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Weekly News from Around the World - 24-Nov-2017
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Особенности Highlights

2018 IX International Competition and Festival "Accordion Plus", Rostov-on-Don – Russia
Video: New Renzo Ruggieri Composition La Vita Delle Cose Released - Italy
Alan Kelly Gang ‘Guinness Irish Christmas Tour’ – Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Italy
Статья известного журналиста Жерландо Гатто - Италия

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Free Postage, Super Value Christmas Gifts Books by Benetoux
Videos: Semion Shmelkov Concert in Vienna - Austria
Christmas Sheet Music Available Online
This Bunch Of Stranded Canadians Having A Singalong Is Just The Cutest
Know the People Interviews Index Page Updated
Marco Lo Russo recording ‘Ave Maria’, Sermoneta - Italy

Будущие события

St Andrews Concert, Perth - UK
Erika’s Dinner Dance Date, Haut-Fays – Belgium
Mazaika ‘Russian, Gypsy and Retro Pop Music’ Concert, London - UK
Natalija Japerte performs in an Autumn Concert, Cumbria – UK
Accordion Gala tribute to Eugénia Lima, Serta – Portugal
Alan Young @ Black Country Accordion Club, West Midlands – UK
Cherish the Ladies ‘Celtic Christmas Tour 2017’ – USA, Irish Republic
Carmela de Feo Tour Dates – Germany
Zoe Tiganouria Concert Dates, Athens – Greece

Новые и обновленные сайты

Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) Unveils New Website
Аккордеон в России: Новости сайта меняют формат, Россия

CD Отзывы

CD Review: New Klezmer Tales CD by Christian Riganelli & Massimo Mazzoni

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Особенности Highlights

2018 IX International Competition and Festival "Accordion Plus", Rostov-on-Don – Russia

Accordion Plus CoverYuri Shishkin, Alexander PoeluevIX Международный фестиваль и конкурс «Аккордеон Плюс 2018» проходит с 23 по 27 марта 2018 года в Ростове-на-Дону, организованный Международным музыкальным центром «Гармония», Президентом Юрием Шишкиным и Арт-Директором Александром Поелуевым.

Мероприятие проводится при поддержке: Администрации г. Ростова-на-Дону, ГБПОУ РО «Ростовский колледж искусств», Школы музыки и танца Jiang Jie (Китай, Пекин), Ассоциации Аккордеонистов Китая.

Школа музыки и танца Jiang Jie (Китай, Пекин) совместно с Ассоциацией Аккордеонистов Китая выберут 1-5 лучших конкурсантов играющих на клавишном аккордеоне, которые выступят на концерте в Пекине осенью 2018 года (перелет, проживание, питание, виза приглашенных за счет приглашающей стороны).

Загрузить положения конкурса «Аккордеон Плюс» на английском и русском языках можно по адресу: 2018AccPlus.pdf
Заявки принимаются до 20 февраля 2018 г.

Концерты в рамках фестиваля пройдут в крупнейших концертных залах города Ростова-на-Дону. Ряд известных аккордеонистов, таких как Юрий Шишкин, Владимир Мурза, Александр Поелуев, Михаил Зацепин и другие, будут выступать под руководством симфонического и народного оркестров , а так же Джаз бенда.
Информация о концертах будет опубликована ближе к датам проведения фестиваля.


Video: New Renzo Ruggieri Composition La Vita Delle Cose Released - Italy

Music coverRenzo RuggieriLa Vita Delle Cose («Жизнь вещей») написана для аккордеона и симфонического оркестра. По словам Renzo Ruggieri это «не классическая, не джазовая, и не этническая ... это всеобъемлющая музыка». Видео приложенно выше.
Renzo Ruggieri пишет: «Композиция была посвящена Marco Gemelli, который исполнил ее на мировой премьере с Калабрийским филармоническим оркестром в Консерватории Nocera Terinese, на Международной недели аккордеона, 24 апреля 2017 года ».
«La Vita Delle Cose («Жизнь вещей»): У вещей нет жизни . Но вещи рассказывают о своем существовании, и благодаря этому они приобретают жизнь. Особые моменты основали решение, обьединить мастерство джазовых, мировых и классических композиторов , чтобы создать условия для звучания соло аккордеона и создать условия для импровизации.
Поток жизни символизируется в марше, более богатыми мелодично-ритмическими рисунками, вплоть до окончательного кульминационного момента.»

