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'Zuckerbrod & Peytsche’ Music Book/CD, London - UK

'Zuckerbrod & Peytsche’
Jean CapriceThe music book ‘Zuckerbrod & Peytsche’, which includes a CD, (available via Amazon and other internet sources) is music composed and played by accordionist/author Jean Caprice, and all based on his romantic novel of the same name. The novel is a love story set long ago in Paris, Moscow and Marseille.

The ten compositions are all pastiches of genres that evoke the Paris and Moscow of the 1930s, including cafes and restaurants with accordionists entertaining amidst the smoky and boozy atmospheres of the time. The pieces all feature minor chords somewhere in their structure and these conjure up mental images, and are ‘mood music’. On the CD, the ten pieces are played by Jean Caprice as solos on a 1953 Hohner Arietta 1M piano accordion. The pieces vary in difficulty, and are of about Grade 3 and Grade 4 standard.

The tunes in the music book, published by Alfred, are all very clearly set out and easy on the eyes, and each is complete with chord symbols. The first piece ‘Valse Séphardique’ is a melodic waltz in a French folk dance style. ‘Valse Musette ou Mazurka’, the second number, is based on patterns of quavers, and is a mazurka in a moderate and steady tempo. The next three pieces are ‘Ukrainian Dance’, numbers 1, 2 and 3. These are lively dance tunes in a typical Ukrainian folk dance style, and no doubt all relate to where the story is set in Eastern Europe. ‘Papillons-Musette’, ‘Valse Sans Adieu’, and ‘Sea Shanty Waltz’ are all to my ears valse musettes – not difficult to play, but all are melodic and evocative of Parisian settings. The ‘Schlemingway-Tango’ is lively and written in a classic traditional tango style, and the title may be an allusion to the American writer and adventurer Ernest Hemingway, who lived in Paris during the 1920s and 30s. The final (and longest) piece is ‘Russian Melodies’, a lively-paced medley of Cossack-type tunes.

There is also a separate CD, titled ‘Zuckerbrod & Peytsche’, in which Jean Caprice plays some of the pieces from the music book, but here with accompaniment and on a musette accordion. The pieces on this CD are ‘Valse Musette ou Mazurka’, ‘Danse Une Autre Vie’ (vocal Jean Caprice), ‘Papillons-Musette’, ‘Ukrainian Dance No. 1’, ‘Valse Sans Adieu’, ‘Ukrainian Dance No. 3’, ‘Sea Shanty Waltz’, ‘Ukrainian Dance No. 2’, and ‘Les Beaux Yeux’ (vocal Jean Caprice). The CD is available from Amazon and other internet sources

Jean Caprice is a London-based accordionist, singer/songwriter, composer and writer. Born in Hamburg, Germany, his novel was written in the Alps and published in 2014. It was written in German by Jean Caprice, is available as an eBook, and it will also soon be published in English and French.

For further information email: jens@los-octopussytos.com
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