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Weekly News from Around the World - 28-Feb-2020
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Le XXI ième festival d’accordéon d’hiver de Kokkola célèbre le 400ième anniversaire de Kokkola - Finlande
Inscriptions pour le festival AAA 2020, Virginie - USA
Tournée de Coba en avril 2020 – Japon
Lancement de l’album de l’ensemble Romano Viazzani à Londres - Angleterre

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Accordionist in Final Three of "Prodigios" Competition - Spain
“Saltire” February Concert Tour - New Zealand
Two New Instruments on Display at AWAM - USA

Future events

“Flight out of Time” Concert in St. Petersburg - Russia
Chaika Band Tour Australia
Jazz Trio Guests at Port Charlotte Accordion Club, Florida - USA
Stanislav Angelov Accordion Concert & Demonstration - South Africa
"Duo Mares" St Georgs Church Concert - Germany
2020 All-Russian Competition of Performers on Folk Instruments, Vologda – Russia
“Milonga de Cuatro” Plays “Five Tango Sensations”, Auckland – New Zealand
Diatonic & Chromatic Accordion Course, Hainaut - Belgium
Hainaut Belles Bretelles Festival - France

New and Updated Sites

Site NZAA mis à jour: Lève de fonds à la journée de l’accordéon, pour les compétiteurs de la coupe mondiale de Nouvelle Zélande – Nouvelle Zélande
Kateryna Pylypenko New Music and Recordings - Ukraine
Gary Dahl (1937 to 2017) eBook Special Price - USA

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Le XXI ième festival d’accordéon d’hiver de Kokkola célèbre le 400ième anniversaire de Kokkola - Finlande

Festival poster
Raimo VertainenSonja Vertainen and Janne ValkeajokLe XXII ième festival d’accordéon d’hiver de Kokkola s’est tenu en même temps que le 400ième anniversaire de la ville de Kokkola dans divers lieux de la ville en Finlande du 9 au 16 février 2020.

Le directeur du festival depuis sa création est Raimo Vertainen (photo à gauche).

Au programme des festivités du 400ième anniversaire, un concert de Guardia Nueva (dirigé par Raimo Vertainen). Ils ont joué des tangos, des tubes incontournables et de la musique de compositeurs locaux avec comme solistes Virva Puumala, Matti Korkiala, Maria Autio & Jiri Tammilehto.

Il y’eut aussi de nombreux concerts, parades, animations pour les enfants, évènements surprise pour célébrer le 400ième anniversaire de la ville, des déjeuners en musique, descentes en luge, chansons pour les personnes âgées et musique jazz. Plus de 5000 spectateurs pour ce festival de 8 jours.

Parmi les temps forts du festival, la première mondiale d’un nouveau concerto par l’un des compositeurs finlandais les plus en vus, Aulis Sallinen, avec son “Duo Concertante” pour deux accordéons, cordes et percussion Op.115.

La pièce a été interprétée par Sonja Vertainen et Janne Valkeajoki (photo en haut à droite) avec l’orchestre de musique de chambre Ostrobothnian sous la direction d’Anna-Maria Helsing. Helsing est maintenant l’un des principaux chefs d’orchestre du London BBC Concert Orchestra. Le concerto a été retransmis à la radio finlandaise (YLE Radio1) qui est la radio principale en Finlande.

Les opéras, symphonies et concertos d’Aulis Sallinen ont été joués à travers le monde – au métropolitan de New York, à Convent Garden, à Londres … Cette nouvelle œuvre de lui est un trésor pour le monde de la musique et de l’accordéon.

Les sorciers de la musique – Veli Kujala et Jarkko Riihimäki:
C’est un spectacle qui mélange musique et magie. Le sorcier de l’accordéon Veli Kujala et le pianiste magique Jarkko Riihimäki nous ont regalés avec leur spectacle en première mondiale, composé de musiques de Pekka Pohjola, Pat Metheny, Gardel et inprovisations. Un spectacle hors norme.

Le duo Nordic sounds d’Estonie comprenait Tiit Kalluste (accordéon) et Villu Veski (saxophone). Leur concert présenta photos et mélodies de la côte.

Jörgen Sundeqvist et Päivi Mettälä de Suède, ont interprété de la musique de Höga Kusten (Suède) et Julia Hansson (Kokkola).

