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Tulio Gasperini (1922-2014), Rhode Island – USA

Tulio GasperiniVideo: To my Teacher. An 8 Minute Documentary by Corey Pesaturo showing Tulio Gasperini playing at 91 years, and photos of his life.

Tulio Gasperini was recognized nationally as a virtuoso accordionist with a highly personal style, and an accomplished composer and educator. He had a driving passion devoted to the study of music and the mastery of the accordion. Born in Pawtucket, RI, it was at age 3 that Tulio became mesmerized by his first sighting of an accordion. From then on, he was determined to play the accordion and taught himself to do so at age 4, followed by piano lessons until a reputable accordion teacher could be found.

Considered a prodigy, Tulio soon performed at many theatre grand openings throughout New England and, by age 6, was featured regularly on WJAR radio. In 1938, he achieved second place to the famous opera singer Maria Callas on the nationally-syndicated Major Bowes Amateur Hour, US radio's best-known talent show.

In addition to leading his trio to first place at the 1939 NY World's Fair, Tulio became U.S. Champion when he was awarded First Prize National Soloist at the 1941 American Accordion Association (AAA) competition in NY. Subsequently, Tulio was a featured soloist with many orchestras, and then attended Boston University until his studies were interrupted by WWII.

From 1943 1946, Tulio served in the U.S. Army Military Intelligence Service, and studied Japanese at the University of Michigan in preparation for his dispatch to Japan. When the war ended he returned to Boston University and graduated in 1946 with a Bachelor of Music degree in Composition that led to one of his masterpieces, ‘Symphony Tune-Up’, which won national recognition as one of the most original pieces published for the accordion.

Hailed as "a living legend" by former Providence Mayor Vincent Cianci, Tulio established Gasperini Music in his hometown of Pawtucket in 1948. For almost 40 years. Gasperini Music was revered throughout New England for providing weekly music education to more than 500 students for all types of musical instruments and was also a retailer and wholesaler of instruments. Tulio produced many U.S. champions, one Coupe Mondiale champion who was placed 4th in the world, as well as a 12-year-old student who performed at The White House for President and Mrs. Clinton.

He was a member of AAA, charter member of the Accordion Teachers Association of MA, and founder and president of the Accordion Teachers Association of RI (ATARI). It was through his perseverance and leadership of ATARI that the accordion became accepted as a major course of study at Rhode Island College; Tulio joined the faculty and taught music theory and harmony to advanced students. Besides his loving wife, he leaves a son, Tulio G. Gasperini of Lincoln; daughters, the late Holly D. Gasperini of Sarasota, FL and Gail Gasperini of Boston; "adopted" son, Neal P. Roderick of Lincoln; brother, Orlando A. Gasperini and sister-in-law, the late Carmela Gasperini, of Lincoln; nephew Orlando W. Gasperini of Lincoln; grandchildren, Zachary P. Monroe and April B. Monroe of Boston.

Tulio Gasperini passed away on February 20th at the age of 92. He was the beloved husband of Dolores (Brogi) Gasperini for 66 years and resided in Lincoln for 61 years.
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