Каталог rrenzo514 - ноты «La Vita Delle Cose» доступны в формате eSheet pdf, 82 страницы, которые могут быть отправлены вам по электронной почте. Партитура и отдельные части для: аккордеонного соло (для выборного баса, также для стандартного баса), 2 флейты, 2 гобоя, 2 кларнета, 2 французских рога, 2 корнета, 2 трубы, 1 тромбон, 2 перкуссии, I скрипта, 2-я скрипка , Альт, Виолончель, Контрабас.

Доступен онлайн, каталог rrenzo514, покупка осуществляется с помощью кредитной карты, 50 евро или USD эквивалент.


Alan Kelly Gang ‘Guinness Irish Christmas Tour’ – Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Italy

Alan Kelly Gang
Группа Алан Келли , во главе с аккордеонистом Аланом Келли, отправится в турне с традиционной ирладской музыкой, и поситит такие сраны как Австрия, Германия, Швейцария и Италия. Продлится оно с 23 ноября по 16 декабря.

Алан Келли пишет: «Не могу поверить, что прошло 10 лет с наших последних австрийских приключений! С нетерпением ждем 22-го Рождественского тура в Гиннесе и нескольких шоу в Швейцарии, Италии и Германии, так что проверьте даты выступлений, и ощутите предрождествеское ирландское настроение! »

Алан Келли считается одним из самых выдающихся музыкантов Ирландии. Он клавишный аккордеонист, композитор и аранжировщик. Им записаны три сольных диска: «Из синего», «Мозаика» и «После утреннего дня». Последний альбом группы Alan Kelly Gang - «Маленькие города и знаменитые ночи».

Он гастролировал и записывался с такими артистами, как Де Даннан, Эдди Ривер, Мэтт Моллой, Шон Кин, Кэти Райан, Арти Макглинн и Ноллии Кейси, Майкл Макголдрик, Карен Кейси, Катон Хайден, Элисон Браун. Так же сотрудничал с Druid Theatre Company в Голуэй, Lyric Theatre в Белфасте и Mabou Mines в Нью-Йорке.

Для получения дополнительной информации обращайтесь по адресу электронной почты : croghant@indigo.ie


Статья известного журналиста Жерландо Гатто - Италия

Gerlando GattoМы очень рады, что Герландо Гатто, с 1974 года итальянский профессиональный журналист и музыкальный критик, репортер итальянской музыкии, выпустил несколько статей для Accordions Worldwide.

Герландо Гатто сотрудничает с несколькими ежедневными газетами и журналами (Blu Jazz, Jazz, Jazz, Blues & around). Он написал и провел множество джазовых программ, транслируемых на RadioUno и Rai International TV.

Герландо Гатто «поклонник аккордеона»,он издает множество статей и интервью с аккордеонистами . Является Art-директором Orpheus Award, а в 2017 году стал президентом жюри новой джазовой категории международного фонда Кастельфидардо.

Он читал лекцию Accordion Jazz в Консерватории дель Акиле с Рензо Руджиери.
На своей лекцие - концерте в Casa del Jazz, он также посвятил фрагменты искусству джаза на аккордеоне, вел разговор о танго, и посвятил несколько эпизодов аккордеонному и бандонеонному искусству.

Мы благодарим уважаемого Герландо Гатто за его высоко профессиональное продвижение инструмента - аккордеон!

Статья о Международном конкурсе PIF
Итальянский: Quando la fisarmonica, la fa da padrona
Английский: when the accordion becomes its host....


