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70th Anniversary of the Nürnberger Akkordeonorchester - Germany

Poster for 70th Anniversary of the Nürnberger Akkordeonorchester
Stefan Hipper, Marco RöttigIn 2016, the Nürnberger Akkordeonorchester celebrated its 70th Anniversary with a lot of outstanding concerts. The final highlight will be the double concert evening, Saturday 3rd December.

ACCORDEONOVA 2016 - 18:00

For all avant-garde fans who are interested in new-contemporary music, the orchestra will perform 4 world premiers for accordion orchestra.
1. Stefan Hippe - Jubiläumsmusik 2.015 (Premiere) - Germany
2. Werner Heider - Locomobile II (Premiere) – Germany, Arranged: Katja und Stefan Hippe
3. Ðeni Dekleva - Radakovic - Rondomorfosa (Premiere) - Croatia
4. Pavel Trojan - Sedm Invencí – Seven Inventions (Premiere) – Czech Republic
5. Ian Watson - Clowns – United Kingdom


The main gala concert features the most popular Russian composer of the 19th century: Pjotr Iljitsch Tschaikowsky.

In the first part of the concert, the Nürnberger Akkordeonorchester (conductor: Stefan Hippe) will present:
1. "Capriccio Italien, op. 45", Arrangement: Willi Münch
2. Waltz from "Swan Lake", Arrangement: Herbert Bausewein
3. "Allegro Molto Vivace" from the Symphony "Pathétique", Arrangement: Wolfgang Pfeffer
and the
Nürnberger Akkordeon-Ensemble (Leader: Marco Röttig) will perform:
1. Wladislaw Solotarjow - Sonata Nr. 2, 1. Satz (Allegro ingenuo)
2. Tschaikowsky "Nussknacker": Marsch, Arabischer Tanz und Russischer Tanz, Arrangement: Ronny Fugmann / Hans-Günther Kölz
3. Motion Trio, U-Dance

In the second part of the concert:
Tschaikowsky "Piano Concerto No. 1" op. 23, Arrangement: Katja und Stefan Hippe
1. Allegro non troppo e molto maestoso
2. Andantino simplice
3. Allegro con fuoco
Piano: Holger Berndsen
Nürnberger Akkordeonorchester, AO Nürnberg-Schwabach, Members of the Bundesakkordeonorchester
Conductor: Stefan Hippe

Download Concert Poster: 2016Nürnberger.jpg

A full report of the concert will be in the Weekly News next week.
1949 and 1961 orchestras
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