Raimo Vertainen a aussi dirigé l’Active Accordion Orchestra qui interpréta une musique de ballet de Philip Glass, l’orchestre de jeunes à l’accordéon et le K-30 Orchestra.

Télécharger photos du festival et vidéo ici: 2020Kokkola.pdf


Inscriptions pour le festival AAA 2020, Virginie - USA

AAA Header
AAA RegistrationLe festival 2020 de l’American Accordionists' Association (AAA) se tiendra du 8 au12 juillet 2020 au Holiday Inn & Suites d’Alexandrie en Virginie, qui se situe seulement à 15 minutes de voiture de la maison blanche à Washington DC.

Vous pouvez maintenant vous enregistrez en ligne en utilisant le panier de commande AAA ou télécharger et imprimer le formulaire d’inscription et nous l’envoyez avec un chèque. 2020AAARegistration.pdf

Pour plus d’informations pour réserver votre hôtel et trouver le lien pour la réduction de groupe 111, rendez-vous aussi sur notre site: AAAFestival

Pour les infos déjà disponibles concernant le festival et les musiciens participants, télécharger le dépliant Festival AAA 2020 : 2020AAAFlier.pdf


Tournée de Coba en avril 2020 – Japon

Coba poster
Les billets sont désormais en vente pour la tournée de l’accordéoniste japonais Yasuhiro "Coba" Kobayashi’s au Japon en avril 2020.

Coba vient de célébrer son 60ième anniversaire ce mois-ci et son nouvel album "The Accordion" paraîtra le 4 mars, avec 12 morceaux en solo. L’album a été conçu autour d’un retour aux sources musicales pour Coba. Parmi les nouveaux morceaux : “Valse pour accordéon" et "Sara".

Les dates de tournée en avril 2020 sont les suivantes:

11 avril: Arao Synthesis Cultural Center small hall, Kumamoto Prefecture Arao à 17h
12 avril: Hita City Center Patria Hita Babbling Hall, Hita, Oita Prefecture à 16h30
18 avril: Nagano City Arts Center Recital Hall, Nagano, Nagano Prefecture à 17h30
19 avril: Toyama Prefecture Small Theater Orbis, Toyama, Toyama Prefecture à 16h
21 avril: Harmony Hall Fukui Small Hall, Fukui City à 18h30
25 avril: Niigata Prefectural Civic Center, Small Hall, Niigata, Niigata Prefecture à 17h30
26 avril: Kanazawa 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art Theater 21, Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture à 16h
29 avril: Takasaki Art Theater Studio Theater, Takasaki, Gunma Prefecture à 16h30

Pour plus de details, téléphonez au: 0570-02-9999


Lancement de l’album de l’ensemble Romano Viazzani à Londres - Angleterre

ensembleRomanoL’ensemble Romano Viazzani va lancer son nouvel album le “London Tango” lors d’un concert à l’heure du déjeuner à « The Pheasantry » à Chelsea à Londres, le 15 mars 2020.

Ce concert sera le premier d’une série de concerts dédiée à la promotion de l’album. L’album part du tango argentin et y ajoute un zeste londonien avec cinq nouveaux morceaux de Viazzani dont 3 écrits spécifiquement pour l’album, une collaboration et deux autres nouvelles pièces, ainsi que de formidables tangos traditionnels argentins et européens et une bonne dose de Piazzolla.

L’ensemble vient aussi tout juste de publier Libertango en single sur Spotify iTunes et autres plateformes de téléchargement, avant la sortie de l’album.

For details phone: 020 7439 4962


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

Accordionist in Final Three of "Prodigios" Competition - Spain

MartaAccordions Worldwide reported last month that accordionist Marta Cubas Hondal (student of Gorka Hermosa) had been selected to play in the next round of "Prodigios" (Spanish National TV`s version of "Got Talent") from 200 applicants. At that stage, nine students were chosen to perform with a symphony orchestra in the next rounds. Gorka Hermosa had prepared the orchestral arrangements for her.

Now we are pleased to report that Marta is now in the final three of this competition!

Prodigios is a musical talent show produced by Shine Iberia for broadcast on 1 Spanish TV on Saturdays at 22:05h. Held at the Miguel Delibes Auditorium in Valladolid, it seeks the greatest Spanish talent between the ages of 7 and 17 for students of lyrical singing, classical dance and orchestral instruments.

The professional jury includes Ainhoa Arteta, Nacho Duato and Andrés Salado. The winner will receive 20,000 euros as "Prodigy of the Year", and an intensive course of improvement in the center of high performance Musical of the Alfonso X El Sabio University.