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Free Postage, Super Value Christmas Gifts Books by Benetoux

BellsBenetoux coverAccordion repair author Thierry Benetoux is offering a Free Postage Christmas Special for all his books until 20 December. Take advantage of this special offer for:

Catalog benetouxen00 The Ins and Outs of the Accordion (Book text) € 44,97
- How To Understand and Repair Your Accordion
- How to Tune Your Accordion

Catalog bthierryen Sounding Out The Accordion (Book text) € 42,00

Catalog benetouxfr00 Comprendre et Reparer Votre Accordeon (Book text) € 45,00

Catalog: bthierryfr L’Accordeon & SA Diversite Sonore (Book text) € 49,00


Videos: Semion Shmelkov Concert in Vienna - Austria

Video 1
Video 2:
Video 3:
Semion ShmelkovSemion Shmelkov (Russia) recently completed a succcessful concert tour of Austria to Vienna, Neunkirchen, St. Paul, Castle Albeck in Graz organised by Dr Herbert Scheibenreif.

Above are videos from the concert in Vienna on 9th November made by Hermi Kaleta who recently received the CIA Honored Friend of the Accordion award for her valuable lifelong contribution to the accordion.

Video 1: Sonatina in C for piano, KV 439b by W A Mozart

Video 2: "Fantasiestücke" for piano, Op. 12 by R Schumann

Video 3: Variations by Olga Tchistokhina (1983*)

Further videos from the Semion Shmelkov concert are on the you tube site of Hermi Kaleta.

Shmelkov CDs available online at: Semion Shmelkov


Christmas Sheet Music Available Online

ChristmasWant to learn some Christmas music for the Christmas season? There is a lot of different titles below and FREE with every order is a copy of the Gary Dahl arrangement of 'Angels We Have Heard on High'.

eSheet Music Christmas Books and Collections (sent by email)

Gary Dahl - Traditional Christmas Carols eBook, Collection #9 of 21 Christmas arrangements (Solo). View samples Catalog: DH09-eB

Gary Dahl - Xmas Special Package (4 pieces) (Solo) Catalog: DHxmaspac
James O'Brien Christmas choice of 12 pieces 50% discount (Solo) Catalog: obriensxmas12p
James O'Brien Christmas grade 4-5 pieces 40% discount (Solo) Catalog: obriensxmas5gr
James O'Brien Christmas grade 6 pieces 40% discount (Solo) Catalog: obriensxmas6gr
James O'Brien Christmas grade 7 pieces 40% discount (Solo) Catalog: obriensxmas7gr
James O'Brien Christmas pieces 50% discount (Duet) Catalog: obriensxmas-duo
James O'Brien All Christmas solos 50% discount (Solo) Catalog: obriensxmas-solos

Charnwood Publishing Printed Sheet Music (sent by post)

10 Christmas Carols (Solo) Catalog: M015A
Titles are: Good King Wenceslas, Holy Night, Silent Night, While Shepherds Watched, I saw Three Ships, O Come, all ye Faithful, Away in a Manger, Hark, The Herald Angels Sing, The First Nowell, Once in Royal David’s City, The Holly and the Ivy.

Busking as an Art Vol 5 Xmas Carol (Solo) Catalog: M305
Titles are: Good King Wenceslas, The First Nowell, I saw Three Ships, Once in Royal David’s City, Hark, The Herald Angels Sing, Silent Night, Holy Night, The Holly and the Ivy, We Three Kings, While Shepherds Watched, Away in a Manger, Good Christian Men Rejoice, O Come, all ye Faithful.

Christmas Bells (Solo) Catalog: M662
Jingle Bells (Variations) (Solo) Catalog: M332
Ten Christmas Carols (Solo) Catalog: M015

