypt, scathing in their political awareness, and being very influential in her country, especially after the great success of the song "El Soor" ("The Wall").

In Torres Vedras, Youssra El Hawary will be accompanied by her band.
Concert date is: Saturday 29 October 2016 at 21:30 hours, Teatro-Cine de Torres Vedras.


Harmonica Festival Leeuwarden, Friesland – Netherlands

Poster, 2016 Harmonica Festival Leeuwarden
This year’s Harmonica Festival Leeuwarden takes place on Saturday October 29th, 11am until 4.30pm, at Wijkcentrum Bilgaard, Hooidollen 17, 8918HV Leeuwarden, Friesland, Netherlands.

This festival attracts local and national accordionists of many genres.


Acordeones del Uruguay meeting, La Plata – Argentina

Poster, Acordeones del Uruguay
The accordion group Acordeones del Uruguay meets on Sunday October 30th, 5.30pm, at La Juntada de Plaza Italia, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Acordeones del Uruguay is a non-profit group that meets regularly to perform all kinds of music, especially pieces written by Uruguayan composers, and to promote the accordion.

For further information email: silviopre@hotmail.com


Roland Digital Accordion Demo, Kungsbacka – Sweden

Netta SkogThere will be a special demonstration of the various Roland digital accordions by Netta Skog, 2015 Coupe Mondiale Digital Accordion winner (video above), on Sunday October 30th at the Kungsbacka Teater, Kungsbacka, Sweden.

In September, Roland released the new Roland FR4X at the Paris Eiffel Tower. Technical information: 2016FR4X.pdf


Gran Festival de Acordeons, Ribadumia - Spain

The Gran Festival de Acordeons takes place on Sunday October 30th at the Auditorio de Ribadumia, Spain. This event involves several accordion schools and clubs, and is supported by the town council of Ribadumia. Free entry.

Ribadumia is a municipality in Galicia, Spain, in the province of Pontevedra.


Renato Borghetti Quartet Performing in Torres Vedras - Portugal

Video above: Renato Borghetti in partnership with guitarist Arthur Bonilla, released 2015 with 44 minutes of live performance. Their first album "Gaita Point" (1984) sold over a hundred thousand copies and brought him the first Gold Disc of Brazilian Instrumental Music.

Renato Borghetti (Brazil) is performing at Teatro-Cine de Torres Vedras, Saturday 5th November 2016, 21:30 hours.

Renato Borghetti (diatonic accordion), Pedro Figueiredo (sax and flute), Vítor Peixoto (piano) and Daniel Sá (guitar).


Dances to Accordion Music during November – Irish Republic

Dermot LyonsThe following list is of dance gigs in Ireland during November featuring accordionists:

November 4th, 9.30pm - Muriel O'Connor & Fran Curry, Lorrha
November 4th, 9.30pm - Sam O Doherty, Drombane
November 5th, 9.30pm – The Kelly Family, Camross
November 8th, 9.30pm - Sam O’Doherty, Cloughjordan
November 11th, 9.30pm – Lorrha, Peter Burke
November 12th, 9.30pm – Dermot Lyons, Ballingarry
November 14th, 15th, 16th, 9.30pm - The Kelly Family and 'Sam O Doherty, Checkers, Ennis
November 18th, 9.30pm - Declan Aungier, Lorrha
November 18th, 9pm - Peter Burke, Drombane
November 23rd, 9pm - Declan Aungier, Aghancon
November 19th, 9pm – Michael English, The Rhu Glenn Country Hotel, Kilkenny


Jimmy Blair Accordion Orchestra Concert, Glasgow – UK

PosterThe Jimmy Blair Accordion Orchestra (MD Gary Blair) share a concert with the Renfrew Community Gospel Choir on Friday November 4th, 7pm. The venue is Wallneuk Parish Church, Abercorn St, Paisley PA3 4AB, Scotland. Tickets £8, concessions £4.

The Jimmy Blair Accordion Orchestra, originally formed by Jimmy Blair, as part of his wider music school in the early 1970s, was very successful in NAO All Britain competitions until it was disbanded in the late 1980s. The orchestra was revived in 2009 by Gary Blair, and has since won several competition honours, and performing in many concerts.

For further information email: gazzapt@yahoo.co.uk



Updated Site: Douglas Ward Celebrates 70 Compositions Published - UK

Charnwood Publishing header
Douglas WardDouglas Ward and Charnwood Publishing celebrates 70 compositions published, mostly solo, some duet and some published in print and eSheet (pdf) format.

The site has also been updated with a new picture. Full information and view music samples at: Douglas Ward


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