Marta Cubas Hondal qualified for the semi-final playing “Tango pour Claude” (R. Galliano) and “Amélie” (Yann Tiersen).

On March 7th she will play “Libertango” (Piazzolla) and if she qualifies she will play “Oblivion” (Piazzolla) on March 14th at the finals.

Accordions Worldwide wishes Marta all the best for this competition.


“Saltire” February Concert Tour - New Zealand

David VernonVideo: The Jacqueline Waltz performed in Te Awamutu, New Zealand.

The “Saltire” duo which includes accordionist David Vernon and Alex Hodgson (guitar) have just completed a tour of New Zealand playing at shows, concerts & ceilidhs. The duo from Edinburgh, Scotland entertained at the 27th Paeroa Highland Games & Tattoo in Paeroa, as well as in Huntly, Te Awamutu, Wellington and Stratford (in the North Island) and in Hororata, Dunedin & Christchurch (in the South Island).

David is the resident accordionist in the “Spirit of Scotland” show, which performs 250 evenings per year in Edinburgh, Scotland. The show is a rip roaring evening of traditional Scottish song and dance accompanied by a great selection of quality Scottish food to delight your pallet.


Two New Instruments on Display at AWAM - USA

AWAM treasureOberkrainerA two-row button diatonic accordion (picture left) from Germany has recently been donated to A World of Accordions Museum (AWAM). The instrument had been in the family for five generations, had been restored some years ago and came with a specially made glass case for the instrument’s protection.

It had no brand name but did have a prominent crown logo, decorative rose-motif decals enhancing the bellows frames, a central reinforcing frame in the bellows, and deep, stiff bellows folds with leather edge-bindings. This instrument is now on display at AWAM.

The second new display is an Öllerer “Oberkrainer” accordion (picture above right), made in 1985 by the Georg Oellerer company in Germany. This is the only example of its brand and specific type at AWAM.

In addition to its beauty, it is one of the last piano accordions made by this manufacturer that subsequently focused on producing a type of diatonic called Steirische and it is tuned to sound like a button diatonic accordion of regional Oberkrainer preferences that are most noted for Slavko Avsenik’s and Upper Carniolan folk music.

This instrument, called a “folk accordion,” incorporates hand-made reeds, a tone chamber, and condenser microphones in the bass section. It was custom-made in 1985 by the Oellerer group for Pat “Patsy” Woods of Arlington, Texas, who donated it to AWAM in December 2019 after performing with it for over 50 years.

Accordions Worldwide encourages all accordionists to consider giving important historical accordions to their favorite museum.


Future events

“Flight out of Time” Concert in St. Petersburg - Russia

Flight out of Time poster
The New Stage of the Alexandrinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg will host a concert entitled "Flight out of Time” - concert music for bayan and accordion Petri Makkonen on March 1st at 2pm.

The program will include works by contemporary Finnish composer Petri Makkonen, which will be performed by the composer and St. Petersburg musicians Vladimir Rozanov and the trio "Charm", which includes Artur Adrshin, Vladimir Stupnikov and Arkady Skryv.

The concert is organised by the Institute of Finland in St. Petersburg as part of the Northern Counterpoint project.

"Northern Counterpoint" is a joint music project of the Consulates General of Norway and Sweden, the Danish Institute of Culture and the Institute of Finland in St. Petersburg, aimed at strengthening cooperation between musicians and composers of North Europe and Russia. The Northern Counterpoint project is supported by the Northern Cultural Foundation.

For tickets phone: +7 (812) 312-15-45


Chaika Band Tour Australia

Chaika poster
Emily-RoseVideo: Chaika performs Swedish folk song "I riden så " filmed for The Cobargo Sessions 2019 by Joshua Levi Collings and the team at PegLeg Productions. Video recorded at the Cobargo Folk Festival, New South Wales, Australia, in March 2019.

Chaika Band” (which includes accordionist Emily-Rose Šárkova - picture right) are excited to announce their 2020 Australia tour dates for March and April. The band will tour Tasmania, Victoria, New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory.

They have performed at festivals and concert venues around Australia and play a mix of folk, jazz and classical music.