eSheet Music Individual Christmas titles (Solo or Duet) - sent by email

Angels From the Realms of Glory (Orchestra) jay4401
Angels We Have Heard On High (Duet) obriensxmas196
As Lately We Watched (Duet) obriensxmas197
Away in a Manger (Duet) obriensxmas198
Carol of the Bells (Duet) obriensxmas199
Christmas (Solo) hs241
Christmas Medley (Joulusikerma) from Finland (Duet) faies5005
Christmas Song (Solo) DH0123a
Christmas Tree (Solo) hs176
Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus obriensxmas200
Deck The Halls (Duet) obriensxmas189
Ding Dong! Merrily On High (Duet) obriensxmas190
Frosty The Snowman (Solo) DH0213
Go, Tell It On the Mountain (Solo and Duet) obriensxmas191
God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen (Duet) obriensxmas192
Good Christian Men, Rejoice (Duet) obriensxmas193
Good King Wenceslas (Duet) obriensxmas194
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing (Solo) mfa7080
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing (Duet) obriensxmas201
Here We Come A-Caroling (Duet) obriensxmas202
Heard the Bells on Christmas Day (Duet) obriensxmas203
I Saw Three Ships (Duet) obriensxmas204
I Wonder As I Wander (Duet) obriensxmas205
It Came Upon The Midnight Clear (Duet) obriensxmas206
Jingle Bells (Solo) hs169
Jingle Bells (Duet) obriensxmas207
Little Christmas Tree (Solo) hs125
Lo, How a Rose E're Blooming (Duet) obriensxmas208
O Christmas Tree (Duet) obriensxmas209
O Come, All Ye Faithful (Duet) obriensxmas210
O Come, All Ye Faithful (Solo) mfa7057
O Come, O Come Immanuel (Duet) obriensxmas212
O Little Town of Bethlehem (Duet) obriensxmas212
Olde Tyme Christmas (Solo) gm10
Once in Royal David's City (Duet) obriensxmas213
Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer (Solo) DH0223
Silent Night (Solo) mfa7079
Silent Night (Duet) obriensxmas214
Silent Night (Solo) DH0183
Silent Night (Solo) OY604
Silver Bells (Solo) DH0044
Silver Bells (Solo) naa160
The Boar's Head (Duet) obriensxmas215
The Christmas Song (Solo) DH0123
The First Noel (Duet) obriensxmas216
The First Noel (Easy Version) (Solo) naa175
The Friendly Beasts (Duet) obriensxmas217
The Holly and the Ivy (Duet) obriensxmas218
Vilia (Solo) mfa7002
White Christmas Song (Solo) DH0121


This Bunch Of Stranded Canadians Having A Singalong Is Just The Cutest

Excerpts from www.pedestrian.tv report:
written by Sam George-Allen

This bunch of cheery Canucks who found themselves stranded at an airport thanks to a delayed flight. Did they moan and passive-aggressively include the airline’s Twitter handle in their disgruntled tweets? Of course not; they’re Canadian.

Instead, when the charmingly-named Sheldon Thornhill found himself stuck in Toronto after his WestJet flight to St John’s was delayed for ages, he brought out his accordion. His mate Sean Sullivan whipped out a guitar. And just like that, the two middle-aged musos had the whole gate singing and dancing.

And not to your standard ‘Wonderwall‘ either – the two blokes are well-versed in Canadian traditional folk songs, and that’s what they played.

Sullivan revealed to CBC News that this wasn’t the first time the pair had entertained people stymied in transit. He also said that even the captain of the delayed flight joined in the singalong.

What’s purer than a gaggle of good-natured folk from the land of the maple leaf singing ‘Sweet Forget Me Not‘ to the sound of an accordion and a guitar in an airport terminal? Turns out: nothing. Happy holidays, you bunch of angels.


Know the People Interviews Index Page Updated

Know the People Celebrity Interviews header
A list of Know the People Interviews published in the last 12 months are:

Marconi Bellows interview at: 2017Marconi
Giemme Bellows interview at: 2017Giemme
Baffetti Accordions interview at: 2017Baffetti
Fismen Accordions interview at: 2017Fismen
Italcinte musical instrument straps interview at: 2017Italcinte
MusicTech Factory interview at: 2017MusicTech
Mengascini Nello Accordion Factory interview at: 2017MN-Interview
Giustozzi Accordions & Diatonics Factory interview at: 2017GiustozziAcc
Alessandrini Accordion Factory interview at: 2017Alessandrini
Fisitalia Accordion Factory interview at: 2016Fisitalia
Serenellini Accordion Factory interview at: 2016Serenellini

See over 100 other interviews at: Celebrity Interviews


Marco Lo Russo recording ‘Ave Maria’, Sermoneta - Italy

Marco Lo Russo CD coverItalian accordionist Marco Lo Russo has composed and recorded ‘Ave Maria’, released as a single on November 18th as a digital download and as an MP3, containing two versions: vocal (Martina Mannozzi - soprano)/accordion/piano and instrumental – accordion and piano. This composition is dedicated to Pope Francis.

