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Cody McSherry and Fiddler on the Roof, Pennsylvania - USA

Neal Lutz and Cody McSherry
Cody McSherryFifteen year-old accordionist Cody McSherry, himself already a veteran of the professional musical theater stage, had his eye on one part that he always wanted to perform. Only, this part was not on stage, but in the orchestra pit. He wanted the chance to play the accordion part of the original Broadway score for the famed “Fiddler on the Roof.” In April, Cody had that opportunity.

Several months previously, Cody was contacted by Neal Lutz, the band and orchestra leader for the Conrad Weiser High School in Robesonia, Berks County Pennsylvania. Mr. Lutz explained that the Conrad Weiser High School would be presenting “Fiddler on the Roof” as their school musical. He also explained the school’s unique approach to creating the pit orchestra. Instead of relying entirely on musicians from the school’s student body, he would form an orchestra that was a combination of students and outside paid musical professionals like Cody. The pairing was a great opportunity for collaboration and learning.

Cody lives in neighboring Lancaster County, so his ability to attend practices was somewhat limited. Mr. Lutz’s unique approach alleviated that concern. The combination of professional musicians and students meant the number of rehearsals would be greatly reduced, allowing Cody to take on the commitment. The pit orchestra eventually consisted of eight students from Conrad Weiser High School and seventeen professionals. Many of the professional musicians had commented to him that this was their first opportunity to perform with an accordion in an orchestra. However, some of the students had already had the opportunity, since Cody had been a part of the recent Regional Band festival (which included select students from school districts in a fifteen county area) that was, by sheer coincidence, also held at Conrad Weiser. There, many of the students had their first experience with an accordionist, and many were very interested in the instrument, peppering Cody with questions on how the instrument functioned and was used.

The week leading up to the show was hectic as the musicians and actors worked through typical minor issues with full cast dress rehearsals. Cody found himself getting home at 11:30 PM, and then having to study for tests and prepare for the next day’s classes…and the next evening of rehearsal!

The show was presented to the public on the April 12 and 13 and was a rousing success, receiving a standing ovation at the conclusion of each show. The cast of students were incredible, and included, in part Kevin Gemmell (Tevye), Maura Malarky (Golde); Christina Rickenbach (Tzeitel), Christina Wagner (Hodel), Gwen Sears (Chava ), Jacob Baum (Motel), Gabby Mulreaney (Yente), Rachel Wawrzyniak (Fruma-Sarah) and Tori Radcliffe (Fyedka). The latter, Radcliffe, already performing another role in the cast, was thrust into the role of Fyedka with only three hours rehearsal as the person originally in the role had to leave to deal with a family emergency just before the opening show.

Though his involvement was brief, Cody made many friends in both the orchestra and among the student cast…and he got to reach one of his lifelong goals! In addition, he introduced the accordion to a new group of musicians who got to hear its potential when used skillfully. Cody is grateful to Mr. Neal Lutz and the administration and students of Conrad Weiser High School for the opportunity.
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