Tour dates as follows:

March 1st: The Monastery, Geelong (VIC)
March 4th: Two Oaks Cafe Somerset (TAS)
March 5th: Dreamfarm (TAS)
March 7th: Body Percussion Masterclass @ Kickstart Arts (TAS)
March 7th: Kunanyi Folk Club (TAS)
March 8th: MONA (TAS)
March 8th: Arranging workshop, Kingston Beach (TAS)
March 12th: Royal Oak Launceston (TAS)
March 13th to 15th: River Folk Festival (VIC)
March 17th: Le Penelope's Kirwans Bridge (VIC)
March 18th: Melbourne Recital Centre (VIC)
March 19th: Arc Switchroom Yinnar (VIC)
March 20th to 22nd: Yackandandah Folk Festival (VIC)
April 2nd: Camelot with Curtis Eller's American Circus (NSW)
April 9th to 13th: National Folk Festival (ACT)
April 17th: Murrah Hall (NSW)

For details email: info@chaikaband.com


Jazz Trio Guests at Port Charlotte Accordion Club, Florida - USA

Port Charlotte header
playersThe Port Charlotte Accordion Club in Port Charlotte, Florida invite accordionists and accordion lovers to a performance by a Jazz Trio which includes accordionists Joe Cerrito & Dick Smolens (picture left) and their percussionist next month. The concert will be held on March 1st at the American Legion Post 110 in Harbour Blvd at 1pm.

Attendees are invited to bring their accordions and sign up to play.

A door charge of $2 will go to the American Legion Post 110 for their services to veterans and the community.

For details and bookings phone: (410) 591 5045


Stanislav Angelov Accordion Concert & Demonstration - South Africa

Stanislav poster
Accordionist Stanislav Angelov will give a concert and demonstration at the Musikhaus W.Heuer in Stellenbosch on March 5th at 7pm.

Stanislav will demonstrate and explain several different models of new accordions produced in Germany and Italy and available for purchase. He will also run a Q & A session with information on our fantastic musical instrument.

Stanislav Angelov (originally from Shumen, Bulgaria) now lives in Cape Town where he performs, teaches and records as a soloist or guest artiste for other local productions. He has appeared many times as a soloist with Symphonic Orchestras in Cape Town, Johannesburg and Port Elizabeth.

For details phone: 021 8872938


"Duo Mares" St Georgs Church Concert - Germany

Duo Mares
Duo Mares, which includes Marko Kassl (accordion) and Esra Pehlivanli (viola) will give a concert at St Georgs Church in Hattingen, Germany on March 14th, 2020 at 7.15pm.

The duo are working with today’s composers to present a new repertoire for their 2020/2021 season which will include over 40 compositions that have been dedicated to the duo by composers such as Ivo Petric (SL), Roderik De Man (NL), Chiel Meijering (NL), Anne La Berge (USA-NL), Nico Huijbregts (NL), Gerard Beljon (NL), Sinta Wullur (NL), Bruno Strobl (A), Matthias Grimminger (D), Gerhard Stäbler (D), Frank Zabel (D), Wilfried M. Danner (D), Selim Dogru (TR), Yigit Kolat (TR), Gokce Altay (TR) among many others.

For concert details email: stgeorg@kirche-hawi.de


2020 All-Russian Competition of Performers on Folk Instruments, Vologda – Russia

Vologda poster
The 2020 All-Russian Competition of Performers on Folk Instruments will be held from April 1st to 4th, 2020 in Vologda, Russia.

The competition will be held in three stages:
1st (qualifying) stage: takes place in the regions of the Russian Federation.
2nd stage: Winners of the first stage will take part in this stage.
3rd stage: Final to determine the Grand Prize winner.

Categories include soloists, ensembles and orchestras for a variety of instruments including accordion and bayan. Their programs are expected to include works of different styles and genres.

Download competition rules (in Russian language): 2020VologdaRules.pdf


“Milonga de Cuatro” Plays “Five Tango Sensations”, Auckland – New Zealand

Milonga De C
Video: Tango Project "Milonga De Cuatro", Astor Piazzolla Four seasons of Buenos Aires (III part)

For the first time in Auckland, Astor Piazzolla’s masterpiece “Five Tango Sensations” will be played by the unique collaboration of “Milonga de Cuatro” musical instruments. The quartet includes Lian Jones (accordion), Celina Reyes Badger (viola), Natalia Meyta (piano) and Marija Dimitrijevic (double bass).