Born in 1977, Marco Lo Russo graduated in classical accordion from the Conservatory of Music G. Rossini, Pesaro, Italy. He is an innovative musician, an international concert accordionist, composer, arranger, producer (Rouge Sound Production), and a Professor at the Conservatorio di Santa Cecilia, Rome.

For further information email: press@marcolorusso.com


Будущие события

St Andrews Concert, Perth - UK

PosterThe Perth Strathspey & Reel Society (MD Willie Ewan) performs in concert on Saturday November 25th, 7.30pm, at the Souter Theatre, AK Bell Library, Perth, Scotland. The concert also features accordionist Shane Brogan and others.


Erika’s Dinner Dance Date, Haut-Fays – Belgium

ErikaOn Saturday November 25th, 6.30pm, the popular musette accordionist Erika, known as ‘The Princess of the Accordion’ and her keyboard accompanist Jean-Marie, play for a dinner-dance at Salle le cercle Saint Remacle, Haut-Fays, Belgium.

Erika Honorez, from Tilly, a village near to Villers La Ville, Belgium, comes from a musical family, and received her first accordion at the age of 5 years. Erika's teacher was Mr Franz Lebrun from the Brussels Conservatory, and she studied the theory of music and classical music, and then specialized in the musette genre. Since 1981 Erika has been performing, composing, and recording. She has appeared on radio and TV in Belgium and France. Erika has recorded many CDs and DVDs, which are available through her website.

For further information email: erika@erika.be


Mazaika ‘Russian, Gypsy and Retro Pop Music’ Concert, London - UK

The duo Mazaika – Igor Outkine (digital accordion and vocals) and Elizabeth Harrison (violin) – perform authentic Russian folk, gypsy, romance, tango, songs from famous Russian films, 60,70,80s pop songs and some of Igor’s original music on Saturday November 25th, 8pm, at the Russian restaurant Stolle, 45-47 Parkway, Camden Town, London NW1 7PN - 5 minutes walk from Camden tube station. Tickets: £15 in advance, £20 on the door.

For further information email: igor.outkine@yahoo.com


Natalija Japerte performs in an Autumn Concert, Cumbria – UK

Natalija JaperteAn ‘Autumn Concert’ takes place on Sunday November 26th, 7pm, at Brigsteer Village Hall, Cumbria, northern England. The concert features accordionists Natalija Japerte (Latvia) and Alan Platts, and other musicians.

Natalija Japerte was born in 1982 in Daugavpils, Latvia, and graduated from Daugavpils Music College where she had studied with the leading teacher of accordion, Valery Khodukin. She competed successfully in several international competitions, and then studied at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre, Vilnius, under the tutelage of Eduardas Gabnis.

Natalija now lives and works in Kendal (Cumbria). She is engaged in many activities promoting and sharing her passion for the accordion. She is currently working on the production of an accredited music syllabus for the accordion which will aid future teachers and students of this wonderful instrument.


Accordion Gala tribute to Eugénia Lima, Serta – Portugal

Portugal posterAn Accordion Gala concert in tribute to Eugénia Lima (1926-2014) takes place on Sunday November 26th, 5pm, at the Casa da Cultura, Serta, Castelo Branco, Portugal.

Performing are Joao Filipe Guerreiro, Jose Claudio, Fabio Guerreiro, Catarina Brilha, David Antunes, Patricia Farinha, Vasco Miguel, Miguel Ribeiro, the ‘Guitarra Portuguesa e o Fado’, and the group ‘Taconeando’.

The highly accomplished and popular Portuguese accordionist and composer Eugénia Lima graduated from the Conservatoire in Paris. She toured Europe and Africa extensively, and was a prolific recording artist.


Alan Young @ Black Country Accordion Club, West Midlands – UK

Alan Young poster
Accordionist Alan Young is the guest at the Black Country Accordion Club, Rowley Regis Disability Centre, West Midlands B65 9AT, on Monday November 27th, 7.30pm. Entry is £5, but with fish and chips supper the entry is £8, payable at the door from 7pm.

