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Rostov-on-Don Accordion Concerts - Russia

Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments Don, conductor Krikor Hurdayan
Top: Kusiakov & Shishkin, Lower: Kusiakov & SemionovIn Rostov-on-Don, 12 to 14 March, was the XIV South Russia (Open) competition for college students music specialists which included accordionists and other instruments. This was attended by students and teachers from many cities of the region.

On March 15, was the XIV conference of music teachers of colleges and universities of the South Russia region. A focus was training and problems of repertoire.

As part of the competition and conference, there was also concerts by students, faculty and graduate students of folk instruments of Rostov Conservatory Rakhmaninov. A concert of national and international competitions laureates was held on the 12th March.

Andrew Statsenko (bayan), assistant professor of Rostov Conservatory. Rakhmaninov, former winner of All-Russian competitions in Moscow, Klingenthal in 1999, is laureat of Arrasate Competition and International Competition in Kiev. He gave a concert on the 13th March.

"Lifetime of Anatoli Kusiakov" on the 14th March was an evening in memory of this famous accordion composer and People's Artist of Russia, at which was presented a new book about the composer and his works. The book consisted of articles by Viatcheslav Semionov, Yuri Shishkin, L. Varavina, E. Pokazannik and many others. The evening also featured analysis of Kusiakov works by leading theorists, composers and performers, as well as interviews with the master before his recent death in July 2007.

A Konzert-Meister art of accompaniment evening was provided by the students and teachers of the music department. On the 15th March, was the concert by Anatoli Zaikin, Honored Artist of Russia, laureate of international competitions, the winner of Klingenthal (1980), professor of Rostov Conservatory, Rakhmaninov.

Along with the South Russia accordion competition in various concert halls around the city, there were two evening concerts dedicated to the upcoming World Accordion Day on May 6th. These were on March 14, a concert by Ivan, Slesareva, the winner of All-Russian competitions in Rostov-on-Don and Novosibirsk, presenting new works by young composers and performers. The second concert was on March 15, titled "Bravo Accordion", featuring the winner of national and international competitions Aleksei Shalygin and the orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments Don conducted by Honored Artist of Russia, Professor Krikor Hurdayan.

On the March 18, was a recital of organ music by Grygoriy Osmanov, a laureate of the of the 1984 Klinenthal International Competition and a former student of famous accordion artist, teacher and composer, Viatcheslav Semionov.

This article was written by Maria Ternavskaja, Ludmila Varavina and Elena Pokazannik.
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