Their concert of Argentinian tango music will take place at the Mt Eden Village Centre, Mt Eden Rd, Mt Eden, Auckland, on April 8th at 7pm and will also include works by Argentinian composer Eduardo Rovira.

For information email: nataliameyta@yahoo.com


Diatonic & Chromatic Accordion Course, Hainaut - Belgium

Diatonic & Chromatic Accordion Course poster
An accordion course for diatonic and chromatic accordionists will be held in Aubechies, Hainau, Belgium on May 21st and 22nd, 2020.

The course is organised by tutors Diou Flo - Florence Pinvidic and Florence Glorion.

The course will begin with evaluations of levels of attendees, followed by training camps.

For details email: florence.glorion@gmail.com


Hainaut Belles Bretelles Festival - France

The Hainaut Belles Bretelles Festival will be held in Hergnies, France from May 30th to June 1st, 2020. Registrations are now being accepted in you would like to join the team for this 2020 edition.

Organized by the Léo Lagrange d'Hergnies Club, the Hainaut Belles Bretelles Festival is three days of music, celebration and conviviality to the sound of all accordion styles, in the shade of the tall trees of the grassed square of the village of Hergnies. From musette to rock'n'roll through klezmer, Cajun, classical, folk, the accordion is a friendly, festive instrument. What an atmosphere!

For details email: contact@bellesbretelles.com


New and Updated Sites

Site NZAA mis à jour: Lève de fonds à la journée de l’accordéon, pour les compétiteurs de la coupe mondiale de Nouvelle Zélande – Nouvelle Zélande

New Zealand World Accordion Day poster
World Accordion Day logoSite NZAA mis à jour: L’association d’accordéon de Nouvelle Zélande (NZAA) sponsorise la journée mondiale de l’accordéon (World Accordion Day) avec un concert de bénéficiance pour financer les compétiteurs néo-zélandais pour la coupe mondiale 2020, Jessie Chen, Catrina Lin and Angela Chen.

Le concert qui aura lieu le mercredi 6 mai, journée mondiale de l’accordéon, débutera à 19h au théâtre Rose, 4 School Road, Belmont. Poster à télécharger: 2020nz-wad.pdf

Les groupes qui se produiront pour soutenir la cause sont le Auckland Accordion Symphonietta dirigé par Lionel Reekie, l’orchestre d’accordéon North Shore Music Makers dirigé par Christine Johnstone et l’orchestre d’accordéon North Shore Musicale dirigé par Megan Jennings.

Pour la clôture du concert, un invité de marque, Grayson Masefield.

Le concert sera filmé et posté sur le site de la” Journée mondiale de l’accordéon” (World Accordion Day) comme de nombreux évènements à travers le monde, pour célébrer la date de fabrication du premier accordéon par Cyrillius Demien le 6 mai 1829 à Vienne, en Autriche.
World Accordion Day header


Kateryna Pylypenko New Music and Recordings - Ukraine

Rainbow AnimalsKateryna PylypenkoKateryna Pylypenko, accordionist, poet, artist and composer of Ukraine has released her first publications.

Catalog: pylypenko101 Rainbow Animals for accordion composed by Kateryna Pylypenko.

Rainbow Animals is an album of modern compositions for accordion designed for elementary school students. The album includes 7 different shaped compositions. 29 pages of music and artwork. Hear the sound samples online.

If you order the Rainbow Animals pdf book, you will also receive free of charge the sound files of the 7 complete pieces as performed by the composer.

Catalog: pylypenko102 Le Onde for accordion composed by Ludovico Einaudi,
transcribed by Kateryna Pylypenko.


Gary Dahl (1937 to 2017) eBook Special Price - USA

Gary Dahl eBooks
Gary DahlThe home page of Gary Dahl (1937 to 2017) has been updated and for the first time, a special price is offered for the complete collection of Gary Dahl eBooks #1 to #10. The 10 eBooks worth USD $335 with 156 titles is emailed to you for the special price of USD$220, catalog DH01-10eB.

DH01-eB Latin Spectacular!
DH02-eB Favorite French Standards
DH03-eB The American Songbook
DH04-eB Favorite Waltzes & Polkas
DH05-eB Easy Listening Variety
DH06-eB Easy Listening Variety
DH07-eB Traditional Polish Carols
DH08-eB Italian Collection
DH09-eB Traditional Christmas Carols
DH10-eB Polka!

Click DH01-10eB to purchase the 10 Gary Dahl eBooks for US$220


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