Alan Young, from the Isle of Wight, is known as a jazz accordionist, pianist, and keyboards with vocals entertainer. He is also a full-time accordion technician and tuner.

For further information email: accordions2010@hotmail.co.uk


Cherish the Ladies ‘Celtic Christmas Tour 2017’ – USA, Irish Republic

Cherish the Ladies posterThe all-female band Cherish the Ladies, who specialize in Irish traditional songs and dance music, begin their ‘Celtic Christmas Tour 2017’ on November 28th with dates in different parts of the USA, followed by two dates in Ireland on December 30th and January 6th. Details are on the poster.

"It is simply impossible to imagine an audience that wouldn't enjoy what they do", says the Boston Globe speaking of Cherish the Ladies, the long-running, Grammy-nominated, Irish-American super group, formed in New York City in 1985 to celebrate the rise of extraordinary women in what had been a male-dominated Irish music scene. They have since toured the world, played the White House and the Olympics, recorded 16 outstanding albums including ‘An Irish Homecoming’, a live recording of their Emmy winning TV special that aired across America and Ireland.

For further information email: contact@cherishtheladies.com


Carmela de Feo Tour Dates – Germany

PosterAccordionist, actress, singer and comedienne Carmela de Feo, known as ‘La Signora’, takes her one-woman show on tour in Germany from November 30th until December 21st. The dates are on the poster.

Carmela de Feo, born in Germany of Italian parents, studied the accordion at Folkwang Hochschule, Essen, with Professor Mie Mikie, then with Ivan Koval and in 1997 she completed a tango master class with Hugo Diaz. She was a member of the Tango ensemble ‘Primavera del Tango’, and also has done much work performing in theatres and at music and comedy festivals.


Zoe Tiganouria Concert Dates, Athens – Greece

Zoe TiganouriaGreek accordionist and composer Zoe Tiganouria performs her own compositions in concert next month, on four Saturdays - December 2nd, 9th, 23rd, and 30th at S??? 1909, Athens.

These four shows will also involve singers and Tango, ballroom, and belly dancers. Musicians involved include Stephanos Chatzianagnostos – flute, Yiannis Tailas – guitar, George Politis – bass, and Stelios Generalis – drums.

For further information email: info@zoe-music.net


Новые и обновленные сайты

Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) Unveils New Website

New CIA site
Freddy Balta, 1938The Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA), a proud member of the International Music Council (IMC) an Official NGO partner of UNESCO has just unveiled its brand new website, offering a new look for the 82 year old organization.

The newly released site features all the latest technology making it adaptive for various viewing mediums, while adding updated and new content.

One highlight is the addition of pictures of all of the World Champions. The first International competition was held in 1938 when it was won by the French accordionist Freddy Balta (picture left). The competition was suspended around the war years, and when it resumed in 1948, the competition was officially named the Coupe Mondiale and won by Yvette Horner.

Through the extensive CIA Archive collection being held in at the CIA headquarters in Finland, and help from CIA member nations, over the course of many years, it was possible to find pictures of all the Champions, which have now been added to the site. In addition, pictures have also been added of the 12 CIA Presidents found during the CIA's 82 year history as well as other historical information.

The site contains a full list of the CIA members and Award Winners, with additional information on the IMC and the various CIA projects including the World Accordion Orchestra, The World Accordion Museum Alliance, Archives and World Accordion Day.

We invite you to explore the new site by visiting www.accordions.com/cia/


Аккордеон в России: Новости сайта меняют формат, Россия

Accordion Russia
Arseniy StrokovskiyНовости Accordion Russia News теперь будут выходить и обновляться регулярно. Новости будут связаны с Россией и Восточной Европой и с участием российских исполнителей во всех уголках мира.

Редакторы и корреспонденты Accordion Russia News - лауреат международных конкурсов Арсений Строковский (справа) и журналист Оксана Строковская.

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CD Отзывы

CD Review: New Klezmer Tales CD by Christian Riganelli & Massimo Mazzoni

New Klezmer Tales CD coverCD Reviews Index for the Review of New Klezmer Tales CD by Christian Riganelli (accordion), Massimo Mazzoni (sax soprano and contralto).

Review by Alessandro Mugnoz.


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