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High Improvement Musical Masterclass for Classical Accordion, Osimo - Italy

“Tangospleen” (Argentina) in Osimo, Tobjas and Isabella, two tango dancers.
Mirco PatariniThe concert of “Orchestra Giovanile Castelfidardo”, Saturday 21 July in Piazza Boccolino closes the week devoted to music and the “High Improvement Musical Masterclasses” organized by CIA (Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes) member IAC (Italian Accordion Culture) under the auspices of the municipality of Osimo and the Marche Region.

The event started on 16 July with the concert which took place at the S. Stefano Church (Osimo) in occasion of its reopening after a long renovation. The concert’s program envisaged the performance of three soloists: the two artistic directors Dario Flammini and Mirco Patarini and also Alexander Selivanov (professor at the “Gnessins” Musical Accademy).

On 17 July, at the Teatrino Campana was the national selection for the 2018 Coupe Mondiale 2018 Lithuania. All candidates played in front of an international jury and they were judged fit or unfit to represent Italy.

From 18 July, there were individual lessons each day by conservatory teachers with 19 students participating.

Every evening there was a concert in which the accordion played the main role.

On Thursday 17 July there was a classical period concert featuring Mirco Patarini and two young musicians Alessandro Pagliari and Lorenzo Scolletta.

On Wednesday 18 July, the San Giovanni Battista Church in Passatempo has been permeated by the music and the energy of the Duo Alberto La Neve (soprano sax) and Master Antonio Spaccarotella (accordion). Alberto and Antonio played well-known pieces belonging to jazz tradition and others one composed by themselves.

On Thursday 19 July featured “Triosphere” being Dario Flammini (bandoneon), Mauro De Federicis (electric guitar) and Roberto Della Vecchia (double bass) with tango, jazz and pop music.

The last two concerts took place in Piazza Boccolino, the main square of Osimo.
Friday 20 featured “Tangospleen” an Argentinian group who regularly plays in Europe and Tobjas and Isabella, two tango dancers.

Finally, on Saturday 21 July Osimo citizens had the honour to listen to the Orchestra Giovanile Castelfidardo, directed by the conductor Mr Edoardo Mantini. The orchestra is composed by 20 elements and different instruments: violins, accordions, keyboards, guitar and drums. They played different genres of music: from classical music, walking past soundtracks of famous film, to light music.

The event was made possible by the local Osimo city administration and the Marche Region. Furthermore, a particular thank is for all those who put at the disposal rooms and facilities where lessons and concerts took place.
“Triosphere” being Dario Flammini (bandoneon),
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