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Those Darn Accordions (TDA) Concerts - USA

Those Darn Accordions (TDA)
Those Darn Accordions are taking over the Mystic Lake Casino in Prior Lake, MN for two days, Oct 10 and 11. Come join the Oktoberfest fun done TDA style. Lots of Oktoberfest games plus great beer and food. Book a room now and make a weekend of it. See you there!

Those Darn Accordions are an American accordion band from San Francisco, California, originally formed in 1989. Their original songs cover a variety of musical genres—from rock and funk to polka and even swing. Their repertoire also includes occasional covers of popular songs. The band continues to tour across the United States.

The lineup has varied over the years. Former members include Patty Brady, Bill Schwartz, Clyde Forsman (whose tattoos grace the covers of TDA's first two CDs), Big Lou (who founded the band in 1989, intending it as a one-night-only squeezebox stunt), Tom Torriglia, Art Peterson, Ron "The Filipino Elvis" Muriera, Ron "Riff" Borelli, and Chris Howard.

San Francisco's accordion-fueled rock 'n' roll band pumps out polkas, rock classics and catchy originals chronicling life in the weird lane. Fronted by singer-songwriter/squeezebox wizards Paul Rogers and Suzanne Garramone -- promises to forever rearrange your understanding of the accordion. TDA's extreme squeezeboxers mix solid keyboard chops with a groundbreaking use of guitar effects pedals and amps to produce a super-cool sound like nothing you've ever heard emanating from an accordion.

Behind the amazing wall of wheeze, drummer Michael Messer and bass player Lewis Wallace anchor the band, providing a firm foundation upon which the manic TDA accordionists can layer huge slabs of sonic mayhem.??With a sense of humor that just won't quit, the one-of-a-kind band blazes through a variety of musical genres -- from rock and funk to polka -- and torches timeless classic rock tunes along the way. You won't believe your ears.

October 4th, Saturday, October 5th Sunday, Northwood Oktoberfest, Northwood Public House and Brewery, Battleground, WA.

Mystic Lake Oktoberfest, Mystic Lake Casino, Prior Lake, MN, October 10th 5-10:PM, October 11th 2- 10:PM.

For further information: tda@thosedarnaccordions.com
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