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23rd Accordion Cruise For 2,100 Lovers of Accordion - Finland

competition winners, group performing
Netta SkogPictures above: Top; The finalists of Golden and Silver Accordion competition 2014: Back row left: Sami Salonen, Iida Rajala, Jussi Valkama, Essi Elomäki, Pekka Jolkkonen and Aleksi Laukkonen. Front row left: Paju Uutela, Heidi Rintamäki, Emilia Jurvelin, Ilmari Tiainen, Iida Paakala, Eemil Ullgrén and Vilma Wiren.
Lower: According to Rhythm (orchestra of young musicians from town Nivala), conductor Henna-Maija Vannemaa.

The worlds most popular annual accordion cruise with 2,100 guests and performers took place on the 23rd to 24th March on the ship M/S Silja Europa, the largest cruiser in the Baltic Sea, going from Helsinki to Tallinn.

This is the 23rd annual Accordion Cruise and features music all over the cruise ship. There was a new venue "Open Stage" for young musician groups where over 70 young players performed.

Picture left Netta Skog

The semifinals of the Golden Accordion and Silver Accordion competition categories were held to select the finalists.
The Golden Accordion 2014 finalists are:
Essi Elomäki, Pori
Pekka Jolkkonen, Polvijärvi
Aleksi Laukkonen, Kauhava
Iida Rajala, Viitasaari
Sami Salonen, Lohja
Jussi Valkama, Teuva

The Silver Accordion 2014 finalists are:
Emilia Jurvelin, Nivala
Iida Paakala, Valkeala
Heidi Rintamäki, Pori
Ilmari Tiainen, Lappeenranta
Eemil Ullgrén, Kontiolahti
Paju Uutela, Helsinki
Vilma Wiren, Kokkola

The Finals will be held at Sata-Häme Soi Festival on 2nd July 2014.

For further information email: minna.plihtari@harmonikkaliitto.net
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