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"Forza Canzone d'Italia in the World", Best Italian Melodic Tradition Melodies - Italy/Worldwide

Sylvia Pagni and Elisa Riccitelli
Loris CattunarIt is not secondary to the immaterial purpose of promoting and spreading a message of openness to knowledge and dialogue between different traditions and cultures. And peace. These are the goals that will characterize the project until its conclusion in 2020, in Dubai, when the next edition of EXPO will be held.

It will also be associated with a further solidarity with which the revenue generated by cultural events will be devoted to humanitarian projects in the countries where the same events will take place.

The project will be developed on five continents, particularly in large cities of countries with strong emigration in Italy. It will start in January 2017 with the selection of artists who will participate in the Final One, in 2020 in Dubai.

Sylvia Pagni, soul and engine of the project, musician and director of the New Abruzzo Orchestra says:

"Our goal is to discover both Italian and foreign talents around the world to select the best local melodies inspired by the great Italian melodic tradition that will be reinterpreted in modern fashion by young emerging talents, together with established artists. The embrace among peoples through Music will also be expressed concretely with a program of food solidarity.

Italy will meet the cultures of each country affected by the project, blending the cultures of each country with sensitivity, music, nutrition, giving a message of peace and solidarity, promoting integration among peoples.

Italian art and melody, with those of other countries in the world, will meet to meet, confront and join through "contaminations" arising from the deepening of their origins and their historical path. "

"Forza Canzone d'Italia in the World" will be held in Italian Festivals organized over several days. It will be able to associate promotions of our gastronomy, exhibitions of Italian excellence products, promotion of tourism in Italy, art, creativity and fashion. In short, the Italian song becomes the medium to convey Made in Italy.

The project, for its complex articulation, will be able to take advantage of the cooperation of our overseas representations (embassies, consulates, cultural institutes), and above all the dense network of associations of the various regions through which the Italian communities in world are strongly organized.

Loris Cattunar, who is the secretary general of the project, adds further explanations: "The project entrusts artists and organizations with the role of 'ambassadors' of Italian music culture, but also of the excellence of Italian products of crafts or industrial companies. To these, the project offers support for the world.

Our marketing sector has structured a 'format' that integrates with the musical and cultural program of the event and offers partner companies an important showcase and adequate business support. "

The project, in addition to the artists Sylvia Pagni, Elisa Riccitelli, Loris Cattunar - and the Orchestra composed by 27 professional musicians, sees a prestigious organizing and artistic staff of Sergio Nanni, Alberto Zeppieri, Antonio Vandoni, Dario Salvatori, Maurizio Conigliaro and Loris Cattunar.

Finally, this is the last step in organizing the organizing machine. The network, radio and television collaboration in each country is being sought and requested abroad for the dissemination of the project. But, above all, they are looking for characters and referents who want to promote in their cities and at national level the organization of selection events, in close collaboration with the Sylvia Pagni Music Center, the National Academy of Music and Performing Arts based in Scerne of Pineto, in Abruzzo.
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